Lifen Revolution! | Penana
Lifen Revolution!
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Lifen Revolution!
Gopi Japa
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Lifen Revolution will shake the thinking and perception of human race who are lost in their own creations and imaginations, and who have drifted far away from reality. It reminds humans about what LIFE really is, who we are, how we have evolved, what, why and how everything is happening around us, what is the actual reality and what are the virtual realities formed by human societies. The series of this book explores all the facts behind the scenes which got us here. Most importantly, it will help Homo sapiens to reject all trouble causing imaginary worlds; speed up the transformation process of our journey towards reality; improves curiosity, set new priorities, change lifestyles, re-evaluate and re-discover each individual's personality, character, attitude and perception, and eventually reshape the entire Homo sapiens future!

Let’s celebrate Life, by consciously exploring, understanding and experiencing the spectacular show of this universe.

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