Murderers never can be changed:Lolita | Penana
Murderers never can be changed:Lolita
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Murderers never can be changed:Lolita
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Lolita was a emo, she was very strong, her eye's gave off a deadly stare if she was mad. She never had friends, in fact when she started school she never bothered to get friends. She would never talk to anyone, leaving her parents, Joe Smith and Lena Smith, to get her a therapist. This made it worse. The black dark hole inside her chest grew deeper and blacker every, single, day. Her eyes got duller and duller. Her time was coming...

. . .

Lolita sat up, dark black bags covers under her eyes. She doesn't sleep, in fact, she can't remember when she last slept. she gets out of bed, hearing her mother and father argue over what to do with her. Lolita walks to her closet and takes out another outfit she has. It was a dark long purple sweater with black leggings, and black sneakers. She put on her cat like choker and brushed her hair. She brushes her teeth and walks downstairs.

Lolita stops before a corner and hears what her parents are talking about. Her.

"Lena, I think we should send her to an asylum-" Joe was interrupted by Lena,"NO!" Joe scoffs "Have you SEEN OUR DAUGHTER?! SHE'S a BLACK HOLE! EMOTIONLESS! SHE NEEDSS TO BE SET OFF! NOT TO MENTION ALL THE FIGHTS SHE'S BEEN IN AND THE 'FRIENDS' THAT ARE JUST VOICES OF HERS!" Joe yells at Lena, Lena Isn't taking her husbands crap "SHE'S OUR DAUGHTER AND I REFUSE TO LET HER GO TO A FILTHY PLACE LIKE THAT!" Leno yells back at Joe. "..Mom?" Lolita says and she walks around the corner.

Lena gasp and hugs Lolita as Joe just glares at Lolita. Lena cries on her daughters shoulder, Joe walks out the room and starts calling an Asylum.

Her father made her mother sad, and is Lolita knows one thing for sure, Her mother deserved someone better than Joe..

Lolita felt something for the first time:Rage.

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