Amelia Denbrough: School Years | Penana
Amelia Denbrough: School Years
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Amelia Denbrough: School Years
Amelia R.J.S.M.M.L Denbro
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  "Hermione, please do me the favour of reminding me exactly why you're forcing me to ask Ron to the Yule Ball? I don't want to go with him, you know I'd rather go at all. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him or Harry!" Amelia complains as Hermione laughs softly at her friend's outburst that's been going on for at least an hour now.
  "Mia, you know I'm only telling you to ask Ron to go with you to make Harry jealous or even create something more with Ron, right?" Hermione explains to Amelia, who nods her head.
  "Hermione, why don't you ask Draco to go to the ball with you? You're as intelligent as he is, you two would make the perfect pair!" Amelia taunts her playfully as Hermione groans in response.
  "I told you Draco has asked me multiple times and I haven't been able to give him a definite answer. Just leave it at that, plus I don't want Harry and Ron getting on my arse about liking Draco Malfoy, I don't even think they know! Keep it between us, please Mia?" Hermione pleads as the two girls were approaching their last class of the day, Transfiguration.
  "Okay, I'll keep your crush a secret as long as you keep mine on Harry and the other one a secret, got it, 'Mione?" Amelia nods to Hermione, who does the same in response.
  "Of course I will, I have since first year right?" Hermione reminds her as they walk through the door to an almost empty room, except Ron and Harry, who had taken their seats in the front row as usual.
  Amelia takes her seat in between Ron and Harry and Hermione sits on the other side of Harry. That's how it's been since their first year here at Hogwarts, but Amelia has started noticing Harry has been randomly stealing soft glance at her in class.
  Today, however, was going to be different. Harry planned to ask Amelia to go to the Yule Ball with him after class when they walk to their next class together, Potions.
  Amelia leans closer to Ron than usual and asks him something Harry can't quite hear, but Ron nods his head in agreement with whatever Amelia had asked him.
  This made Harry jealous and Ron looks at Harry with a look of concern upon his face, the tips of his ears turn red when looking between Harry and Amelia.
  Class starts as Professor McGonagall walks in, looking at the students all with a very smug smile playing at the corners of her lips.
  "As you all know, the Yule Ball is coming up. Our four competitors in the tasks need a break, so this is their time for resting up before the next task. I'm going to pair you all up so that I can teach you all how to properly waltz for when you're at the ball," Professor McGonagall tells her class of mixed Gryffindors and Slytherins.
  "Draco with Hermione, Harry with Lavender, Ron with Amelia, Pansy with Neville, walk over to your partners and prepare for the longest class hour of your young lives," Professor McGonagall gleefully went on partnering everyone up. Neville doesn't look to pleased with his partner, but doesn't complain about it.
  Harry shoots Ron a pleading look that looks like it reads,"Please save me from HER!" Harry nods his head to Lavender while giving Ron the look.
  Ron shrugs it off and looks at a very displeased Hermione, who was muttering under her breath about how much she hated Draco.
  "Hey Mia, did you know that I uhhhh- l-l-like you more than anyone in this school?" Ron asks his partner who merely glances at him with concern.
  "Of course you like me, we're friends, Silly Ronnie!" Amelia giggles while listening to McGonagall giving instructions on how close to hold your partner and how to hold them.
  "No, you- I'm not good with these types of things! I mean that I umm- like you more than a friend," Ron whispers to her.  
  "Ron, that's wonderful, I do like you and everything, but what if I like you plus someone else?" Amelia inquires her friend who looks at her with something in his eyes that made them twinkle.
  McGonagall walks around the room, correcting some of the pairs, but when she gets to Ron and Amelia, she claps her hands together while smiling intensely.
  The two continue to talk, ignoring the fact that McGonagall and Harry kept looking over that them, one with a happy expression, the other looking quite angry.
  Ron spins Amelia around and dips her so that the curly ends of her fiery red hair is touching the floor. Harry glances over and sees what his best friend is doing to his crush and mutters inaudible curses under his breath.
  Harry spins Lavender around a little too quickly and the next thing he knew she was on the floor along with Ron, Amelia, Hermione, and Draco.
  "Ow, my sides..." Amelia's voice trails off as Ron gets up and helps her after he's able to. Tears begin to form in Amelia's eyes, which tears Harry's heart apart. He hadn't meant to hurt Amelia or any of his friends for that matter.
  "Are you okay, Mia?" Hermione questions her while Draco helps Hermione up so that she can help her friend.
  "It hurts to breathe," Amelia wheezes while McGonagall rushes over to the group of students surrounding her.
  "Alright, get back to work, everyone. Amelia, pick three people to help bring you up to the hospital wing and I'll tell your next teacher what happened and they should be okay with it," Professor McGonagall explains to their other classmates.
  "I pick Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Come on, hurry, it's getting really hard to breathe," Amelia continues to wheeze barely audible to her three friends standing closest to her.
  Ron scoops her up into his arms carefully and turns to go out the door.
  "What're you waiting for? An invitation? Mia could be dying!" Ron talks as frustration leaks into his tone towards his two best friends.
  The three friends rush up the stairs, skipping three at a time, trying to get Amelia to stay awake in Ron's arms.
  They finally reach the doors of the hospital wing and bolt inside where they're greeted with Madam Pomfrey, who grabs Amelia from Ron's arms slowly. Amelia's body droops closer to the floor, causing Hermione to help Madam Pomfrey pick up her best friend's body.
  "Please take care of her, I hope that she'll be all right to go to Yule Ball," Ron murmurs, but Harry and Hermione are the only ones who hear him hoping his Yule Ball date will be okay.
  "Tell me what happened, how did she end up like this?" Madam Pomfrey turns to the three friends who're looking at each other.
  "We were learning to dance in Transfiguration, Harry spun his partner too fast, and she knocked me, Amelia, Hermione, and Draco off of our feet," Ron finally speaks up.
  "Will she be okay by the time the Yule Ball rolls around, Professor Dumbledore hasn't told us when it will be, but do you know, Madam Pomfrey?" Hermione worriedly blurts out, causing Ron and Harry to elbow her in her sides.
  "She took quite a fall, what with her being as short as she is, but she'll be okay by the time you guys have to go back to your commons rooms to get ready and drop your stuff off. The Yule Ball is tonight, so act surprised when your last teacher of the day tells you to get dressed up for it," Madam Pomfrey confides.
  "Tonight? My mum got those ugly dress robes for me and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of Mia!" Ron mutters to Hermione under his breath, but Harry overhears and gets a bit jealous.
  "W-W-Wait, you asked Mia to the Yule Ball when you knew I had a crush on her, Ron?!" Harry hisses to Ron under his breath angrily.
  "I-I'm sorry, but I didn't ask her, she asked me! I've got a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and it doesn't feel very good about tonight, Harry," Ron asserts to his friend.
  "Mia's the only one who can predict the future! The only one who I've ever trusted when she told me Voldemort was going to attack me! I believe her every single time, because she's special and I love her!" Harry declares, very infuriated at his friend.
  Amelia bolts straight up in the hospital bed, screaming her head off with her wand raised. Jets of green and red lights sputter out of the tip of the wand, causing the three friends to put up shields around themselves. Madam Pomfrey mutters an incantation to try and help Amelia, but it doesn't help her at all.
  Harry runs over to her and yells her name, immediately making her eyes snap open suddenly.
  "I'm right here, Mia. I'm right here, calm down please. You gave us quite a fright," Harry soothes her softly, making a blush the colour of her hair appear on her cheeks.
  "I'm fine, Harry. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself," Amelia finally replies rather coldly after calming herself down and her cheeks slowly fade back to the soft porcelain color.
  "Woah, since when did you become as snarky as Malfoy, Mia?" Harry contemplates softly while backing away from Amelia as quickly as possible.
  "Since I realized that I was a git to have ever liked you, Harry. Now, if you excuse me, I'll be in the library if you need me, Hermione,"Amelia smiles brightly at Hermione, who slowly returned the same smile.
  "Bye Ron, I can't wait for the Yule Ball with you, Love!"  Amelia announces as she kisses Ron on the cheek goodbye and exits the room, leaving two confused friends, Ron and Hermione, plus a heartbroken Harry.
  "I knew this would happen, she finally exploded..." Hermione quietly discusses with Ron, who nods in return with a hand on the part of his face that Amelia kissed.
  "I was supposed to be the one she'd kiss before leaving, this isn't fair!" Harry emits sulkily as Ron and Hermione pat one of his shoulders, all three still shocked about what Amelia just said.
  Hermione walks out of the hospital wing and into the girl's bathroom where she knew Moaning Myrtle would be trying her best to make Amelia feel better.
  "Mia? It's just me, Hermione. I came to say you really shocked Ron but really broke Harry. I understand if you don't want to talk to me right now, but I think it's a good idea..." Hermione suggests through the bathroom door.
  It swung open at full speed revealing a bawling Amelia and a defeated-looking Moaning Myrtle. She places a ghostly hand on Amelia's shoulder.
  "Hermione, you take over, because Mia won't even listen to me! I tried telling her that if she said sorry to Harry then everything would be okay, she said she can't say sorry! At least fake saying sorry or something!" Moaning Myrtle cries as she floats through the ceiling.
  "Tell me why you said what you said to Harry, Mia. You really upset him, because he really cares about you. I don't know if you haven't realized that, but it's true," Hermione proclaims Amelia while wiping her tears away with some paper towels.
  Hermione wraps Amelia in a tight, comforting hug while Amelia sobbed on the shoulder of her school robes.  
  "I didn't mean to hurt Harry's feelings, I'm just sick of him not noticing the damn signs I keep sending him! He's so oblivious like all the other crushes I've had here at Hogwarts!" Amelia mumbles angrily to Hermione, who shrugs softly.
  "Now, come on! You want to look your best for Ron at the Yule Ball tonight, don't you?" Hermione beams as she helps her friend fix her clothes, so they look less wrinkled.
  "Wait, it's tonight?! For Lucifer's sake, I had no clue! Come on, Hermione, I'll help you get ready, and then you help me when I'm done helping you," Amelia hurries Hermione, who laughs at how excited her best friend is about the Yule Ball.
  The two girls walk to the portrait hole entrance of the Gryffindor commons rooms. Harry and Ron are on the couch by the window, talking about the events that happened today. They're still pretty in shock from it all.
  "Mia, 'Mione! You guys are back, we were so worried about you guys!" Ron nudges Harry who nods and continues for his friend,"I'm sorry for not noticing everything you've done to get my attention, Mia. I hope you can forgive me."
  Amelia rolls her eyes, goes over to Harry, and gives him a tight hug.
  "You're forgiven, but I'm still going to the Yule Ball with Ron," Amelia advises Harry as they release each other from the embrace.
  Amelia swirls around and comes face-to-face with Fred and George, her other best friends. They're wearing the same smug grins that drives her insane, and they know it too.
  "Are you sure you want to go to the Yule Ball with Ron instead of Harry?" Fred investigates curiously.
  George puts his arm over Amelia's shoulder as Fred does the same, they spin their friend around and walk her up to the girl's dorm whilst trying to convince her to go with either of them or Harry.
  They don't want their best friend to start dating Ron after this or else she'll get taken away from them and she won't have time for them anymore.
  "Please, Mia! We really don't want you to go with Ron! Just-" Amelia cuts the boys off with,"What if you guys come check on Ron and I while we're downstairs tonight? Would that please you two?" They both nod vigorously as Amelia waves Hermione up the stairs to the girl's dorms.
  "See you tonight, guys! Bye Ron!" She reveals the last part with a wink and flirtatiously blowing a kiss to Ron.
  Ron turns the color of his hair as he and Harry rush up the stairs of the boy's dorms to get ready as well.


  "Hey Hermione, do you think you can help me zip this dress?" Amelia directs her friend for assistance.
  Hermione walks over after she's done with her own natural looking makeup and zips her friend's strapless dress up. She then puts the necklace on Amelia and hands her the heels that were sitting on the bed. Amelia quickly layers some lipstick on her lips and turns to Hermione. She gives her hair one last look in the mirror and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear that fell out of the high bun sitting atop her head.  
  "Okay, I'm ready, 'Mione! Let's get going!" Amelia chides Hermione, the two girls grab each other's hands and walk out of the door then down the stairs carefully, trying not to trip because of their heels.
  Amelia trips and ends up landing in Ron's arms. She smiles up at him as he helps her steady herself again.
  "At least you're actually there for me, Ron, besides Hermione anyways," Amelia hums softly in his ear with a light blush appearing on her face while Ron's 'light' blush, which is actually very dark.
  Amelia and Ron reach for each other's hands and jump back when sparks fly through the air.
  "What the bloody hell was that?!" Amelia shrieks, slightly frightened by her own powers now. Harry and Hermione glance at each other then at Ron and Amelia.
  "I'm guessing that you guys are soulmates, because Sirius said that he saw it happen between my mum and dad, but the sparks weren’t seen by the human eye, it was more of a metaphor!" Harry groans sulkily between his best friends and his crush.
  Amelia closes her eyes and sees that Dementors and Death Eaters will be attacking the Yule Ball, all because Professor Mad-Eye Moody's imposter. She sees herself fighting them off and then getting struck by the stunning curse by none other than Voldemort himself. Amelia opens her eyes while gasping for air, taking in ragged breaths.  
  Ron pulls her into her arms gently almost immediately, causing Harry to give him an irritated look.
   "Mia, what's wrong?! Tell us, is it about tonight?" Ron and Harry interrogate the rapid breathing girl.
  "Y-Y-Yes, I got struck by Voldemort, Dementors a-a-and Death Eaters everywhere! I could've died, I almost died, I'm going to die tonight, guys! There's nothing I can do about it except try to fight the visions and tell Professor Dumbledore before it's too late," Amelia stammers, shaking horribly.
  "That might just be our best bet right now, Mia. Let's all go up to Dumbledore's office together," Ron submits his idea as Harry shakes his head.
  "No, Ron. If the Death Eaters, Dementors, and Voldemort actually come here while Dumbledore's trying to secure the castle the students from other schools will freak out then it'll castle a whole lot of mayhem plus trouble. Dumbledore could get hurt or even worse murdered," Harry annotates firmly to his friends.
  "Harry, that's the most stupid idea you've ever had. That's basically searching for trouble and do you remember what Dumbledore said about searching for trouble?" Hermione quizzes Harry with an exasperated tone in her voice.
  "Hermione, I know what Dumbledore said, I'm not stupid! I'm just saying we should be able to defend ourselves without the adults," Harry counters, getting just as annoyed with her as she is with him.
  "Guys, stop fighting please. It's making me nervous, I'm going to have another sight if the fighting doesn't stop," Amelia tries to stop her friends' arguing.
  "I'm sorry, Mia. I forgot about the whole sight thing while I was fighting with him," Hermione apologizes and hugs her friend a bit too tightly as Amelia lets out a soft sigh of regret. Amelia closes her eyes while hugging Hermione.
  Flashes of bright lights and every single student screaming every spell they can think of at that moment. Amelia screams the killing curse and aims it at Voldemort, who in return begins to crumple towards the ground. He's not dead, because his Death Eaters revive him with a powerful charm to bring him back. Hermione, Fred, George, and Ron are nowhere in sight, Harry appears next to the redhead female who's screaming frantic incantations to take down Voldemort.
  She lifts up her dress and yanks her wand out of her boot.
  "I've got to warn Dumbledore right this instant. Once the clock hits 8:00, we're fucking doomed. You guys are either with me or against me," Amelia turns and walks towards the portrait hole.

 Amelia walks out through the portrait hole angrily, Harry and Ron had chose to fight instead of do what's right. Hermione rushes to catch up with her friend, she always had Amelia's back when she needed her support the most.
  "What's the plan, Mia? Tell Professor Dumbledore you saw Voldemort was going to attack the castle and see if he believes us or not?" Hermione enquiries inquisitively as Amelia snaps her fingers on her left hand, making her Yule Ball dress turn into jeans and a t-shirt.
  The two girls walk up the spiral staircase, talking through the plan over a few times.
  "Will Dumbledore really believe me, Hermione? Will he tell me that it's all in my head? I hope he'll believe me, I don't like being called a liar," Amelia rambles on her friend, who laughs at her fast talking.
  "Amelia Rose Joy Suzanne Marie Lucille Mikayla Denbrough, you're the one who can see the future! You brought your news to Dumbledore in first year up until last year, and he believed you then, why wouldn't he believe you now?" Hermione interrogates Amelia, who winces at hearing her full name.
  "How did your parents even come up with six middle names?" Hermione continues to question Amelia curiously.
  "Oh! Look, we've arrived at our desired destination, Hermione!" Amelia claps her hands, avoiding Hermione's question.
  "Lemon drops," Amelia talks to the door and it swings open, revealing Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall talking about something secretively.
  "Excuse me, Professor Dumbledore? Amelia had a vision and she has to tell you what's going to happen tonight at the Yule Ball," Hermione speaks up as all the Professors put their full attention on Amelia and Hermione.  
  "Voldemort is going to attack everyone tonight and he's going to kill you tonight if you give him that chance. Please, do cast some extra charms to protect Hogwarts?" Amelia questions Dumbledore, but he just nods solemnly and understandingly.
  "Amelia, I thought I told you to ignore and block out the visions, did I not?" Dumbledore throws back a question as an answer to her question.
  "I try so hard, but it's much too easy for him to manipulate my mind and I don't try to let him in, he just gets in! I-" Amelia sounds very frustrated and gets cut off her having another vision.
  Harry rushes over to her and tries to catch her as she flails her arms and falls backwards. Hermione and Ron rush over as well, Amelia shrieks in pain at whatever the others can't see. Her body lays limp in Harry's arms, the three stare at her with widened eyes.
  "I guess she wasn't lying, the visions are hard to control...I'm going to make sure that we protect her with our lives. We need to fight for her now," Harry announces as loud screams and shattering of glass ring in their ears.
  "Harry, you should care more about the safety of your friend than fighting Voldemort. He doesn't matter right now, we'll hold him off," Professor McGonagall tells Harry
  "Bloody Hell! We've got to take her to safety first, Harry! Stop thinking about trying to destroy your enemy and think more about Mia!" Ron whispers in a deathly low voice, sending shivers down Harry's spine as Hermione takes the other side of Amelia's body that's slipping down towards the ground.
  "We've got to go to the hospital wing right now, no questions about it," Hermione growls at Harry who puts his hands up in defence.
  "Come on, please Mia! Wake up, you promised that you wouldn't leave me!" The soft voice of Ron tells the sleeping girl.
  A hand reaches up and touches Ron's face and scares him. Once he realises whose hand it is, he puts his palm to the back of the hand.
  "I'm...not dead. H-H-How?" A soft, angelic voice fills their ears as six heads turn in search of the voice and see that Amelia's still in Hermione's and Harry's arms looking around cautiously.
  "It was a bad dream, I'd even go as far as to call it a nightmare, Mia," Hermione confirms lightly to her friend, her eyes filling with tears at the sight of Hermione, Ron, and especially Harry.
  Amelia gets up out of the arms holding her carefully and rushes out of the room at full speed. Hermione turns to Harry, stealing an angry glance towards him then bursts out of the room after her close friend.  Ron lets out a loud, uncomfortable mix between a growl and a sigh.
  "I'm sorry, I should- I should go after them, shouldn't I?" Harry and Ron ask Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore in unison.
  Ron shoots Harry a look of complete and utter hatred for the situation he got himself into with Amelia, but Ron leaves the room after the two girls.


  Amelia and Hermione are in the Great Hall, helping the other teachers and students fight Death Eaters and Voldemort off.
  "AVADA KEDVRA!" Amelia screams as a jet of green light flashes through the air, causing all the students and teachers to look at her in shock and fall silent.
  Voldemort dodges out of the way of the killing curse, laughing maliciously.
  "You really think that you can defeat me? I only came here for Harry Potter, yet you decide to get in my way? You're quite a foolish girl, but I'll take you instead of Potter because he chose to not show up," Voldemort cackles wickedly as he casts an unspoken spell upon Amelia, sending her flying.
  "Now, are you going to tell me where the boy is hiding or do I have to kill you for an answer?" Voldemort probes murderously.
  "I-I-I'll n-n-never t-t-tell you where he is. F-F-Friends don't b-b-betray e-e-each other!" Amelia huffs fiercely as she gets up off the floor and floats up into the air.
  "MIA! NO!" Ron's and Hermione's voices mixed together as screams. Amelia turns and sees Harry standing in the doorway, Harry's and Amelia's eyes meet while she's still rising into the air.
  "Mia, don't get yourself killed for me. Let me handle this!" Harry's gentle voice makes her head swim.
  "IMPERIO!" Voldemort screeches, making Amelia feel an electric shock throughout her entire body.
  Voldemort puts his wand down, picks it up, and points it directly at Harry, Amelia doing the same thing, but with her own wand.
  "What should I make you do, huh Little Ms. Friends Don't Betray Each Other Believer? Oh! I know what I'll make you do, walk up to Harry," Voldemort commands Amelia who walks up to Harry.
  "Now, Missy, stun him! Go on, do it, you foolish girl!" Voldemort forcefully tells Amelia who continues to struggle under the power of one of the most powerful curses.
  "MIA, KEEP RESISTING! YOU CAN DO IT!" Ron screams, cheering her on.
  "GO MIA GO!" Hermione and Ron cheer together as everyone, students and teachers, star joining on encouraging her.
  "I WILL NEVER EVER JOIN YOU!" Amelia snarls defiantly as she spins around in her spot, her wand ready to fire at Voldemort.
  "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Amelia yells for a second time as Voldemort lets out screams of pure terror and agony.
  "NO!" Voldemort screams before falling to the ground, not moving at all.
  Everyone fell silent, Amelia's hands flew to her mouth as she let out a cry of astonishment, her face contorting because of the pain from.
  "Mia, what's wrong?" Harry queries cautiously as he slowly walks up to her side after being backed away from her.
  "I JUST KILLED VOLDEMORT! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I COULD DO THAT!" Amelia cries out as she attempts to back away from the crowd of students who are still cheering her on.

  The crowd of Gryffindors sweep Amelia off of her feet and up the stairs. Amelia laughs as they continue screaming about how brave she was.
  "Looks like Denbrough took your place but is known as the Hogwarts Wonder, Potter. Not that she is a wonder of any type," Malfoy smirks at Harry, who turns around then punches him in the nose and walks to the Gryffindor Commons Room where his fellow Gryffindors are celebrating how courageous and intelligent Amelia is.
  "Harry!" Amelia breathes when she finally sees him walk through the portrait hole.
  "What's up, Mia? Aren't you a bit too busy being told how brave and smart you are when I faced Voldemort three years in a row before with Hermione's, Ron's, and your help? Or did you want to throw the fact that you killed him before I could save you in my face? Not everyone deserves to be a hero, you know!" Harry spits jealously as Amelia frowns at him.
  "Merlin's beard, Harry! I wanted to tell you something but I guess you don't deserve to know," Amelia turns away from him almost immediately as Ron and Hermione rush towards her and give her and Harry a bone crushing group hug.
  "I thought you were actually going to kill Harry, Mia. I'm so glad you resisted that curse while you had the chance, but I haven't got a clue how you did it. I mean, it's one of the unforgivable curses after all," Hermione explains to Amelia, who smiles and gives her a hug.
  Amelia turns to Ron, who turns scarlet at the tips of his ears when he looks at her. Amelia leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek, which angers Harry while Ron turns the colour of Amelia's hair.
  "He's got it bad," Hermione laughs, which confuses everyone because she never normally laughs.
  "I'm going to bed," Amelia responds dully upon hearing Hermione say that.
  "Wait, this early? It's only 9:30, please stay longer, Mia!" Ron pleads with his crush who turns and heads towards the girl's dormitory.
  Ron sighs in frustration and confusion as he watches her enter the doorway. The door creaks as the girl hurries out towards Ron, causing Ron to look at her in bewilderment.
  "Mia, what're you-" Ron gets cut off by Amelia wrapping her arms around Ron's neck and kissing him full on the lips. Ron responds by swinging his own arms around her waist, lifting Amelia off the ground by returning as much enthusiasm as she is giving him.
  "Merlin, you two! It took you long enough to do that! Now I can send an owl to Mrs. Weasley, she'll be really excited for Christmas!" Hermione giggles as the two pull away from the kiss and glare at Hermione.
  "Wait a minute, you knew about my crush on her but you told Ron about her crush on him and knew it'd hurt my feelings?" Harry raises both eyebrows into a very confused and uncomfortable look on his face.
  "Let's focus on the beautiful new couple instead of fighting, Harry! Just be happy with what you've got instead of envying what you don't have," Hermione shuts an angry looking Harry up with those words.
  "I don't want to focus on the new couple! I wanted to be the one to be kissed by her, not Ron! It's not fair, I never-" Harry breaks off his sentence by Hermione shoving him in the shoulder half in good fun and half from being frustrated with him.
  "Just zip it, Harry, okay? Ron never has gotten a win in his life any he's finally got the girl of his dreams, just keep your mouth shut for once and don't be so jealous even though I know that's hard for you," Hermione cut sharply across Harry's whining.  
  "Hey Mia, since the Yule Ball was a giant flop, do you still want to dance with me?" Ron tests Amelia with a giant grin to match Fred and George's own mischievous grins.
  "I'd love to, I'm not putting on that dress back on though, and there's no music playing, Ron!" Amelia laughs as he reaches out his hand, which she gladly takes.
  Amelia snaps her fingers, which music starts playing as she jumps up and down to the beat.
  "They grow up so fast. First, she had her first kiss with Ron, now she's being the only girl he'll ever love!" Hermione fake sniffles with Fred and George by her side, looking like parents who've just taken their daughter to college.
  "Wait, SHE KISSED HIM OR HE KISSED HER?" Fred and George yell at the same time, causing everyone to look at them and start laughing.
  "She kissed him and Harry has enough jealousy to supply an army," Hermione explains to the twins who look at Harry staring at the dancing couple then at the couple themselves.
  "Let's hope she doesn't turn into Lavender Brown, always snogging Ron," Fred grimaces while Hermione lets out a little laugh.
  "For Merlin's sake, they're snogging AGAIN," Harry mutters as he stomps towards the boy's dormitory.
  Hermione, Fred, and George turn to see that Ron and Amelia were in fact kissing again, but Ron picked her up and has his arms wrapped securely around her waist. Amelia's legs are wrapped around Ron's waist.
  "Looks like our best friend is turning into Lavender," George cringes as Fred puts his hand on George's shoulder and gives him a pat on the back comfortingly.
  "Oh no, guys? Where did Ron and Amelia go?" Hermione asks, looking as though she's on the brink of panicking.
  "It looks like Harry's disappeared too, maybe they're with each other!" Fred suggests smoothly.
  George and Hermione gasp in sudden realisation, Ron and Amelia snuck off to go somewhere more quiet to talk maybe and Harry followed, thinking something might happen between Ron and Amelia.
  The three take off running, all knowing exactly where Ron and Amelia could've gotten to with Harry sneakily following them. They run out of the main door to the castle and down to the the Black Lake where they stop when they hear arguing.
  "How could you do this to me, Ron? You're one of my best friend and you decide to date my crush and other best friend? That's not okay, it's not fair to me or your brothers, I'm pretty sure they're not even okay with this either!" The very familiar voice of Harry screams at perplexed Amelia and an pissed off Ron.

  “Guys, I don't want anything to do with Harry until his little drama fest with Ron and I dating is fucking over! Tell him I won't be talking to him at all,” Amelia tears up as her doe eyes stare into Fred’s, George’s, and Hermione’s brown eyes as she turns on her heels and walks through the castle doors.

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