Chapter 3: Mr. Longbottom's wand
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After the days passed, Neville's situation did not improve, he was still bad for magic and the teachers flooded him with homework, Snape was still mean to him and he had to endure the abuses of the members of his house, he always had to sit at the end of the seats, otherwise his companions in the back put the wand between his buttocks.
The other students in the other houses didn't want to talk to him either, except the Hufflepuff students who sometimes greeted him. The Slyterin were particularly abusive and biting when they addressed him. The worst thing was when Pansy Parkinson also made fun of him, she was apparently always next to Malfoy and his gorillas, and it was obvious that the girl liked the cruel blonde very much.
Neville meditated on all this one very late night in his common room.
“I'm no longer interested in Pansy” Said Neville.
“I don't like evil girls, no matter how pretty they are," Neville said again.
“Well said, you also have dignity," concluded Neville, who didn't realize he was talking to himself.
A sphere was in a dark room and in silence, only the noise of a heartbeat was in the air, the beautiful sphere was as red as a ruby, when suddenly the surface of it began to splinter.
“Don't worry, we'll use Harry's cloak of invisibility," said someone who startled Neville, who grabbed his toad and hid in the high-backed sofa.
“We will not let Snape steal the sorcerer's stone while Dumbledore is not present," Harry said resolutely.
Neville watched as her friend Hermione and the other two hideous ones covered themselves with the cloak of invisibility and came out through the portrait. Neville could not let Hermione go alone with those two louts to face Merlin knows what dangers and hurried to go to his common room, there was something to bring first.
Neville approached where the three-headed dog was and could hear him barking furiously, it was strange that Filch was not present despite the thunderous noise, although he thanked this as perhaps the warden would have discovered him.
Carefully opening the door he could see the dog barking at the open floor trapdoor, Neville took out of his pocket his new remembrall and twisted a mechanism before throwing it into the room. The sphere that seemed to be made of transparent plastic, emitted a melody that caught the dog's attention and made him fall asleep.
“Thank you for the new remembrall grandmother," Neville whispered, and despite his fear he threw himself through the trap door, he had to protect Hermione.
“Neville, what are you doing here!” Hermione shouted when Neville landed right next to her.
“I came to protect you Hermione," said the aching boy.
“Great, and now who will protect you," shouted Harry frustrated at not being able to let go of the plants that wrapped him.
“Wonderful, now we will die next to this imbecile," said rum.
“We don't have to die," Neville told them.
“And who will save us? You're useless," Harry criticized him.
“I want my mommy.” Ron cried.
“We don't have to die, this is the devil's lace, if we don't tighten our muscles, the plant will let us go," Neville explained.
“Neville, you're a genius," Hermione praised him, and she and her friend relaxed with what the plant released them, Harry followed their example but Ron kept crying and resisting.
“The devil's lace is weakened by sunlight, Hermione uses a light spell to free Ron," said Neville, and Hermione using this spell freed the red-haired man who was embarrassed.
“What the hell are you looking at?” Ron said to Neville, who looked down.
“We have to keep going," said Harry and the boys kept going, first they found a huge troll lying on the floor and then in another room Harry had to use a broom to catch a flying key, after this danger the boys went into what appeared to be a giant chessboard. Ron took control of the situation but with four boys instead of three, the game became difficult and came to a standstill.
“Let me treat," Neville said.
“But if you are the donkey of the class, how could you play chess?” said Ron to him
“My relatives only play chess and cards, my grandmother wouldn't let me learn how to play cards, but I am good at playing chess," Neville said, but Harry and Ron snorted.
“Let him try," said Hermione, so Neville took control of the board, and he did very well, winning the game and not sacrificing any of the boys as pieces.
“That was brilliant Neville," said Hermione. Harry and Ron exchanged glances of astonishment.
They came to a room full of various jars apparently filled with potions; suddenly the boys were surrounded by walls of fire and had no choice but to decipher the riddle. It was fortunate that Hermione was with them, otherwise they would not have succeeded.
“Well Neville, take the potion and go through the wall of fire," Hermione said.
“Hey, why does he have to go and I don't?” Ron said.
“True, do you think he can beat Snape with his clumsiness?” Harry said.
“This "clumsy", saved our lives with the devil's lace and magic chess, moreover, before Neville defeated Vold…him, it's his right to stop Snape," Hermione said angrily.
“No one knows how he defeated him, could have been just luck, give me the potion Hermione," Ron said.
“No, I am the best of all. Give it to me, Hermione," ordered Harry.
The two boys took the girl's potion and were struggling to be the one to take it.
“Stop it, you'll break it!” Hermione shouted, and decided to bewitch them with the paralyzing spell.
“Well, now take the potion Neville," said Hermione, after taking the bottle out of the two boys' motionless hands, Neville looked nervous.
“Are you sure? Harry and Ron are right, they are much better magicians than me, you're a much better sorceress than me," said Neville trembling at the prospect of having to face the man he feared so much: Snape.
“Study many books? Fly well on a broom? Bullying?” Hermione said looking at Ron when she said the latter, "There are many more important things like loyalty and courage, you have a lot of courage Neville.”
“No, I don't have.”
“Of course you have it because you came to stop Snape.”
“I only came for you, I wanted to know if you were safe, I wanted to protect you," he blushed, Hermione looked at him.
“Neville, that's very sweet and brave.... You're brave, believe me, I'm telling you” Hermione said, stroking his cheek.
Neville was very surprised and forgot all the fear he had and drank the potion and went through the wall of fire.
After crossing the wall, he walked through a dark and gloomy hallway to reach a semi-basement, again he was trembling, so afraid he forgot to pull out his wand which was in his trouser pocket.
“Hermione, how I wish you were with me...”
As he approached, he saw the figure of a man in front of a huge mirror, but it wasn't Snape, it was Quirrell.
“Professor Quirrell, sir?”
The teacher turned around and spoke to him, no longer with a stuttering and high-pitched voice, but now his voice was cold and hard. Quirrell made fun of Neville and his friends by thinking that it was Snape the suspect and not him, and finally ended his monologue expressing his frustration at having come this far and not yet being able to have the stone.
“Make the boy look in the mirror," said an ultra-terrestrial voice that made Neville ache from the scar.
Quirrell forced Neville to look at the mirror and saw his image reflected in it, his mirror image showed him that he had the stone on one side, Neville palpated his trousers in disguise and checked to his astonishment that the wizard's stone was in his pocket. Neville tried to trick Quirrell, but the ultra-terrestrial voice ordered Quirrell to turn around. The magician obeyed and removed his turban.
Neville wanted to scream but the fear was such that a guttural sound came out of his throat instead, in front of the boy was Voldemort.
Voldemort mocked him, but then invited him to deliver the stone and join him.
“You don't have to be afraid anymore Neville, you don't have to suffer the abuse of others, you can be strong Neville, you can be loved and respected by everyone," Voldemort told him, “just look in the mirror, see everything you can get...”
The mirror bombarded Neville with fantastic visions: Ron and Harry being friends with Neville, Seamus and Dean sharing fun moments with Neville, the other gryffindors helping and laughing with Neville, the girls smiling at Neville... Pansy Parkinson staring into Neville's eyes as she smiled at him.
The splintered red sphere emitted a gentle heartbeat when it suddenly began to splinter, as thick tears streamed down Neville's face.
“Yeah, it's for the best," Neville thought. "The most practical decision, the most logical decision, the most convenient decision..."
Neville put his hand in his pocket ready to hand the stone to Voldemort, when his fingers rubbed and then held his father's wand. The boy shook his head like he woke up from a trance and then stabbed the wand straight into Quirrell's jugular.
The professor's blood stained all over Neville's face and chest, came out in incredible amounts, but even so Quirrell turned to the boy and tried to strangle him, the skin on Quirrell's hands melted and Neville held his face until he was completely skinned, dying Quirrell shortly afterwards.
When Neville saw Quirrell's skull he stepped aside and vomited hard, when he incorporated, the Voldemort spectre went through his chest and Neville lost consciousness...
Neville woke up, apparently he was in the infirmary, some objects were next to his bed, they looked like boxes of multicolored gifts, the boy rubbed his eyes and saw that there was nothing, everything was an illusion due to the reflection of the sun's rays coming in through the window. At that moment Dumbledore was entering the infirmary.
Neville became nervous and greeted the director shyly, then urged him to ask something.
“Sir, what happened to Hermione, it's okay! What about Harry and Ron!”
“Don't worry, Neville, your friends are safe," Dumbledore told him. The fact that he called the boy by his first name made Neville feel surprised and relaxed.
“What happened in the castle with Professor Quirrell, is a secret, so everyone knows it," said Dumbledore, who looked at the empty tables around Neville's bed and looked a little disappointed.
Dumbledore explained to Neville about the sorcerer's stone and the relationship between Snape, Harry's parents and Neville's mother. The boy was surprised when Dumbledore told him about his mother's sacrifice and why Quirrell could not touch him.
Neville decided to go to the large dining room, which was filled with flags from Slyterin's house.
When he went to his table, everyone whispered to each other and pointed at him with unbelieving gestures.
As soon as the boy sat down, Dumbledore got up and began his end-of-year speech, congratulated Slyterin on being the house with the highest score, but decided to add extraordinary points to Gryffindor.
Hermione was awarded points for his application of cold logic in the option room, Harry was awarded other points for his broom flight when he caught the key, Ron was also awarded points for his loyalty, and Neville was awarded most points for his wisdom with the devil's bow and for magic chess. Gryffindor had won the cup of the houses.
All the Gryffindor applauded the boys and celebrated winning the house cup. Harry, Ron, Seamus and Dean exchanged glances and raised their shoulders as they joined the applause, apparently they had decided to forgive Neville.
Already on the train headed for London, Neville was alone in a cabin wondering where her friend Hermione would be.
“I'm sure he's with Harry and Ron.”
"At least someone would have been with me.”
"And who the hell would have wanted to be with you.”
"They would have asked me about the sorcerer's stone adventure.”
"That's why they have Harry and Ron, who in their right mind would think you had something to do with it.”
"It's true, they probably think Dumbledore gave you those points because you're the kid who lived.”
"Or because he's senile.”
"Enough already!” He shut himself up.
Neville stared sadly at the window and got ready as the train approached the station, as he prepared he noticed his wand and held it in his hand.
“You know Trevor, my mother saved me eleven years ago and my father saved me two days ago, maybe It’s not the best wand in the world, nor will I be able to perform great spells with It unlike another wand that I choose at Ollivander's.... Never mind, I'll keep it anyway.”
Neville, who was not with anyone, left the train before the others, his grandmother was waiting for him and Neville gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. The old lady was surprised because Neville was always shy when he was with her.
“I don't care if others see that I love my grandmother or my other relatives," said Neville smiling and holding hands, he and his grandmother crossed the wall into the Muggle world.
This fanfic was translated from Spanish into English using the DeepL program, and my knowledge of English. Forgive any grammatical and punctuation errors.
Neville Longbottom and the sorcerer’s stone
Original tittle: Neville Longbottom y la piedra del hechicero