I am not the murderer! Okay, fine. I am ONE but I did not KILL an INNOCENT! Lystra did not deserve to die, and now she’s dead. She was always cheery and giggly so why?
Cayo is holding back. That blondie isn’t as stupid as blondes usually are (again, sick sense of humor. I have blonde friends and they’re fun! So blep!) I wonder what he knows…maybe he killed them? Eh, makes sense as to the height ratio but still. He looks so shrivelled; like a dry plant! Welll I do too so…Hm…
”OW.” I cussed as someone tried to phase into me. “Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was go—“ My blackhole pupils gave the figure in front of me elevator eyes. Aleena. “Damira! What a sur–r—prise!” I sang out my sarcasm, watching her light pink eye follow me. Suddenly, a hand lunged out to my throat like one of those jack in the boxes.
”Ah-ah-ah! Not so fast.” I countered, squating my flat tofu of a butt slightly so she missed me. “Keiko Shi. I demand you put an end to this idiocy.” “Woah Ms.PrincessInPink, still gotta use that tongue huh.” I bit, sprinting down back where I came from.
Wow…I am…REALLY…hah—out of stamina. I dash behind a corner, hiding myself like a rabbit for dinner. “Keiko. Show yourself you insolent creature. I will not withstand the mere idea of someone tinkering with my kill score!”
Kill score.
She’s a murderer too.
She is the killer.
I step out to Ms.Grammar and wave my arms to get her attention. “OI! PRINCESS GRAMMAR OF THE SEVEN STAGES OF HELL!! IM HERE.” “Stupid child.” Wow, that’s actually the first time I heard her use normal people grammar! Well that ain’t gonna last long. “What you are referring to is either the Nine Circles of Hell or the Seven Stages of Purgatory, both added isn’t going to be as bad as the pain I’m about to inflict on you though. So I suggest you just. Give. Up.” The Queen of English said, stalking closer to me as the sentence became more broken for her super literature tongue.
I snorted, faking a snore and lazily leaning back, “HUh—?! Wha?? Oh…sorry, you’re speech was wayyy too boring.” “Last chance. Shi.” “What are you going to do? Bring both purgatory and hell upon me?” I curtesied to the Evil English Entity, sniggering at her speed up. “Just you—“…too bad I couldn’t stop the hand this time…”—WAIT YOU HORRID THING.”
-Third Person P.O.V-
Bony, slender fingers slithered around the shorter’s neck, popping joints and gripping at a leisurely tightening pace. Keiko let out a staggered puff of breath, trying her best not to give in to instincts and flail for escape. “PERISH YOU MURDERER!!”
Aleena accused, pushing her hand down harder and twisting it like a snake would a mouse. Keiko felt her arms and legs go limp, paling drastically. Her face flushed with shades of blood and shot straight to the tips of her ears. Coughing heavily she shook as she tried to breathe in relief.
Tiptoeing on a line of consciousness she struggled to keep balance,
The world slowly caved in…
Getting darker…
And darker...