Harry Potter Fanfic! | Penana
Harry Potter Fanfic!
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Harry Potter Fanfic!
Judging: Creator's Pick
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This contest is a a little different because I would like the winner(s) to collaborate on a Harry Potter fan fiction I've been working on. I have ideas but I would love a different perspective. I also don't write fanfic often so I don't know if i'm terrible at it so help would be nice. This is the story: http://www.penana.com/story/35029/the-boy-who-lived-with-the-half-blood-prince/toc

If you are interested please enter this contest. All you have to do is write a fanfic about Harry Potter and the only difference is Harry was raised by Snape and not the Dursleys. You will have to write about whatever chain of events you think that may change/ cause. 

Rules/ Requirements: 

Snape is his main guardian just like the Dursleys are in the original. 

Please only use characters from the series, No OC characters for this fic. 

You can do it based off of any scene/ event/ moment from any HP book or movie

That said I don't care if you use the book or the movie. 

You can continue or re-write where I left off if you read what I have so far and want to use that as a basis. That's totally fine.

If you just want to do a HP fanfic contest and not collab with me you are more than welcome to, just please let me know before the contest is over. 

If you win and we talk about the collaboration and you change your mind then that's cool. Don't feel pressured or committed. You can ask any questions you have. 

Have fun! Be Creative! I solemnly hope you guys are up to no good. 

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