Chasers | Penana
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By the year 2070 tensions between the world superpowers grew to a point where starvation ran rampant and confidence in leadership lessened by the day. The people needed heroes and a select few companies rose to the challenge. Bringing an end to starvation and secretly inciting rebellion. They fueled a war against their oppressors. World war 3 began in earnest in the early 2080's. Nearly ending with certain nuclear disaster. The same companies who incited it ruined the infrastructure of the superpowers rendering their missiles inert and useless. Taking control from the United Nations this newly formed United Corporations took up the mantel of responsibilty.

Their guiding mission: to better mankind and defend it at all costs. Their drive was their fuel: The people. Trust, confidence and above all truth rang out in this new era.

Yet a dark cloud loomed on the horizon. An opposing force greater than any in creation. Evil corporations that survived the hostile takeover still clung to their idealistic and monetary beliefs. They used subtle social engineering and subterfuge in an attempt to undermine their own saviors. A mastermind hidden for eternity bent on destruction.

These evil forces banding together to bring back the old world order of injustice and inequality encroached upon one of the U.C.'s crown achievements. The new Pharoahs capitol city of Sphinx. A new war is well in the making. With a driving force far older than any could imagine.

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Total Reading Time: 6 hours 12 minutes
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