Little is known about giants, but I’ve dedicated a great deal of time and effort into digging up what remains after The Great War.
From what I’ve gleaned from the few remaining ancient texts, giants were far larger than most people seem to think. I have a student in my class, Gregory something or other I believe his name is… anyway, I hear some of the other students refer to him as a giant.
He is, however, only eight feet tall. Giants are much, much bigger.
How tall I cannot say as so little remains after The Great War and the horrors that followed. When those who were still alive after that brutal war were scrambling to survive, it’s easy to understand how so much was lost.
Oh, what I’d give to read the texts they once had… but that’s neither here nor there. We’re talking about giants.
I have come across texts that suggest only the tallest, stoutest walls could hope to stand against giants. Men are said to be like insects by comparison, and the massive creatures possess unimaginable strength.
Castle walls were even larger back then, so when they say the tallest, stoutest walls… it should be noted that our present-day fortifications simply don’t measure up.
Perhaps a few do, but not many.
Each giant is said to have been able to hurl boulders like a catapult with their bare hands. Some wielded powerful magic, but most relied merely on brute strength.
If that wasn’t terrifying enough, they also had a habit of taming ‘lesser’ creatures.
The kinds of creatures you or I would run from at the very whisper of their name!
I’ve come across some that refer to “great lizards whose gaze turns even the stoutest warrior to stone.” I think we all know what that is likely talking about!
But, you may join with me in the reassuring knowledge that all giants were wiped out sometime around The Great War. Our ancestors met their armies and slew them no matter the cost.
Something for which we can all be grateful.
Can you imagine what the heroes of old must’ve faced? Creatures that could topple castle walls without siege engines! I often wonder what powers and knowledge have been lost since that time. What enabled our ancestors to stand against such fearsome monsters?
I shall continue my research. Perhaps one day I will find the answer.
Nicholas Wolfram, Professor of Monsterology at Lestria University