Extraordinary Season | Penana
Extraordinary Season
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Extraordinary Season
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A Young Adult Time Travel Story

1911 Sussex, England

Thirteen year old John Kipling, the only son of Jungle Book author Rudyard Kipling, stumbles upon an oddly dressed girl wandering the grounds of his family home. Throughout their teens, Maria Flores-Hart enters his life time and again till the two form a fragile but cherished connection. But her strange origins threaten to divide them.  

2001 Connecticut, USA

In an act of rebellion, Maria and her prodigy little brother Jake sneak into the physics lab that houses their professor parents' secret project. Jake, a genius at twelve, turns on the machine and sends his older sister back in time to England at the turn of the 20th century.

After being discovered, Maria convinces her ambitious parents to make her the test subject for their project as the English countryside in the early 1910s is relatively peaceful. She doesn't mention her friend John, the boy with thick spectacles who dreams of a career in the British Army when he comes of age.

But 1914 is so close, the infamous first year of the Great War, and Maria soon must make a choice to either let history take it's course in John's life or do something before she loses him forever.   

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Total Reading Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
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