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As Jade began to walk to where her heart was taking her she started to stop again ‘Was this really where she should be going? Was this the right choice?’ she thought to herself as she started to stand there leaning against the wall right before her final destination and as she looked around to see if anyone was around she started to take a deep breath and began to open the door that was in front of her. Shutting it behind her she instantly started to see the hidden walk way leading to a set of spiral stairs that had about 14 steps to it leading down into the hidden wine cellar that Drake had mentioned before. Knowing that she saw him go down here she knew that she needed to just have some time with him to really talk away from prying eyes and maybe just maybe she would be able to finally make a decision. Although as she walked down the stairs she knew that she might have to give the same time to Liam knowing that they haven’t been able to spend as much time together as she had hoped but she would see after this if there was time to still possibly see Liam.
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As she reached the bottom of the stairs and started to push open another small door it opened to reveal a rather stocked but very condensed wine cellar that was stacked to the ceiling with bottles and as she looked at some of the dates, reading the years ‘1892, 1900, 1934…’ she continued just to find it amazing that this selection had been aging for quite some time and as she smiled starting to walk around the corner she soon saw him sitting there on the small loveseat that was right towards the back wall of the cellar. In front of him a bottle of whiskey that looked rather old in the way that the label was peeling a little bit, and an already upturned empty glass with and overturned empty glass as she assumed was hers. “You had me worried for a moment there Morgan, didn’t think that you were going to show up” Drake said to her giving her a smirk as he started to fill his glass again. Jade just shook her head as she walked over towards him starting to sit down beside him on the couch “Well for a moment I didn’t know if I should have come down here but then I thought about it and I knew that this is where I felt right.” She said to him starting to look at him as she sat down trying not to sit to close as the love seat already had them close together. “Well thank you for joining me but you are going to have to play catch up now” and as he laughed a little bit she smiled asking “While I know it’s whiskey, what kind is it?” as she looked around knowing that something from down here had to be well-aged. “Well this my dear is a 154 year old Hannisville Rye Whiskey, there are maybe 100 of them still in the world, and there was two down here so I thought, hey it wont be missed.” He laughed as he started to open it again and starting to pour her the drink. It was strong as she could already smell it just as he was pouring it. “Well thank you for sharing it with me but isn’t this a little bit on the strong side, better not have too much” and as she chuckled Drake laughed “What you think that I can’t hold my liquor” and as she looked to him he shook his head “Yeah don’t answer that, I remember that I have shown up drunk to your room, so let’s just leave it at that I will be good and only have 3…maybe 4” as he winked to her he brought his glass up “To you, for taking on the pack of wolves and for me sitting here and having to watch” he said as he slammed the drink down again his lips pursing together and she did the same feeling the heat racing down her throat as she could instantly feel the kick in the whiskey. “Damn that is strong” she said coughing a little bit her eyes watering a little as well.
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Drake just looked to her and laughed, “Don’t worry Morgan soon you will be drinking me under the table, especially if you continue to stay here” he said as he started to pour the next set of drinks. She started to look at him and as her mind started to wonder she looked down to the floor of the cellar “Drake, I know you say that its Liam and I to why you stay, but if you really don’t like it here why put yourself through being here? I think that Liam would understand if you left” she asked looking from the floor to him as he was looking to the ground too. He let out a low sigh “I know I am silly for staying here…but like I have told you before, Liam was the only thing holding me here, knowing that I was the only one that brought him back out of his slump before I couldn’t just turn on him, not now when all the wild cats like Olivia, the pressed and ironed out Madeleine, the sidekicks and god that new girl….I couldn’t leave him alone to fend for himself” he said starting to look at her as she slapped his shoulder a little bit when he mentioned her and he laughed “Trust me I would leave in a heartbeat if he came to me and said that he was done with all this and was not going to take a bride just cause he was supposed to, but he is following the orders and so I am not going to leave him to do it alone” and as his eyes looked back to the floor and then a moment later landed right to hers he finished “and of course you, there is no way that I can let you sit here and be on your own, yes you would have Hana and Maxwell but…with them shacking up who knows if they would be there 100%, and yes Liam, he would do what he could to help you but he can’t show favoritism at all not now at least, but I could never leave not knowing if you were going to be taken care of and if you are going to be strong alone.” He said starting to look at her as she was looking back to him and as she reached out and took his hand the spark was ignited yet again right then and there. “Well, I know that I am glad that you are here, so many times I looked up and I just felt alone but then I saw you and it just disappeared.” She said smiling to him as he smiled back to her and as she looked to his eyes she could see that there was still something that he wanted to say “What is it Drake” she asked starting to feel her mind starting to race a little bit wondering if again he is going to tell her to let him go.
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After a few moments and her resting her head on his shoulder a little bit she finally heard him start to talk “Morgan, there is something you should know, something that I haven’t told you yet cause for one I didn’t know what was going to happen between us and two, I never thought that I would have to tell you about what I did to make sure you were safe and protected.” She looked to him from that angle lifting her head off his shoulder “What do you mean?” and she felt him sit up a little bit more still holding her hand he started “You’re like a baby deer, so damn cute and so fascinated with all around you, and you frustrate me so damn much but…” and he stopped and looked down again knowing that he had to tell her what he did before “I can’t stop thinking about you, and knowing what happened before it makes me care so much more and makes me fight for you every single day. Even though I have no idea what you are going to decide, I can’t bring myself to let you go.” He looked to her reaching out and stroking her cheek “You remember back in New York at the Bachelor party, when you took us to the beach?” he asked her as she nodded to him still holding his hand as he spoke “Shortly after coming back here after being there, I was at a bar over across the bay and a reporter was talking about having an inside scoop to the Princes ‘One night rendezvous’ and he specifically mentioned Liam’s name. I had no idea what he was talking about but the moment that he left I did too, I followed him and a short time later I got him into the back ally way, I told him that I had over-heard him talking about Liam and that is when he showed me the photos. Morgan the photos were of you and Liam on the beach when you and him walked around talking, someone got the shots and he was going to make it take off. Knowing that I didn’t want you nor Liam to go through that I paid him off for all the photos that he had and his word that he wouldn’t ever run those photos, knowing that it would be a scandal. He agreed but of course for a price, but I couldn’t, I wouldn’t just walk away from trying to prevent something bad happening to you” he said starting to look at her in the eyes catching the surprised look on her face as she never knew that he did that for her….for them.
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“Drake you paid him off and stopped that from happening?” she said looking at him feeling her heart just beating wildly “Yeah I guess you could say I did…I just…I wouldn’t be able to just stand there and let some idiot run a bunch of lies about Liam or about you” and as he looked to her he brought his hand up to her cheek stroking it gently as he started to lean to her resting his fore head to hers gently. “You have no idea how much that really means to me Drake…I can only imagine the field day that they would have had with that story” she said starting to look him in the eyes “I …I don’t know how I can ever repay you for looking out for me like that when you could have easily let them post about me anyway that they wanted” she stated starting to feel her heart beating fast in her chest “Well just promise me that you are not going to ever question how I feel for you, and or question what I would/wouldn’t do for you. I know that I can’t force you to make up your mind right now but I know that I had to tell you sooner or later” he said starting to look her in the eyes again feeling his body starting to shiver not just cause of the liquor that was running through him or of being here with her and finally telling her what he did or if it was just the adrenaline that she finally knew and was so grateful for what he did and as he sat there looking at her she was looking right back to him and she couldn’t hold back “Drake I….” and without even another warning she leaned in pressing her lips to his passionately and deeply, kissing him with such a force behind it that she knew that he had to pick up on how she was feeling. Though as she kissed him his hands immediately went to her hips as he lifted her right into his lap positioning her to straddle his lap, he started to feel his mind racing and his heart beating faster knowing that he wants everything with her so badly but knowing that for now he cant be selfish. The way that he kissed her back was driving her insane, she knew in her heart that this could end right here right now and she could just go away with him, but knowing that Hana was right that she would have to at least see Liam one more time and talk with him about what he really wanted she knew that she couldn’t leave just yet. Knowing that she has been fighting with her thoughts ever since Drake gave her the option to get out she knew that to be fair to both of them she would have to choose soon. But right now her heart and her mind were all for Drake. In that moment he is all that mattered. The words that he said echoing in her mind as she replayed his words that he would always be there and that he would do anything to protect her, made her more weak in not just her knees but in her heart as well.
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As she was on his lap and his arms were around her Drake kissed her back deeply, passionately but with a gentleness that he had perfected. She knew that he wanted her and she knew that he could turn this around and use her if he wanted to but knowing that he said already that he wouldn’t want to do anything that she might regret, and that he was right she didn’t know yet what she wanted and she knew that she would regret doing something if she decided on Liam. But as she felt his lips leave hers and start to travel on her neck and to right below her ear she heard him whisper “I can only hope that someday we look at back at this and just chuckle, about how we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves and how badly we wanted each other” he stated starting to run his hands along the bottom of her hoodie starting to slide a hand up under the material and finding her bare back as she didn’t have a shirt on under the hoodie, she gasped feeling his strong callused hand running over her skin causing it to tingle with every touch. She arched back a little bit causing her hips to press into his a little bit more causing him to moan “oh shit Morgan…if you do that again we are going to have an issue” and not hearing him completely she let out a moan feeling his hands on her skin and feeling his other hand starting to slide up the other side of her hoodie so both of his warm hands were tracing over her silk like skin.
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Her mind was racing and her heart beating and bearing the feelings that she did have for him as her heart buried her thoughts and feelings for Liam as right now all she could see, feel, hear, want and need was Drake. She looked at him with a fire that was in her eyes as she started to sit up on his lap a little bit more his hands still on her as she placed her hands on his shoulders and started to rotate her hips. “I may not be able to have all of you, but I just can’t stop thinking about what it might be like if that day ever happens.” She said and in her voice it was soft and silky as her body was responding to him in a way it never had before and she didn’t want to lose that feeling as she started to rotate her hips a little bit more starting to then feel his hands on her hips as he pulled her down onto him a little bit more pressing their areas together causing her to moan out and then lean to him kissing his lips as they both moved her hips against him. She moaned against his lips as their kisses grew with a heat burning in both of their minds and bodies. She pulled her lips back and looking him in the eyes biting her bottom lip but soon it was replaced by Drake’s lips kissing her bottom lip sucking on it gently before biting it. Her right hand immediately trailed up to his hair and her left hand stayed on his shoulder digging her nails into his shoulder pulling and grabbing at the material. As she did so Drake stopped her for a moment looking at her and in a brief movement he reached behind his head and pulled on his button up shirt and his white shirt underneath pulling it up and over his head revealing his bare chest to her. His arm muscles flexed and his abs and chest were so defined and as his chest rose with each breath he took she saw his abs tighten “Who knew you were hiding this under those clothes” she giggled a little bit as she ran her hands down his chest her fingers drawing on his pecs and then tracing each ab with her finger. With each touch from her it was like a trail of fire on his skin and as she got to the last ab right before his belt buckle he pressed his hips up to her groaning out. “I think since you get to see me…well part of me, I think I should be able to see a little bit more of you…only fair” and his voice was deep and husky a new tone that she had never heard from him before and as her body shivered at the small demand from him she bit her lip and then reached down and started to pull up the hoodie up and over her top half and then up and over her head tossing it to the ground where his were “There better” and as his eyes that were now focused on her chest scanned over her body his eyes brows raised “Damn Morgan you look incredible, you are so damn beautiful and sexy all mixed in the right ways” and as he leaned in he pressed his lips to hers and began his trail with his lips starting ther and then her jawline to her neck kissing and sucking just a little bit, heading to the collar bone where he kissed along the whole length of it before looking up to see Jade’s eyes closed and her breathing intensifying with every kiss as he leaned in and kissed the top of her breast and she gasped, her hips pressed down and her hand went to the back of his head to hold him there. He kissed the top of her breasts teasing each one with butterfly kisses on her skin teasing each with just a little lick and soon he couldn’t take it he looked up to her catching her eyes and then literally stood up and turned to lay her back on the couch as he laid between her legs.
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Jade felt her body on fire, the waves of desire crashing into her like a brick wall was enough to cause her heart to beat faster with each breath she took “Drake, oh god that feels good” and as she felt him not only kissing her chest and his hands on her sides, she felt his hips pressing to her and starting to grind to her as though he was making love to her. He reached down sliding his hand up and down her thigh and then around to her butt grabbing it and holding it to his hips as he increased the temp of his hips grinding to her over and over and she could feel this intense pressure building up inside of her as though she was going to be pushed over a cliff at any moment. The pure pleasure that was racing through her with his body so close to hers and the way that he was making her feel she moaned out digging her nails into his bare side and he pushed to her harder, the material of his jeans and her shorts being the only barrier between them at this point he knew that she was enjoying this and knew that she might want it but knew that it could be nothing more than this but knowing that he wasn’t about to stop when he knew that she was liking this just as much as he was and as he looked to her and said “Someday this will be real, if you let it be” and as he leaned in kissing her deeply she felt her body getting right to the tip of the cliff and as he rocked against her in just the right pressure, she could feel just how much he was turned on with her. She could feel the wave of pleasure washing over her like a strong mountain breeze and just as she could feel her body was about to fall over she moaned out “Drake!” but then felt his hand over her mouth and his movements stop immediately as he looked to her like a deer in headlights. She looked to him confused as ever as her body shivered beneath him “Shit that was the door from the kitchen” and with one last kiss he got up and started to get his shirt back on handing her hers and she immediately sat up though her heart felt like it was going to break through her ribs she calmly collected her hoodie and put it back on Drake leaned to her and kissed her again. “Didn’t mean to stop the fun just don’t want to cause problems for you” though as he sat there and smiled to her and she could see in his eyes of how sad he was that they had to stop, she reached out cupping his cheek as she already knew that he was causing problems but knew that with Drake she would take them head on.
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After a few minutes of hearing the door open they both jumped a little bit with the one to the cellar opened and around the corner Maxwell’s face appeared “So you both decided to come check this out huh I knew you would have found it sooner or later” and as he started to walk over to them Drake stood up and said “Well we were just getting ready to head out to be honest, you know Jade has a busy day tomorrow, and she needs her rest” and as he looked to her she muffled a fake yawn “Maxwell I am sorry that you missed us trying the Whiskey but I should get to bed” she said starting to stand with Drake who was trying to hide an obvious part of his body from revealing the truth of what just happened “Aw well there will always be next time. You go ahead and get some sleep I am just going to have a little bit as I think about a few things. Sleep good Jade….Drake will you make sure she gets to her room alright” he asked starting to smile to Drake a little bit and Drake nodded to him. “Will do. See you tomorrow Maxwell” and he began to lead Jade out of the cellar and once they were clear in the kitchen again Drake looked to her and said “Hey…um you going to be alright going back to your room…I have to go outside for a nice cold walk…” and as she looked at him he kind of signaled with his eyes to… “Oh…um yeah…I ….I didn’t know I had that effect on you, I am sorry” and as she looked to him the blush rose to her cheeks knowing that she had never left a guy turned on before from kissing as they were “Don’t apologize Jade, I mean a man cant help when he wants something….or someone” and as he gave her a wink he leaned in kissing her cheek before starting to head to the foyer where his jacket was it and heading outside for a little bit.
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Jade just stood there and for a moment was completely dumbfounded, she had never had that kind of closeness with a guy, none that would result in that way at least. But as she thought about how amazing he was making her feel and how she was feeling so much for him she knew that there was one other heart that she had to possibly talk too…but knowing that after that moment with Drake, would she be able to focus? ‘I got this, I am good” and she started to head to the stair well leading up to the second story of the chateau and the moment that she got to the top she started to feel nervous but then again she knew that she had to meet with Liam and as she started to head to the double doors at the end of the hallway and as she approached she took a deep breath and brought her hand up knocking on the door. For a few moments there was no answer and she began to wonder if he was maybe already asleep as it was already a little bit on the late side. But as she turned to leave she heard the door open and his voice ring out “Well good evening Jade” his voice so smooth when he spoke as she then turned around her eyes going wide as she saw him standing there in just his dress slacks from the ball. His feet bare and no shirt covering his very well defined chest and arms were etching a memory into Jade’s mind as she stood there. ‘What the hell are these guys trying to give me a heart attack?’ she asked herself knowing that she just got done seeing Drake half naked and now seeing Liam standing there like that as she took a deep breath trying to focus. “Hey I hope I am not intruding I just...I remember you invited me up here and I kind of dozed off and wanted to change, but if you are not almost ready for bed I was hoping that I could maybe come in and we could talk like you had mentioned. I mean unless you would like to reschedule.” She said as she started to smile a little bit starting to go to turn around and in an instant she felt his hand on her shoulder and starting to stop her “Of course I would like you to come in, I didn’t invite you up here just to have you be turned away at my door” and as he turned her he was smiling that amazing million dollar smile that got to her ever since the first time that she saw it back in New York. “Well only if you are sure Liam, I just don’t want to interfere with any rest that you might need to get before tomorrow” she said looking up to him a little shyly and as he was still smiling to her he started to lean in kissing her forehead starting to walk her into the room. Once in the room and she was looking around he shut and locked the door knowing that he wanted this time to be private and have no chance of interruption. As he returned back to her as she was just standing there in awe of how big his room was compared to hers he snuck up behind her and started to wrap his arms around her from behind hugging her to him “How are you holding up?” he asked leaning in whispering to her ear and as she felt her walls coming down a little bit around him she leaned back to him “Oh you know just having the time of my life, after you know hurting my ankle and having to endure Olivia” she chuckled as Liam let out a little sigh right by her ear “I am still sorry about that I know that it was a complete shock to me as well. We were just dancing in place talking and the next thing I know she was kissing me” and as he was telling her this his arms tightened around her a little bit more.
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Jade looked back to him “I know I don’t blame you at all I just I couldn’t help but feel a little green giant you know, but I got over it quickly” she smiled back to him knowing that she did with the help of his best friend. “Still it doesn’t excuse what she did and if I could take back the moment I would in a heartbeat, as I know she is not the one that I wanted to be kissing” he said starting to lean in kissing her shoulder over her hoodie a little bit “Oh really and who was it that you wanted to be kissing” she asked as she raised her eyebrow to him “Hmmm I guess you will never find out huh” he said giving her a small wink “I have a little surprise for you if you want to head out to the patio I will be right there” as his arms left hers she felt her body shiver. How was it that two completely different guys could make her react the same way? Though as she stood there for a moment before walking out to the patio she told herself that even though she just had an amazing, sensual, close and rather exotic moment with Drake she had to push that to the back of her mind for right now as she knew that she had to try and give Liam a chance. Though as she started to walk towards the patio she could feel the cool air starting to swoop in but as she walked through the doors and the white silk like curtains she looked around the corner tucked away out of site was a hot tub that was already running, with steam just radiating off it and small candles placed around it in the corners and leading to the stairs to get into the hot tub. She took in a breath knowing that no one had ever done something like that for her, nothing that romantic and as she stood there and placed her hand over her mouth in a ‘don’t cry, don’t cry’ gesture she then heard Liam laugh a little bit “I take it you like it” and as he walked to her carrying two glasses of wine she turned to him and without even thinking wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him with her head on his chest “It’s beautiful Liam but I don’t deserve this” she said starting to look at him “Yes you do Jade. You have been putting up with not having time with me and being so understanding about everything, this is the least that I could do” and as he said that he leaned in kissing the top of her head tenderly as he then reached over setting the two glasses down on the edge of the hot tub “Shall we?” and as he said that he started to let her go before taking a step back and starting to unhinge his belt from his slacks but soon she couldn’t help it and took a step to him.
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She looked up to him and smiled as she traced her hands on his sides and his stomach a little bit and started to help him undo his belt and then helping him push his slacks down a little bit her eyes never leaving his as he kept his eyes on hers. He let out a little grunt as the cold air hit his skin and she giggled to him “You really sure about this” and as she started to push his pants down a little bit more she could sense that he was already a little chilled “Absolutely it will be better once you and I are in there” he smiled to her as he kicked his slacks the rest of the way off “Now my turn cause I think you might be a little too overdressed for the hot tub” as he smirked to her his blue eyes piercing right to hers as his hands started to run back and forth on her hips pulling her to him a little bit more starting to then slide his hands up and under her hoodie just where Drakes hands had been and in an instant she felt his soft fingers tracing her skin as he started to slowly inch by inch starting to bring her hoodie up and soon she raised her arms up and he slide it the rest of the way up her body leaving her standing there in her shorts and her bra. “Wow you…your stunning Jade you know that?” he asked starting to look her over a little bit as he started to bring her closer to him as his hands started to slide to the sides of her shorts slowly starting to get to the button and the zipper starting to slide them down slowly before letting them just fall to the ground and helping her step out “Wow…is all I can even think right now” he said starting to smile to her as he leaned in pressing his lips to the tip of her nose and then looking her in the eyes before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. Slowly she kissed him back, his kisses were gentle and sweet, almost as if he was shy to kiss her but she thought it was rather sweet just how gentle he was with her. “Shall we get in” and as she nodded he started to help her walk up the stairs and allowing her to get in first as he then followed. As they both took a spot she was sitting a little from him and as he rested his head back for a moment she asked “Why me…why invite me to this? I mean I know that you said it’s because I have been so understanding but I mean the other girls seem to be taking it day by day as well” and as she looked to him he reached over and starting to slide her over to him “Let me tell you why” and as he looked to her he was smiling “I have never before wanted to please someone so bad, as I do you. Never before have I wanted to make someone smile, as bad as I want to make you smile. I never wanted so badly to be the reason to be someone’s happiness….before you. Jade you have opened my mind up and opened up my feelings in ways that I haven’t had before and ever since New York I found myself wanting to be good enough for you, and you coming here as much as I loved seeing you that night I knew that this wasn’t going to be a walk in the park for you” and as he was talking he brought her closer to him starting to cuddle her to his side a little bit.
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He looked at her as he took a deep breathe, “Jade I have to be careful with you, this life…it can break people so fast, even when they think that they are strong. Part of me was so scared that night when I found out it was you cause honestly I would never…ever be able to forgive myself if something happened to you, or if I ended up hurting you” and as he looked to her she was looking right back at him right in the eyes. She could feel the care in his words and see the softness in his eyes feeling the gentle strokes on her hips from his fingers under the water “In a way I am being distant cause I don’t want that possibility of you getting hurt, but then I want to be so selfish and just stop all of this and choose you. Leave it all behind and just end it, but I can’t, not yet anyway” and as he looked to her he brought his hand up to her hair and brushing a strand behind her ear. “You challenge me in so many ways, and challenge me to be the man that you deserve and I am so drawn to you because I know that you are true to me, and I know that you would never intentionally hurt me” and as she heard those words echoing in her mind she felt her heart drop knowing that if he only knew what was going on in her mind and what had just happened with Drake, he wouldn’t be feeling this way towards her.
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She looked down to the water and then back to him “Liam you mean a lot to me and I …I know that this is crazy that I am even here and I want to be honest. I thought about leaving after I saw the way that things were, but I knew that I couldn’t without giving us a chance. I know that I am just a waitress from New York but I know that there is something there….and if we can get there, I know that I would try my hardest to fit in. But the way I see it right now…I don’t know where I stand. I don’t know what I believe and I don’t know if I belong here now or if I ever will” she stated starting to look down to the water that was bubbling around her and as she felt his hand starting to run up and down her back she felt it to be calming as she continued “I don’t know what tomorrow will bring…or if it will be you and I at the end of this, but I can’t not try. I just want you to know that, if anything changes it’s not because of you or Cordonia, it will because of my choice. I want to be honest with you, after seeing you kiss Olivia I wanted to go home, but Drake and Hana talked me out of it, mainly Drake. He told me that Olivia was just trying to take claim, and Hana told me that I won’t know the truth unless I stay. I realize that I have nothing to offer you, I don’t know courtly ways, I don’t know the right thing to say half the time…hell Drake just taught me the Waltz right before the ball on a bum ankle….but if you can honestly tell me that there is a chance it could be us at the end…I will stay to find out but if you can’t, I might have to leave” and as she looked to him and tears were forming in her eyes she looked at him knowing that she had to be honest with him now, knowing that she would never get another chance to be this open with him. “Jade I wouldn’t be sitting here in a hot tub with you, secluded and itching to be near you if I didn’t think that you have something to offer me…you have love, and a deep love at that. I have seen you in your element and you are a force to be reckoned with, you care about people, you are loyal and when you love….its with everything you have. I may not know that 100% but I know you and I can tell you have an amazing heart…and that is good enough for me” Liam stated as he started to look her right in the eyes and for a moment looking into his eyes she couldn’t take it she leaned in pressing her lips to his tenderly. Liam felt her lips on his as he then leaned to her kissing her back pulling her closer to him and soon as the kisses intensified he brought her to his lap holding her there in his arms and they stayed that way for a decent amount of time.
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Though the cool air was blowing around them and the heat of the water below them their bodies were pressed together in the hot tub as Liam had turned her in his arms to have her facing him on his lap. Though as he leaned in one more time to kiss her she smiled to his lips as he asked “Whats that smile for” he laughed “I am just happy, that’s all” and as she leaned in again kissing his lips again she felt her heart starting to race, though now in her mind she was having a war. On one hand she knew that if she chose Drake, they would be on the first plane out of here, but knowing the other way to being with Liam could lead to a something good as well as she could feel he was so genuine and cared so much about her and his kisses were driving her to be so confused. Though soon Liam broke the kiss and started to stand up holding her against him, with her legs around his waist to get out easily and swiftly starting to stand her there outside of the hot tub and soon bringing a robe around her to warm her and as he got it on her he leaned in kissing her sweetly before heading into the room where soon they were both sitting on the bed talking though soon she leaned back on the bed and soon he followed bringing her to his arms and holding her with him. “Jade….what does love mean to you?” he asked as he held her in his arms. Though as she rested her head on his shoulder and looked up to him right in the eyes and saw the kindness and the sincerity in his eyes she smiled “Love is about sacrifice, dedication, loyalty, understanding and being there for your partner. It’s not just a feeling it’s a lifestyle between two people that are in love, and that would do anything for that person they are in love with. Love is something that can’t be forced or rushed…it’s a learning process and its one of the hardest things to come by…until someone comes in and just flips it all around.” She said starting to feel her heart starting to beat faster and soon not hearing anything back from him but just feeling his lips on hers kissing her tenderly though with an awoken hunger that she has not felt before with him she started to kiss him back feeling the urge to just hold him and never let go.
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After a few moments of laying there connected in kisses Liam started to turn to lean over her his kisses increasing as he was holding her to the bed. His body was pressing against her as she wrapped her arms around his neck feeling the softness of his lips on her lips and then to her jaw line. Soon she felt those same lips start to kiss along her jaw line and then to her neck starting to use his lips and his mouth to push the robe material to the side as he kissed farther down her neck and to where her shoulder connected to her neck as she couldn’t help it she let out a moan to the feel of his lips. Feeling the fire burning in himself Liam started to pull back and started to open his robe that he had on and then reached down to open hers looking at her laying there “God I could really get used to seeing you like this Jade” as he started to lean over her starting to press his body right to hers the heat from his body starting to immediately warm hers as they were skin to skin. She ran her hands up and down his sides and up under the robe to his back trailing her nails up and down his back “You keep that up I am never going to let you go” and as he smiled to her she laughed to him “So you would be stuck with me then” and he smiled “I wouldn’t have a problem with that” and as they continued to lay there kissing, and talkingand just being close with each other they didn’t notice the time just ticking away and soon as Liam leaned in kissing her lips again he heard his phone go off. Reaching over he looked and seen it was his alarm “Wow I didn’t realize it the time has slipped by us that was my alarm to get up” he said starting to lean in kissing her one more time and then helping her sit up and that is when she saw that his clock said 3 AM “Why do you get up so early” and Liam smiled as he said “I usually get up early and go for a run before coming back here and showering or napping again but I always like to go out for a walk alone where there is no chance to be bothered. You are more than welcome to join me if you would like” he said starting to stand up and starting to make her stand with him and holding her “As much as I would like more time with you, I should get back to my room and get some sleep, you know that a certain Beaumont brother will be there in the morning to get me” and as she laughed he hugged her to him again “Oh yes the famous Maxwell…just promise me one thing” he said starting to look at her in the eyes stroking her cheek “Don’t give up on us, if you ever feel like our connection is slipping please tell me…cause I am not going to let you go that easily” and as he looked to her she smiled “I promise” she said leaning up and kissing his lips tenderly “Thank you for tonight” and as she hugged him again and then grabbing her clothes off the patio she left his room unnoticed and began to head back to her room.
As she took her time walking back to her room she was lucky to not have been noticed and as she got there she decided that she would need to sleep at least a little bit. But after not being able to fall asleep she decided to get up and pack, then soon enough after that getting in the shower. Though her shower was anything but relaxing as every time she closed her eyes she would see one of the guys, seeing Drakes smirk, then Liam’s eyes but then seeing and hearing Drakes laugh but then feeling Liam’s fingers stroking her cheek, but finally remembering the feel of Drakes body on hers. She had no idea what she was going to do, on one hand she had the history and connection, physically, mentally and emotionally to Drake, but also the same with Liam. She knew that from here on out it was only going to get worse and even more complicated but she knew soon enough she was going to have to make a choice. As she turned off the shower and began to get out getting dressed and towel drying her hair she was thinking about all the good and bad with both guys and in her mind they both measured up to being perfect. Though as she slumped back on to her bed as she looked to the ceiling she reached up grabbing a pillow, not realizing that she was grabbing the one that smelt of Drake still and as she laid her head down trying to think about how she was going to do this she closed her eyes and drifted into a sleep.
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