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Jade looked over the letter repeatedly trying to think about who in the world could have sent her something like this. Knowing that she had her thoughts that it could just be Olivia trying to get back at her for something that she didn’t even do knowing that she was upset earlier about something, though Jade had no idea why. Maybe it was Madeleine trying to scare her away but at that moment she had no idea and to be honest she was nervous at what she should do. As she looked to Bertrand who grabbed the letter from her again and was beginning to curse whoever wrote the letter that they would feel the wrath of the House of Beaumont, Jade could barely stand up straight. Someone was out to get her to leave, someone was out to make her walk away from this when she was so close to finding out on her own and as she stood there she started to feel her knees getting weak as she started to lower herself to a bench. Was the threat serious or was it to be a joke? She had no idea and that is what worried her the most. “They want to distract you from Liam, you need to stay focused and remember that tonight is the night that you will be announced as our future Queen. You do what you were brought here to do and I will take care of whatever foolish game, prank that this is. Do you understand?” Bertrand asked as he looked to her and as she looked to him the tears fell from her eyes.
“Yes Bertrand, I understand what you are saying” and as she did understand she felt her heart break knowing that she was ready to go back and make her choice and now it was as if the world just made it for her. She would soon be engaged to Liam, and be on her way to being Queen in just a few months. She started to watch as Bertrand left leaving her and Maxwell and as she turned on the bench to bring her feet up she sat there resting her head on her knees that were now pulled up to her chest and the tears just kept coming. She soon felt that familiar hand running up and down her back, “Maxwell I can’t go this. This is not me, I have love for Liam but I can’t marry him not that fast. I just can’t” and as she looked to Maxwell the tears streaming down her cheek as Maxwell reached in and started to brush them away with his finger “Jade, do you remember that night at the beach, the night where you lead a bachelor party to one of the best nights they had ever had?” and as Jade looked to him and nodded Maxwell continued “Look how much you have changed since then, you are a vision of what Cordonia needs. You have that fire inside of you and I know with time you would make a great Queen. You would have Liam, Bertrand and I to help you. Plus you would have King Constantine and Queen Mother to help guide and teach you. You would have Hana and you would have…” and as he stopped and looked to her seeing the pain hit her eyes knowing the last name that he was going to say “You would have Drake behind you too” and as he said that she looked away and looked down to the ground “Jade you have grown in my eyes completely, you have won over the hearts and favors of so many, and I know that it all seems scary right now but I know that if anyone can do this it’s you” and as he started to sit down at her feet and bringing her legs over his lap she started to feel a little bit better with his words.
She looked down to her lap and then to him, the fresh tears still falling as she said “Maxwell I know that I came here to win over Liam, and I know that I did just that, I know that he feels for me, but I …I don’t know if I can do this. Like I said I have love for him, but I am not in love with him. I know that I have to do, what I came here to do even if that means saying goodbye to my heart. I know I could learn to love him more than I do now but it may never be enough” and as Maxwell looked at her it hit him immediately “You made up your mind didn’t you?” he asked starting to look at her “Then you have to do what is right for you. Don’t worry about us, we will be alright. You need to follow your heart, and don’t let it go” and as he looked to her she started to lean to him hugging him and kissing his cheek “You know you may be crazy at times but I am so glad that I can call you family” and as she hugged him again he held her there a little bit on the bench before starting to head in again. Right before entering the palace again, Maxwell turned her and as he looked right at her he apologized “You know after tonight things could still change and I just want you to know how proud I am of you. I just wish that I could have taken better care of you when it came to the dresses, and the teachings. I wish I could have been more to you on this journey” and as he bowed his head she looked to him “You were better than anything, you became my brother and I will always be grateful for everything you and Bertrand have done for me, but mostly you” and as she hugged him again in a longer hug she then started to turn with him to head back to the party and to where her life would soon be changing in a huge way.
As Maxwell led her through the party again they soon ran into someone that Jade had never seen before “Leo! I can’t believe that you are back it’s been so long” and as Maxwell greeted the man standing there in royal attire the man that resembled Liam brought Maxwell into a hug “Maxwell it’s only been a few months, you act like I have been home in years” and as he smiled to him the strangers eyes looked to Jade “This must be Lady Jade” and as he started to step in front of her she responded “That is me and who do I have the pleasure of meeting tonight” she asked as she smiled back to the man standing there. “Well you are lucky enough to be meeting the black sheep, ruggish, misfit brother, well actually half-brother to Liam. I am Leo, I am the one that put him in this mess in the first place, and I regret it to an extent but as I see, there is one good outcome it seems of all this” he said as he reached for her hand and kissed the top of it gently “Well it certainly is a pleasure to meet you, but what are you doing back here if you turned it over to him?” Jade asked started to smile to Leo “Well you see I am here mainly for Liam, I couldn’t miss his coronation and to see who he picks as a bride. I am hoping that my brother has chosen wisely and is listening to his heart and not just what is good for the throne. Now seeing you, I am thinking my brother is smarter than I used to give him credit for” he stated starting to give Jade a million dollar smile – just like Liam’s. Though as they stood there talking a familiar voice rang over them “Well, well, well Leo. How fortunate that you were able to make it” and as the three of them turned to who was talking they came face to face with Madeleine. Leo looked to Madeleine and bowed his head “Countess Madeleine you look well. I hope that the social season has been good to you” and as he looked to her and then back to Jade, Jade looked to Madeleine as she said “Yes well the other ladies have been an absolute pleasure to be with but if things would have been different, well you know I wouldn’t be fighting for your brother as you may recall” and as she stood there the look on her face continued to harden as she was getting angry and Jade could tell this. “Madeleine I do apologize again for walking away from you but my heart wanted someone and something else and I couldn’t live with just letting that feeling go. I hope that with time you can forgive me and I do hope that with whoever you do marry, being Liam or someone else that they make you happier than I could have ever made you” and as she looked to him let out a deep breath and walked away.
Jade looked to Leo in shock that he could just get to her so quickly and her turn away just as quickly “Okay…I know that you and her were engaged before but that, that was impressive, she didn’t even bite back” and as Jade chuckled a little bit she started to think about the words that Leo had said knowing that he spoke the truth. Following the heart was something that people should be doing including her. As she thought a little bit more and she heard the guys laugh at her comment and starting to talk, she soon heard that deep voice “Leo! You made it!” Liam exclaimed as he walked right to his brother and embracing him into a hug and as they pulled away Leo stated “Of course I could never miss my little brother’s coronation and engagement” and as Leo smiled to his brother and Liam smiled back he soon looked to Jade “I take it you have already met my brother” and as she looked to him she nodded “Yes I have and it was a pleasure” she stated starting to feel Liam’s hand on her lower back. Leo looked over the two standing in front of him and started to look to Maxwell “Come Maxwell we have more to discuss” and as he wrapped his arm around Maxwell’s shoulder to lead him away he looked back and gave a wink to Jade and Liam. As Liam then turned to Jade he took her hands in his gently “I wanted to apologize for earlier, leaving you like I did” and as he looked to her she smiled “I know you are busy Liam you don’t have to apologize for anything. Are you going to apologize to the one that becomes your wife if you have to go to a meeting on the apple crises? I don’t think so, so believe me there is no need to be sorry” she said starting to look up to him. He leaned in a little bit closed kissing her forehead “You are incredible you know that?” he asked starting to bring her hands up to kiss the tops of them “Well I can say that you are the only one that I have been thinking about tonight” and as her cheeks started to show signs of blushing she looked down to the floor.
“You said you wanted to talk to me, what’s going on?” she said smiling to him her voice just above a whisper as she was not sure of who could be listening in. “I…I wanted to do more than just talk I wanted to tell you that I am done waiting, I want you and my mind is not going to change. So if you will have me….please meet me in the middle of the maze by the fountain and we can talk in private” and as he looked to her his gaze was deep and was filled with a passion that she could tell ran deep. “I” and as she went to answer her shook his head. “Just meet me there, if you don’t I know my answer” and as he leaned in kissing her cheek just barely he started to head out of the room heading out the back way towards the maze. Though as she stood there seeming to be frozen in place and feeling her heart starting to race wondering if this was it, was he going to propose? Was he going to change his mind? What was going to happen? Though as she snapped out of the daze that she was in she started to look around starting to see that everyone was rather busy with their own thing and even saw Drake walking back in with Hana and Leo. She started to take a deep breath as she knew what she needed to do just to make sure. She pulled up the bottom of her dress and started to head out the back starting to follow Liam.
Once out to the maze and at the entrance she felt something stop her right in her tracks and as she looked up to the sky she saw the twinkling of two stars in the sky as she started to feel her heart starting to beat a little bit more and as she closed her eyes she knew what her heart was wanting but she knew that she wanted to hear Liam out to what he had to say and as she started to take a step to the maze she did feel a little guilt hitting her as the memory of what just happened with Drake there flooded her mind. Pushing it away she started to head into the maze and soon turned the last bend to come face to face with the fountain and there Liam stood looking into the fountain. As she stepped forward it’s as if Liam could tell that she was approaching as he said “You know I have been thinking a lot lately, about everything that is going on” and as she started to walk a little bit more to him he finally turned to her as he finished “But every time I try to think about something else, you always come back to my mind” and as he looked to her and took her hands bringing her to stand right in front of him he smiled to her. “I wish that what I wanted to do could end up being a perfect memory just between you and I, but I know that it won’t be, so I wanted to take this chance before any nobles, any camera’s, any news sources or anyone else could intervene.” Liam stated starting to look into her eyes as he started to bring his arms around her waist “Jade even if I didn’t need to end up choosing a bride tonight, I would still be proposing because I already know who I want my future Queen to be, who I want my life be spent with and I already know who it is that I am falling in love with” and as he looked to her, her breath began to stager a little bit as she was taking deep breathes as she whispered “Liam are you trying to…” and as she looked to him her eyes scanned his as a part of her was starting to feel a little nervous “No not quite yet at least not officially” and as he started to guide her to sit on the ledge of the fountain he looked to her.
“You see Jade, never in all my years did I ever think that I would find someone that would be the one that I could see my life with. I never expected this, and I surely never expected to meet you. Ever since meeting you in New York you have been a constant thought in my mind and in my heart, I can’t shake the feelings that I have for you even in just the moments that we have gotten, they never seem to fade away like they do with the others. I look at you and I see someone that I want to hold, protect, care for, love, and to be with. I never imagined that a waitress from New York would hold my heart and be the brightest star in my life when I am filled with responsibilities and duties of a soon to be king. I can’t help but be happy when you are around and it’s a relief when I see your smile even on my crappy days all I have to do is see you and it’s like it turns all the bad off. I feel so lucky when I think about you being here, because I never thought that I would find the right woman that would not only be a great Queen someday but a perfect wife. But ever since meeting you and having you in my life I have been worried about being worthy enough for you.” Liam looked to her and started to see the single tear fall from her eye and as he reached up stroking it away with his thumb he said “Jade Morgan you are incredible, fearless, amazing, loyal and you have such a beautiful soul, that I don’t want to spend another moment without you knowing from me and hearing me say exactly how I feel. I can honestly say without a doubt that I love you and I do hope that tonight is just the beginning of our chapter in this crazy thing we call life” and as he leaned in resting his forehead to hers before leaning in and claiming her lips just tenderly she felt her heart racing knowing what she felt for Drake but knowing she did have love for Liam and as she kissed him back she found her hands starting to reach for the lapels of his decorated jacket holding him there.
She could feel the heat in her body shooting like a volcano and feeling the tenderness in his lips as she could hear the heartbeat in her chest deep in her mind. Though as the kiss broke and she now rested her forehead against his she took in a deep breath as she knew that she had to tell him something that he was probably not going to like. “Liam, you are such an amazing man and you have the heart of gold. I never imagined that meeting you in New York would lead to me sitting in front of the future King to this amazing country. You are going to be an amazing King I already know this, and I…” and as she started to try and get the words together she started to feel her mind starting to race a little bit more knowing that she wanted to just be honest with him about how she was feeling for another and be honest with him about the last few weeks but looking at him and seeing those baby blue eyes of his looking at her filled with a happiness that she knew she couldn’t break, she smiled to him and said “You know I have love for you too and I can’t wait to see what tonight is going to bring. I never thought that I would be someone’s happy place and I am glad that I am yours. Even if I am not Cordonian blood I feel good here and I hope that I can call it my home” and as she looked to him and felt the burning in her chest knowing that she couldn’t tell him, not yet about how she knew what she wanted and that didn’t change even as he leaned in capturing her lips with his kissing her tenderly. The passion that was transferring from his lips to hers and shooting through her body caused her body to shake but as she closed her eyes her mind traveled back to the heated kiss between her and Drake in this very spot and as she felt the guilt ripping her apart she pulled back “I supposed I should let you get back to the party, after all you have a big moment coming soon. I am just going to stay out here for just a little bit, a little warm so I want to cool off a little bit” and as Liam chuckled, he leaned in kissing her tenderly one more time “Don’t be out here too long, this night is going to include you as well” and as he kissed the back of her hand he stood up and walked back towards the palace.
Jade watched him as he walked away and she waited until she knew that she was completely alone as she turned to the fountain and started to let the tears fall knowing that she is going to be saying goodbye to one of them tonight and the thought of losing one of them was tearing her apart. She knew that over time she did have love for Liam and that is why she was here was to help House Beaumont and to of course be with Liam and as her mind traveled back in time to the first night that they met, she couldn’t help but smile as she thought about just how incredible Liam is and how she knows that he could very well be the one for her, and as her mind wondered she thought about that first moment…
“Excuse me Miss I don’t mean to bother you as you seem to be busy working, but my car stalled and my cell phone is dead. Is there any chance that I could use yours?” Jade looked to the man that was standing there as she was emptying out the trash from the Tavern. She was taken aback by his charming manners and those blue eyes that when she looked to them it’s like she couldn’t look away. “Sure not a problem” and as he dialed and talked a little bit he soon gave her phone back to her. It was late at night and the bar was going to be closing soon but the man insisted that he would like to pay her back for letting him use her phone. So he followed her into the bar and when he bought a beer he slid her some extra money. Though as they talked it seemed like something was pulling them together, where a few moments turned into an hour and soon he was walking her home. He asked if he could see her again knowing that he was going to be there only a week and when she agreed he then informed her that his car was just fine and the last number he called was actually his cell phone number. When Jade realized how smooth he was she knew that he was going to be someone that she could get along with, and that was just the start of an amazing week with Liam.
Jade blinked her eyes as more tears fell as she started to then think about that night that she had with Drake when it all started when he ended up saving her from falling and then that moment out on the pier. She couldn’t help but recall everything from New York and everything leading up to now as she heard his words echoing in his voice… “Don’t be letting anybody save you, that’s my job” and as she sat there she started to think about all the moments of laughing, talking, comforting, the passion and the kisses and closeness that they had shared. Knowing that she did have those moment with Liam too filled with desire and lust and a hidden passion. Though as her head started to spin as she closed her eyes again she couldn’t believe that she didn’t have any idea on who to choose. That is until she heard another moment racing through her thoughts and as she heard the words ringing through her ears she knew it right then and there that she knew what her heart wanted, and this time it was final. There was no going back as the words echoed through her mind again and again as if it was on repeat in her ears and her heart. “You’re not going to lose me. I want you in my life no matter what happens.” Jade could hear his voice saying that to her over and over again as she got up and literally started to run to the palace knowing that finally her mind was clear and her heart was made up. From now on it was only going to be him and him alone and as she started to get closer to the palace she could hear the trumpets starting to play the Cordonian theme as she tried to push faster.
Though upon reaching the doors that would allow her back in knowing that there was someone that she had to see right now she literally crashed into Olivia who stumbled a little bit with the force that Jade was running. “Jesus Jade where is the fire” and as she looked to her and was catching her breath from her heart beating so fast she looked to Olivia and saw a look in her eyes one that she had never seen before: Defeat. As Olivia went to walk away Jade grabbed her arm “Where are you going?” and as she looked to her Olivia tried to fight it but couldn’t as she bowed her head as if in shame “Jade I am leaving, the note that I got earlier warned me that if I stayed, the truth about my parents being traitors would surface to every news source and to the royal family. If I don’t leave I could very well lose Liam forever and he is the only one I have ever loved” and as Olivia opened up to Jade the tears that she was holding were finally falling “I just…I never wanted anything more than to be the one for him, be the one that he loves. For years he has been the only one that can actually get to me and can actually understand me and its killing me that I have to leave. There is no way that the King or Queen would allow a daughter of traitors to marry their last son” and as she looked to Jade she stated “If it can’t be me that he marries I pray that it’s you” Olivia looked to her one more time “Take care of him Jade, please?” and as she looked to Jade with tears in her eyes Jade could feel the pain that was racing through her body for Olivia and as Olivia nodded to her she ended up walking away leaving Jade to wonder who really sent the message to her and to Olivia as she thinks it could be someone that is trying to just scare them but knowing that she will never know exactly who it was.
As Jade stood there waiting a little bit more and thinking about what Olivia just said and asked her to do she started to know that no matter what she was going to be there for him and as she started to head into the palace and starting to make her way to the ballroom where the King and Queen have taken the mic to deliver a final speech. Jade started to make her way up a little bit more but stopped about half way wanting to stay there and not be right up front just in case something changed. But as she was standing there she then felt a hand on her lower back edging her to be closer to the front and when she looked she saw Bertrand pushing her more and as she looked to him as if she was asking him what he was doing her eyes met Drake’s as he started to look at her and nod but soon started to move a little bit closer and soon was standing right next to her and not letting her move too much more even when Bertrand tried again. Drake took her hand and as she leaned in she whispered “I thought you weren’t coming in until it was over” and as Drake heard her words he looked to her and said “I couldn’t just leave you here alone…you know that’s not me” and for a moment she felt so good like there wasn’t a care in the world and as she gave his hand a squeeze they looked to each other knowing that tonight was it, though Jade knew that there was something that she wanted to tell him.
As she stood there with Drake listening to the final speech from the King and Queen Jade could feel her heart beating faster and faster her mind jumping over the what ifs about what was going to be happening soon. Though as she looked to Drake she could see everything from the past months flashing in front of her eyes and she was barely paying attention to the King and Queen. “As my final days of King become but a memory I want you all to know how proud I am of my son Liam. You are going to make an amazing King. Your compassion, your leadership, your reliability and your wisdom will be what carry’s out your ruling as King of Cordonia. But mostly your passion to learn, to teach, to guide, to protect and to love is what will be your winning force in every challenge you may face” and as King Constantine removed his signet ring and started to hand it to Liam he said “Cordonia is yours now son, take care of her” and as he smiled to Liam and they embraced in a hug Liam mentioned to him that he hopes to make him proud and to be at least half the King that he was. As they broke apart and the crowd cheered Jade had heard the last little bit of the speeches but as she was still looking to Drake she knew that it was now or never.
King Constantine then announced “Now is the moment that you have all been waiting for. Ladies I want to thank you for giving up your time and your duties,” and as Jade was hearing what was being said she wasn’t really focusing as she looked to Drake “Drake….there is something I have to tell you, and I can’t wait anymore” and as he started to look at her he raised an eyebrow in a questioning way, and as she took a deep breath she started to say “I finally know who I want to be with. I want to be with…” but before she could finish her attention was drawn to the gasps around the room and as she looked to the front on the little stage she saw the royal advisor up by the family with Constantine, Regina and Liam looking down to a phone. As they all looked up to her she looked to Drake with a worry on her face “Son of a bitch” Drake cursed as he started to look around as if looking for a way out “What…what is it? What’s going on?” and as she grabbed Drake’s phone she felt her heart sink into her chest and the air catching in her lungs as she read the news title “PRINCE GETS BREAK UP LETTER FROM UNFITTED SUITOR” and right there was a copy of her letter and a photo that someone took of the night that Tariq was in her room and they were in a rather suggestive hold as he was kissing her. She could feel the worry spreading through her body and in all the commotion she started to look to Drake “Drake you know I didn’t do this, you know what happened” and as he tried to bring her to him to get her out of there, Bastien was right there next to her “I am sorry Lady Jade but I have been ordered to escort you out” and as the other guards were holding Drake back Jade looked to Bastien “Bastien I didn’t do this! Tariq showed up in my room I …I didn’t do anything wrong” and as he was forcing her to the back of the room she looked back seeing Drake trying to fight to get to her “DRAKE!” she yelled as she tried to reach back to him but when she couldn’t she looked back and saw the King and Queen along with another guard holding Liam back “LIAM!” she yelled out “JADE” she heard both of them yell back to her as she, Maxwell and Bertrand were being removed from the room.
Through all the commotion between Drake and the other guests Queen Regina looked to Liam “You know what you have to do. You have to pick someone and Lady Jade is now out, there is no way that she can be chosen not after this” and as Liam looked out to the crowd seeing the other ladies looking around in shock he saw Jade all the way in the back “No! Where is she going? Get her back her she is the one that I …” and as he started to continue and then looked over and saw his best friend being taken out as well due to the way he was fighting the guards he looked to Regina and then to Constantine “Father I am not choosing anyone else…get her back here” and as Constantine told him that there was nothing that they could do, that this was an act of treason to him and to the crown, and that a scandal would hurt him and possibly ruin him. Liam looked towards the back again as the guards were blocking him “Fine until the truth comes out….I choose…” and he looked to the other ladies and then to the ground “Countess Madeleine” and as Madeleine smiled where she stood she soon joined him giving him a kiss right away. Though right before being forced out completely Jade looked back and saw Madeleine kissing Liam and didn’t see Drake at all not even Maxwell or Bertrand, she was alone and as the doors to the ballroom closed the tears began to fall but she stopped fighting Bastien who was walking her to her room “I didn’t do anything…I swear I didn’t” though all Bastien did was continued to walk her to get her things and he didn’t say a word.
Once to her room Bastien was inside there with her as she went and changed in the bathroom and got her things she came back out laying the dress that she was just in on the bed as she started to get her other things packed, knowing that she didn’t have very much. The tears ran down her cheeks as she thought about how she was just getting ready to tell Drake what she had decided and now she was leaving, and not by choice. She sat on the edge of the bed starting to finish up getting everything in her one suitcase and as she looked to Bastien who was just standing there like stone she finally asked “Where is Liam I need to talk to him please” and as she looked to him Bastien said “Jade I am sorry but I am on direct orders that I am not allowed to let you leave this room unless it is to the car to take you to the airport” and as he didn’t even look to her she could see that there was something off about Bastien “Where is Bertrand, Maxwell, Hana…where is Drake?” she asked with the tears soaking her cheek “I do not know where they are but I know that you are not to communicate with anyone. What you did was a treason act against the soon to be King. You displayed an act of sexual content for the world to see and that could cause huge issues for Liam and be a huge scandal if you were to stay, do you understand that?” and as she looked to him and felt her heart breaking she knew that this was it, she was never going to see anyone again. Though as she knew that she had thought about leaving many times before, she never thought that it would be like this, and without even being able to say goodbye.
After about another twenty minutes Jade was packed up and as she looked to Bastien she said “That night, that photo was taken, Tariq came into my room and he made a pass at me. He attempted to do something that no woman should ever have to go through. I would never ever do anything with him, and that note yes I did write that but…” and she looked down “I know you can’t let me stay but please just tell Liam that I didn’t do anything, and please tell Drake to keep his head up, and Hana to keep finding herself. But also please tell the Beaumont’s that I thank them. I didn’t do anything Bastien…someone set me up. You know me, you have seen how I am, clearly you don’t believe that I did this…do you?” and as she bowed her head he started to walk her to the car that was outside the palace, again not saying a single word. Once to the car she looked back to the palace one more time as if trying to have every memory that happened there be cemented into her memory. As the car started to drive away she cried to herself as she felt her heart shattering into a million pieces and the whole ride was spent with her holding that same pillow that she took from that night with Drake.
Once to the airport she was given a notice from the royal family that she was to board the first plane back to the states, and once she had the ticket, she headed to the terminal and the palace guard who had driven her was still with her to make sure she boarded the plane. She sat there in silence as she held her phone in her hands just praying that it would ring and that it would be Liam or Drake or anyone that would be telling her to come back, but it never rang. After thirty minutes she heard “NOW BOARDING FOR NEW YORK NONSTOP TRAVEL” she stood up grabbing her things and started to get in the line and as she saw the guard leaving she knew that this was it, she would be heading back to New York, back to her old life, in which waitressing and bar brawls were her every day, that is if she even had a job now. Though as she boarded and got to her seat she rested her head on the window looking out as the rain started to fall and as she soon felt the plane pulling back she looked to her phone one more time and as she shut it off…she didn’t see the text that was starting to come through.
As take-off was a success and the plane started to incline into the skies above, she looked out the window and she could see the palace still lit up in all the glory and she thought to herself ‘Drake was right…that place will break you even when you didn’t do anything to deserve it’ and as she started to finally close her eyes she started to realize that she was never going to get her happy ending and she would go back to a life with no Liam, no Hana, no Maxwell, no Bertrand, and no Drake, ‘I guess happy endings are only meant for the movies’ she thought to herself as the plane started to take her home as a single tear rolled down her cheek.485Please respect copyright.PENANAlPx7xqaHht