“That was too easy...way too easy.” Axton muttered under his breath. His eyes were trained on the dirt path behind them, watching through the dust cloud kicked up by the fast moving tires on their vehicle. At any moment he expected to see the Clanton's barrel over the hill in their own car, guns blazing, but no matter how paranoid he was, it never happened. He was shocked at how smoothly things had gone, it was almost impossible how easily they escaped.
The night was still as they quickly traveled around the marshy swamp and back towards Coffeyville. It wasn't until they rolled into the small lake side town that Axton could feel some stress tumble off his shoulder's. The mission was a success, and not only had he saved W. Bill, but he had freed nearly a dozen some odd children.
The moment they entered Coffeyville, their vehicle was trailed by excited townsfolk, all cheering and waving. A small crowd was beginning to gather around the rescue party, marveling at the brave Dahl solider.
“Well I'll be damned, you did it.” Renick greeted them as they pulled up near town hall.
“I can't believe you ever doubted me.” Axton teased, a wide grin settling on his face. He let himself momentarily wonder if Sarah would have been proud of him.
“Glad to see you safe Bill.” The sheriff nodded to him before questioning, “What is with all them there kids?” He eyed the children as they huddled together.
“The Clanton's were trading them with Gevora for rations.” W. Bill added as he crawled out of the driver's seat.
“Those damned rats! Never thought they'd stoop to something so low.” Renick shook his head sadly.
“Well it doesn't matter what them Clanton's were planning with those children,” The Mayor's voice boomed out over the crowd. He loomed over the scene from the second floor balcony, waving happily at Axton and Renick. “They are safe here with us now and we will be sure to welcome them with open arms.” He announced, earning a small round of applause from the gathered townsfolk.
“And for your brave deeds, Axton, I reward you with full citizenship. Welcome to our small family!” Mayor Gratton chuckled. Axton beamed, he couldn't wait to tell 'A'.
“That's swell and all...but what I really need is a ship.” He reminded the mayor. “That's the whole reason I did this if you recall.”
“I-I have a ship for you!” W. Bill piped up, pushing his way through the crowd to get closer to the soldier. “I owe you.” He patted Axton's shoulder and guided him out of the excited huddle.
“Make sure those kids are taken care of!” Axton called back to Renick before letting Bill lead him away. It was bizarre to have a crowd of cheering townsfolk clapping and thanking him as he walked through the town. Things like this never happened when he finished a mission with Dahl, they were never even given a pat on the back. The feeling of pride swelled through him and he couldn't help but puff out his chest as he marched with Bill through the dusty streets. This was something he could get used to, this was what had been missing in his life; glory and recognition.
“Before the Clanton's kidnapped me, I had just finished upgrading my newest air craft, it's the fastest one on the planet.” W. Bill started to ramble as they headed towards his old workshop. “I want you to have it.”
“I can't thank you enough. I really need to get back to headquarters...and find a place for 'A'.” He muttered the second half under his breath. Bill guided him down the dusty streets, with the intention of bringing him to his old workshop, however, they both stopped when the sound of panicked shouting reached their ears.
“A-Axton! S-sir! Wait!” Axton turned in his tracks, surprised to see Em racing toward him. The poor saloon keepers face was pale as a sheet, sweat dribbling down his brow. He stammered and gasped as he neared the soldier, unable to form coherent words
“What's wrong Em!?” Axton demanded to know, drawing his shotgun just in case. He quickly surveyed their surrounding area, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
“It's 'A'...he's...he's gone!” Em exclaimed, grabbing at his hair frantically. Axton nearly dropped his gun, eyes widening.
“What do you mean he's gone?” He yelped.
“I-I-I went to give him another pudding cup, but he wasn't in the room. I've looked all over the Honkey-tonk and all over town but he's nowhere to be found! He's gone!” Em was beginning to unravel and Axton had to grab him roughly by the shoulders and give him a good shake.
“Pull yourself together Em, we'll find him...I'm sure he just got curious and went to explore. He's probably climbing some tree somewhere. Help me look.” Axton tried not to let the worry seep into his voice.
“Bill...” he turned to the confused mechanic, “I'm sorry but I can't go to your garage right now, I've got to find 'A', he comes first.”
“I'll help you search!” W. Bill offered, following after the soldier and frantic bar tender. The three hurried out into the dark alleys and hidden corners of the town, searching high and low. W. Bill turned every shed and stable inside out while Em thoroughly checked the shops. Axton took to the roofs, knowing the child had an affinity for climbing. However, after nearly two hours of extensive searching, they all turned up empty handed.
It was then that Axton began to worry, a slow stream of panic flowing into his system with every passing moment. He soon called upon Sheriff Renick and Mayor Gratton who helped organize a search party. Coffeyville was flipped upside down and triple searched. The surrounding swamp and marsh lands were hiked through. Men carried torches and shouted the lost experiment's name. A small group of townsfolk even took to boats and searched the lake.
Despite their best efforts, 'A' remained missing. By the end of the fifth hour, Axton was refusing to talk as he, Renick and Em marched through the thick forest.
“You don't reckon he came out this far do you?” Renick tried to fight off a yawn, poking at a near by bush half heartedly.
“Maybe.” Axton huffed, his answers were short and to the point. He stepped up onto a fallen log, straining his eyes to see out into the deep shadows of the marsh.
“Wonder if he followed you to Cochise Canyon.” Em's voice was a quiet whisper, but the other two heard him none the less. Axton stopped short in his tracks, a shiver of terror shot up his spine as he imagined what would have happened to poor 'A' if he had been caught at Cochise Canyon. He wanted to burry the idea, claim it impossible, but a horrible feeling in his gut had him charging through the swamp back towards the canyon. Renick and Em were hot on his trail, dodging brambles and mud holes on their way.
They arrived at the canyon shortly and this time the soldier ran straight for the cliff's edge, not bothering with a stealth approach. His breathes were heavy in his lungs, his legs soar from the constant running. Carefully, so not to fall, he peered down into Cochise Canyon at the Clanton camp. It was deserted.
“They're gone!” He gasped, pointing down to the lifeless makeshift town bellow. Sure enough, the campfire had all been put out, nothing but dying embers. Their only vehicle was gone and all that remained was the puddles of crimson just outside the old work shed. A reminder of what had transpired only hours ago.
“I don't understand...where did the rest of them go?” Axton huffed, baffled by their strange disappearance.
“Who knows, the Clantons are always moving around, they'll probably be back at this base by the end of the month. You prob'ly spooked em real good.” Renick guessed.
“But 'A'...if he wasn't here, where could he be? There's no way he simply wondered off and got lost, we would have found him by now. He was taken, I just know it!” Axton spat down into the canyon, anger boiling inside of him. He had just saved the poor kid a few days ago and now it was possible he was a captive all over again. The thought made him curse under his breath.
“Only other camps close to here is them pesky Hyperion's at the old Clanton mines. All the other Spurcuns live in Gevora...and them yuppy Gevoran's never leave their hoity toity city.” Renick grumbled, he pinched the bridge of his nose growing irritated just thinking of Gevora, they weren't an easy civilization to do business with.
“Then the Hyperion miners must have him!” Axton yanked his shotgun off his back again, double checking his ammo. “Which way?” He asked. Em shivered, scooting backward toward the tree line at the mention of Hyperion. Even Renick seemed to grow uneasy, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“I know yer crazy strong and good at what you do, but one soldier ain't no match for them Hyperion folks. Yaren't prepared to take them on. They have a whole armada here on the ground and we can hardly keep em away from our mines as it is. You may be one of us now, but you wont find anyone in Coffeyville willing to face off against that super company with you.You'll need real soldiers.” Renick tried to reason with him.
Axton stared at him, malice settling on his face like a cold stone.
“What are you saying?” he asked gruffly, grip tightening on his weapon. Renick threw his arms up in defense, showing he had no ill intent.
“All im sayin' is you best be getting some of yer soldier friends down here if ya want the whipper snapper back safely. If you go in there guns a blazing all on yer lonesome...neither you nor that kid will be getting out alive. Ya got to play it smart.” Renick explained.
Axton stared off across the vast gap in Cochise Canyon at the distant marsh shimmering in the star light. He imagined 'A', lost somewhere in the darkness, and his heart hurt. The kid was under his care now, and he had been doing so well with him. Maybe Sarah had been right, maybe he wasn't capable of any real responsibility. What adult would leave a kid alone in a strange town under the care of a bar tender he met the previous night? “Not a responsible one.” He scolded himself.
Despite how much it pained him, the Dahl soldier had to turn, and walk away. Renick was right, no matter how much Axton wished he wasn't. He had to go against his reckless instincts and do what was smart.
“Take me to W. Bill's garage.” Axton demanded, storming off back into the swamp. Renick and Em shared a quick glance before quickly following the Dahl soldier into the ever stretching darkness. The midnight that engulfed the planet held many vast mysteries as the inhabitants of Spurcus hid their darkest actions in the void of night. Many secret happenings transpired after the sun slipped away, and tonight was no exception.
Rattling under the faint shimmer of star light, a small band of wagons traveled together, accompanied by a single motorized car. They headed North on a winding dust trail, leaving nothing but lone tire marks behind. The traveling group was silent, a hush settled on them as they prepared themselves for activities of the night. On one of their wagons sat a lone wooden crate tied down and secured with ratchet straps and twisted ropes. Several men kept their eyes on the container, they couldn't afford to lose any more goods.
They traveled on, quietly, for hours, until a bright beacon of light shone over the sand hills. It blocked out the stars above and anyone who didn't know better would have guessed it was the morning sun, finally come to rise on the miserable planet. However, as the caravan of wagons climbed the highest dune, the travelers could see before them a vast city nestled at the bottom of the dreary desert plains. It shimmered like a massive flame against the midnight, shooting rays of white and colored light that reached upwards into the sky like fingers. Staring directly at the bright city of Gevora was sure to burn a temporary hole in your retinas, engraving it into your eyes even after you closed them.
The ban of wagons moved ever closer to the enormous city of spanning light until they rolled right up to the massive gaits. Gevora was surrounded by a thick shielded dome that resembled reflective glass. By the bulb encrusted gates stood a small group of soldiers, laser guns resting on their shoulders.
“What business have you in Gevora today?” One of the guards questioned the man driving the automated cart.
“We're the Clanton's and we got some goods to be trading with ya'll.” the man's voice was a drawn out slur but the guard did not seem fazed by his improper speech. Instead, he nodded and the wide gates swung inwards, allowing passage.
As the Clanton's emerged into the vast city, they were hit with a wave of noise. Gevora echoed with the ringing sounds of life, people conversing, robots working and the raving sound of music bouncing off the high buildings. It was like a massive party contained in the brightly shimmering dome.
Despite the blinding lights and numbing noises, nothing reached the interior of the small crate strapped to the vehicle. A was pressed against the containers corner, legs drawn up close. He had woken up almost half an hour ago, frantically trying to remove the cloth that had been tied over his eye. Unfortunately his wrists were cuffed tight behind his back, and the blindfold clung stubbornly. Five minutes he had spent in a sobbing hysteria, slamming his shoulder against the walls of the wooden box.
The first thoughts that had raced through his mind was that, surely, he had been found by Braden. He was reminded of the glass containment cage the man had stuffed him in only moments before the facility had been blown to bits. Tremors of terror wracked his frail frame as he imagined what could possible happen next. It wasn't until the vehicle ran over a rough dip in the terrain, causing him to bump his head against the roof, that he was shaken back to reality.
It wasn't Braden who had him contained, it was the Clanton's, hauling him off to who knew where. He took a staggering breath, flexing his claws against the cold metal of his restraints. He could do this, he could escape. The moment the cuffs were taken off he planned to let loose, showing those Clanton's just how fierce he was. His claws tingled with anticipation, imaging the warmth ooze of blood seeping between his fingers. The small bubble of fear that dwelled in him was suddenly popped, replaced with a flaming urge of anger.
A small instinctual growl rumbled from his chest as he gritted his fangs. He tuned himself to the movements of the vehicle, and the steady roll of it's wheels. He felt it jolt to a stop, noted as his cage was hoisted from the car and moved. He steadied himself, ready for anything.
The crate he was contained in was roughly dropped onto the ground and slid across a rough surface. He could feel the walls of the box straining as the lid was suddenly pried open. Before he had the chance to bare his fangs and growl in warning, hands were all over him, grabbing him roughly. He was yanked from the small confined space and pressed against the ground. Someone's knee stabbed into his back while a foot held his head down.
His senses were shot with the ear piercing laughter of intoxicated individuals mixed with a heavy bass and chattering voices. The air tasted thick and salty, sticking to his face like hot perspiration.
“Shame about them other tikes.” A voice hissed above him.
“Yeah but look at this freak. He's an interesting one. You know how Boyet likes the strange ones. Have you seen this kids eye yet?” Another chuckled darkly. 'A' was lost to the rest of their conversation as a tight muzzle was strapped over his mouth. He was dragged over the ground, being ushered off away from the uncomfortable noises. He was hauled into another room, from what he could tell it was a dark contrast to the other.
The air hit him with an icy nip, sending goose bumps down his arms. It was eerily quiet, but there were people all around...he could feel it. He could sense the beating of their hearts and the hushed murmur of whispers.
“This specimen was just brought in by the infamous Clanton's. They claim he has the power of invisibility and can rip out your jugular with his bare claws.” A voice suddenly rang over a set of speakers. All at once the blindfold was ripped off his head and a bright light drowned out his vision. Luckily, his mechanical eye was quick to adjust and he scanned his surroundings carefully.
He was crouched on a circular stage, chained by his cuffs. Beside him stood one of the Clantons members, prosthetic legs shining from the hole 'A' had ripped in his pants. A single light was positioned on him, keeping him on display. All around was a tinted glass, behind it were watchful eyes, trained on him. He let a grumble escape him but was quickly reprimanded by the Clanton man.
“Shut up.” He warned, smacking his knee against A's head.
“This specimen has been upgraded with fancy Hyperion high tech, located in his temple and throat. Taking this into consideration, we will start the bidding off at Five thousands Eridium pounds.” the speaker echoed.
'A' surveyed the glazed wall with confusion as random dim flashes of red lights glittered behind the glass. The man on the intercom quickly raised the pounds of Eridium at a frightening pace until the red flashes of light grew few between. Finally the man proclaimed,
“Sold, to Sir Boyet Lee, for three hundred thousand pounds of Eridium.”726Please respect copyright.PENANAV3mTpVE2qR
'A' hardly had a moment to comprehend the meaning of this before two beefed up men stepped from the darkness and took hold of the chains keeping him imprisoned. He was dragged from the small stage as another poor child was hauled up into the spotlight. A recognized the trembling fear in the kid's eyes and for a moment, he too feared the unknown that awaited him behind the black glass.
Author: *looking at script for next chapter* Why is everything so sad?
Axton: *sharing pudding cup with 'A'* What do you mean?
Author: *gets teary eyed looking at them* I'm so sorry. 726Please respect copyright.PENANAUJvGDanKNi