Starship Esmeralda Log 2 | Penana
Starship Esmeralda Log 2
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Starship Esmeralda Log 2
Paul Robison
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A Star Trek (TOS)/Tom Sawyer/Farscape/Huckleberry Finn/Coronation Street/Avatar/The Mikado/The Hunchback of Notre Dame/The Russians Are Coming!  The Russians Are Coming!/The O.C. crossover fanfic by Paul Robison.

Esmeralda (Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame) is now the starship U.S.S. Esmeralda (replaces U.S.S. Enterprise)

Tom Sawyer, Captain, U.S.S. Esmeralda (Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer replaces James T. Kirk)

 Dr. Huckleberry "Huck" Finn,  Ship's Doctor (Mart Twain's Huckleberry Finn replaces Leonard McCoy)

Balus Spock, Science Officer, U.S.S. Esmeralda (regular NOTE:  I have taken some liberties with the character Mr. Spock.  He has a first name now; he's still green-skinned, still comes from the planet Vulcan, but he does not have pointed ears)

"Tony" Gordon, Chief Engineer, U.S.S. Esmeralda (ITV's Coronation Street replaces Montgomery Scott)

Lt. Ko-Ko, U.S.S. Esmeralda (Gilbert & Sullivan's The Mikado replaces Mr. Sulu)

Lt. Nevtiri, Communications Officer, U.S.S. Esmeralda (James Cameron's Avatar)

Lt. Alexei Kolchin, U.S.S. Esmeralda (The Russians Are Coming!  The Russians Are Coming!  1966 movie)

 - Complete in this volume - 

1.  Our old friend Peter Griffin returns to the Esmeralda for a visit - or does he?

2.  A strange "siren's song" calls the men of the Esmeralda to a utopian planet ---and it's up to Neytiri to save their lives!

3.  On a routine mission to Kithra, Spock is mysteriously kidnapped - he faces a dubious future!

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Total Reading Time: 4 hours 8 minutes
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