Lifting my head as I finished a line, I swiveled my head to the right to find a blonde girl that was somewhere around the same age as me, wearing an off-the-shoulder top that stopped covering her at the halfway point of her flat stomach and was complimented nicely by a pair of jean shorts that had formed themselves to a perfect little waist.
As I leaned over, I planted my palm on her thigh. "You want to get out of here?"
"My boyfriend is here somewhere." she picked up her beer, giving a wry smile before she took a drink.
"Who gives a fuck?" I let loose something in between a sigh and a laugh, pulling out some good ol' Horse. "He doesn't have to know. Just tell him you weren't feeling good. There's a little bonus for you in it."
Looking around as though she had been searching for her boyfriend, she leaned in as to speak over the noise of the shitty music that was blaring in the background of the party. Instead of speaking, she had taken the Horse from me and stuck it into what appeared to be her bra and then took my hand as she led me outside onto the lawn. As she walked backwards, she smirked at me. She was generic looking, but still a cutie nonetheless - and very bang-worthy at that.
Playfully, I languidly pushed her into the tall fence and let my hand do the labor. As though they were scummy little worms, my fingers slithered their way into her top - only to find her going commando in the chest department. Interested, I let me other hand fall down her stomach and into the shorts that had fit her frame so well to check if the same was true down south. I was so close, but alas, no cigar. It was, as usual, too good to be true.
A few weeks passed since Maggie opened herself up to me, and a bit had changed since then. Starting with Maggie herself, I pretty much kicked her out after we finished. Of course, I let her take a shower. I mean, I wasn't a complete dick. Since then, I started taking up work with The Torinos by way of selling some of their harder stuff when I could. That increased money flow led to more drugs, and more drugs had led me to getting higher more often. Well, that and more women, of course.
As I was having my way with little-miss-towhead, I was suddenly thrashed away from her and sent a good distance. Well, if it hadn't been the all-star running back, the next Adrian Peterson, as they called him. I had no other reaction besides rolling my eyes at the irony of the situation. His girlfriend was doing some heavy, heavy drugs, and if she were to get caught, he would be questioned just as quickly. Steroids, weed, and everything would soon follow. That wouldn't have looked too good for him. Shit, her being caught with it wouldn't have looked to good for him, either.
It was almost funny enough to make me laugh.
"What do you think you're doing, man? Forcing yourself on her like that?!" he roared.
"What am I doing? Forcing?" I clapped like the damn Joker, laughing my ass off in the process. "Why don't you check her bra out, boyfriend? Might find something interesting in there, if I do say so myself."
Mr. Boyfriend had looked at his apparent girlfriend who nodded as she shot daggers at me with her eyes. Given acceptance, he boldly reached inside of her little top and into his bra. His eyes widened as he pulled out fresh little baggy of their friend, Mr. Horse. Grinning, I took a few steps forward and stopped right next to him. What was planning to do? I wasn't even sure myself.
Though, it was pretty safe to assume that if she was doing it, then he was too. Had it been worth pursuing, for the shits and giggles? Had he really been doing it? If so, he was hiding it pretty well. There had been no obvious signs that he'd done enough of it to mess him up, but he was likely uneducated enough about it to believe anything I said about it. With that, I gave it a shot. Because, why not?
" many times have you guys had a threesome with Mr. Horse?" I asked, itching my chin as I passed him on his way to his girlfriend. I leaned in and pulled her bottom lip down. "More than once, eh? What about you, Boyfriend? Once?"
"I've never touched the stuff." he tossed it to me. "You can have them both."
That pissed me off. I wanted people to feel the pain I felt inside everyday, and he just brushed me off like none of this was an issue for anyone but her and myself. That was the problem, I wanted to make it a huge issue for him. I wanted him to lose everything, just like me. I wanted him to fall from grace, just like me. I wanted to end him, just like I was ended myself.
"Don't bullshit me, Boyfriend." I cocked my head, still grinning. "You knew she was doing it, and you did it with her once. Just to try it, but you didn't like the way it made you feel. So, you didn't do it again. I'm far from the idiot dealer that you're making me out to be."
"So? It's not like anyone can do anything about it now. The-"
"Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Heroin stays in your system for 6-7 months." I muttered. "So, I'm sure there's plenty someone could do. Assuming, you know, the word gets out."
"You wouldn't..." his girlfriend jumped in.
"I would." I brushed my hair back. "First, you'll be staying with Boyfriend until you both graduate in your senior year, you can do whatever the fuck you want after that. Second, Boyfriend, I want you to fumble the ball once every game from now on."
He looked shocked, and rightfully so. I basically just told him to ruin his future. Well, if it hadn't been me, it would have been someone else, right? Which would have meant that I would've missed doing this, and wouldn't have seen them fall from grace, from the top of the food chain. Boyfriend would be hated and kicked off the team, and girlfriend would be dating the biggest loser in the school, the most hated person in the school. I'm sure they would've been welcomed into toxicity.
"Oh, and keep this." I muttered, tossing it back to them. "You'll probably need it. You know, to escape real life. Hit me up if you need more, too. I'll let bygones be bygones."
Turning, I grabbed my skateboard as I walked out of the front lawn, and stopped as I caught a familiar face. A face I hadn't expected to see at this party, or near one at all. She wasn't much of the loud party type, and wasn't much of a fan of alcohol or loud music. What had made her come there? Why had she been standing in the lawn? More importantly, how much of that whole escapade had she heard? Some of it, all of it?
Nodding with a covert smirk, I walked passed her and took a left towards my place. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as she followed me from a short distance away. Why hadn't she said anything, and why had she just been following like a damn creep? Was she stalking me or something? Why was she so obvious about it, then? Instead of continuing a game of mental interrogation with myself, I stopped and waited for her to catch up with me.
"Wanna grab something to drink?" I pointed at the convenient store with my head.
With only a short nod, I had left my skateboard outside with her and went inside where I had grabbed a few beers from the shelf. The only reason I got away with this is because the manager running the store was in the Ill Ninos and didn't ID most of the members. Bagging the brews, I slipped him an extra twenty and left. That wasn't overpaying, it was building a good relationship with someone that could help me out in the future. Simple arithmetic.
Within ten minutes, Maggie and I were in the same skatepark that we left from together so many weeks ago. Taking a random beer from the bag, she made her way down the hill and went to the railing inside of the park, where the skaters were supposed to skate but never usually did. As she cracked it open, she grinned and set it down. Why was she smiling?
"We haven't talked for a while." Maggie stated the obvious. "I wanted to see how you were doing."
"I'm fine, as you can see." I opened a beer for myself, though I would have preferred some liquor. "Something you want, or did you just want to talk?"
"I just wanted to hang out, like before." Maggie stepped forward. "No drugs or sex. I just want to chill and have fun. Is that too boring for you now?"
"With you?" I clicked my tongue. "Nah. Shit's never boring."
Grabbing my skateboard from the ground, she kicked it up. "Teach me?"
After a few hours of watching her fail miserably like any complete newbie, the main lights turned off and forced us to sit under the dull orange lights that hung under the several benches. We sat across from one another, talking as we continued getting more and more intoxicated. The next several moments were quiet, however. Had it been the alcohol messing with her, or was she been thinking about something?
Maggie looked at me, finally acting as though she had something to say. Instead of speaking, she stood up and circled the bench. What happened next brought back a memory, and one I was probably better off not thinking about. It had sent a cold chill down my spine on that warm night, it left me void of words. It was a cruel reminder that the woman I loved was no longer there, and she would never do it again. Never.
After coming around the bench, she brought herself onto my lap and straddled it in the exact same way Kylie did when Maggie brought Kylie's bag before we left. What kind of game was this? What was Maggie trying to get at? Was it really been the alcohol this time, or was this been what she was thinking about earlier? Maggie brought her hand up to my mouth, halting me from saying anything whatsoever.
"I have something to say." Maggie said, removing her hand. "After that, you can do whatever you want. Just listen to what I have to say for once."
Maggie hadn't said a word.
The next thing I knew, Maggie's mouth was latched to mine, tongues delicately intertwined with each other. Maggie didn't hold back, she not only forced herself on me, but she refused to move or let go. Me? I had felt something, I just wasn't sure of what that was. It was something that the darkness drowned a long time ago, it was something that the drugs hid away in the back of my mind, and it was something I was trying to run away from. As she pulled away, a thin string of saliva still connected us, hanging like loose rope.
"They don't really love you."