Summary: Set in S5E1 “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” Based on Within Temptation’s song “All I Need.”
*I Know What You Did Last Summer*
I’m dying to catch my breath
Oh why don’t I ever learn?
I’ve lost all my trust, though I’ve surely tried to turn it around
Katherine tried to reach the surface, as Silas held her under in the bathtub, but she was human. She couldn’t breathe under water and Damon wasn’t home, so he was no use. She was going to die and she knew it. With that last thought, everything went black.
Can you still see the heart of me?
All my agony fades away
When you hold me in your embrace
When Damon came home to silence, but saw his bathroom light on, he went to investigate.
When he entered his bathroom, he blurred to the bathtub, seeing her under the water. Without a doubt, he knew this was Silas’ doing.
He quickly but gently lifted her out of the tub. He then gently layed her down on the floor mat in front of the tub and knelt by her. She was quite pale with blue lips and cold. It was obvious she’d been like that for at least an hour.
He knelt by her and bent down and kissed her, giving her some air, trying to revive her. He knew now that leaving her alone had been a mistake. He was an idiot for doing that. Now she’d paid for his idiocy.
“Come on, Katherine. Breathe. Breathe for me. I made a mistake and I’m sorry. Come on. Breathe,” he said, as he continued trying to revive her.
After a few more minutes went by, he heard a heartbeat and her breathing. Then she began to cough up water and when she looked up, she saw Damon. She knew without a doubt that he’d brought her back.
Don’t tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don’t tear me down
You’ve opened the door now, don’t let it close
I’m here on the edge again
I wish I could let it go
I know that I’m only one step away from turning it around
Can you still see the heart of me?
All my agony fades away
When you hold me in your embrace
Don’t tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don’t tear me down
Don’t tear it down, what’s left of me
Make my heart a better place
After Silas had come to the house, Damon had had her to leave the house and not tell her where she was going, but then he’d tried handing her over on a silver platter to Silas, because he’d told him that he knew where Stefan was at. Katherine wasn’t about to be handed over though, so she hadn’t done what he’d asked her when he’d told her to go back to the house. Then, when Damon realized that something was wrong, Silas had left the house and Damon had gone to find out where she was. He had to make sure that she was okay. It wasn’t like her to normally ignore his text or calls these days. She normally answered him.
When he’d found his car, he knew that she was in trouble. She was still inside the car and he could smell blood; her blood. He could smell a lot of it too. The car was crashed into a streetlight pole. He had to save her, he knew without a doubt.
He blurred to her side of the car and forced the dented, crinkled, and jammed car door open with some vampire strength. Then he stepped towards her and assessed her condition. She was pale, had lost a lot of blood, there was blood on either side of her head, a shard of glass had opened up her thigh artery, some glass had slit one of her wrists open, a shard of glass was protruding from her lower stomach, and her side was also heavily bleeding like her lower stomach was. There was a puddle of blood under her opened wrist.
He rested a gentle hand on either side of her face, looking at her.
“Katherine, can you hear me? I’m gonna get you out of here. You’re going to be okay. I promise that I won’t break my promise to you again. Please, just don’t die on me. Stay with me. This is my fault. I’m so sorry.”
He took his hands away and pulled out the shards of glass, before gently picking her up in his arms and blurring to the hospital.
I tried many times but nothing was real
Make it fade away, don’t break me down
I want to believe that this is real
Save me from my fear
Don’t tear me down
Don’t tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Don’t tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don’t tear it down, what’s left of me
Make my heart a better place
Make my heart a better place
Three hours later, Damon was seated on her bedside, waiting for her to come to. She’d survived surgery thankfully and the doctors said that she’d be okay now. He was glad for that because, once he’d realized that she would probably die because of him trying to hand her over to Silas in exchange for Stefan, he’d realized that he didn’t want her to die. She’d been right all along, when she’d gone to him a few nights ago for help and protection. She’d been right that a part of him didn’t want her to die. He was even beginning to think that he might be falling back in love with her.