Summary: What if Xander and Cordelia were captured instead of Xander and Willow by Spike? Read to find out what happens.
It’s a dark night, as Cordelia Chase and I walk into the laboratory room at Sunnydale High. She’s my girlfriend. We’ve been dating since last year. I never would’ve thought she and I would fall in love. We have always hated each other's guts. On top of that, we’re from two different worlds. I’m poor and she’s rich. She’s as everyone but me and Willow call the Bitch of Sunnydale High. Buffy, Willow, and Oz like to tease me about dating her but I take it.
I shut the door behind us and turn the lights on. We both notice a bowl with steam coming out of it, showing that it’s still hot.
“She must’ve been doing her magic tricks again,” she comments.
“Yeah,” I agree, guessing what she had been doing. An anti-love spell.
“How much longer?”
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t want to be waiting all night for them.”
“They’ll show.”
“It better be soon.”
In case you’re wondering, we’re here waiting for them, because we’re doing a double date. We’re going to go bowling. It’s a celebration for Buffy and Cordy getting awesome test scores for the SAT. It was Willow’s idea. Oz, me, and Buffy went along with it. I had to do some major talk to convince Cordy that it would be a wonderful idea.
Suddenly, Spike comes in.
“Hello, kiddies,” he greets. Then, without warning, he attacks us. We try to fight him off, but we don’t have any weapons with or around us. Then everything goes black after I get thrown against a wall, as I hear Cordy yell out my name.
I’m not sure how long I was out, but when I come to, there’s a box of magic stuff including a book of love spells on the bed. Spike is gone so I slowly sit up. My head is spinning a little, but when I see Cordy out cold on the floor, I forget my pain. I rush to her side.
I’m knelt beside her at this time. I gently hold her in my arms. I put a couple fingers to the side of her neck. I sigh in relief. She’s alive. I take my fingers away from her neck. Instead, I stroke her hair with my free hand.
“Cordy. Can you hear me, Cordy? Please wake up.”
I know. It sounds like I’m begging. But I want to know if she’s alright. I won’t know if she is until she comes to.
“Come on, Cor. Wake up, Cor. We have to get out of here. Come on. Can you hear me, Cor?”
With eyes closed she says, “I hear you, Xan.” Then she opens her eyes and we smile at each other.
“Are you okay, Cor?”
“Yeah. You?”
“I’m okay.”
I help her up and we walk out.
“He’s back,” I say as we walk into the library.
“Who?” Buffy asks.
“Spike,” Cor answers for me.
We sit at the table by Buffy, Willow, and Oz.
“Are you okay?” Wills asks.
“We’re fine,” Cor replies, annoyed that Wills said ‘you’, instead of ‘you guys’ or ‘you two.’
“We were worried,” Oz says.
“Yeah. What happened?” Buffy asks.
“Spike captured us. I don’t know why. I do know that there was a box of magic supplies and a book of love spells on the bed. Spike wasn’t there, though,” I explain to them.
“Drusilla broke up with him. I think that stuff was to try and bring her back to him,” Willow says.
“He must’ve captured us to have us do the spell for him,” Cordy says.
“And knowing him, he has been drinking. He’s probably out there right now as drunk as you can imagine,” Buffy says.
“What can we do?” Oz asks.
“You guys stay here. If he’s as drunk as I think he is, I can handle him by myself.” And with that, she leaves the library.
A few hours later, she comes back. She tells us that she staked him. That makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. So we all live happily ever after, as much as we can on the Hellmouth.