Sunday, July 26, 2015
**Advise column details in italics below**
Hello earthlings! Ayame here. Well, I guess I should just jump right into it. I suppose telling you random people about me is a good way to start off. Wow, don't you just wish life were simpler and we could do this all in person and not have to worry about creeps, serial killers, or social awkwardness? Am I the only one thinking this? I sure hope not, otherwise humanity is just down the drain completely. Sigh. Simpler times in simpler days.
Anyway, I got into writing when I was in about the fifth grade and decided to write my entire life's story on a few scraps of notebook paper. I guess you could call me an ambitious child except all I had ever done in my entire adolescent life was basically consisted of watching T.V. and eating anything I could grab. I guess you could also add in that I wasn't the brightest fifth grader, either. Oh well, I still tried, and in the end I had written almost four whole pages of childish nonsense. Yay kid me!
When I began seventh grade is when I really got into writing. I mostly wrote about vampires and werewolves since Twilight was pretty much all anyone could ever talk about back then. And for me Twilight really wasn't THAT bad. But, that's not where I was going with this... oh yeah! Stories! I wrote like a gazillion and never finished any of them. In case you couldn't tell, I get distracted pretty easily. So, when I got a bright, new, and shiny idea, I just had to run with that one. But, I always got bored with those too.
In short, writing is hard!
But, I could never just tear myself away from it either. Right now, if I were to stop writing, I think I'd be pretty lost. Writing isn't always about getting published and seeing how many likes you can get (even though those things wouldn't hurt if they happened), but instead, for me, it was about just getting my feelings across to someone, anyone! I would, most of the time, put myself in the characters shoes and voice my opinions that way. If one of my characters had a certain view, most of the time I did too.
I know now that writing is more complicated than being the main character all the time. Trust me, I think you'd suspect me of murdering someone if you read some of my other stories that I have tucked away in the depths of Microsoft Word. Still, I find myself trying to make a part of me be there in the story. But, I guess that's pretty much what every writer does.
I love how you can just get out all of your feelings while writing. If I'm feeling sad, I'll write about the sad feelings of a dying boy. If I'm feeling dark and sadistic (which usually happens after watching Game of Thrones or Death Note), I'll write about a murderous rampage of a teenager. If I'm feeling happy, I'll write about a beautiful, magical land.
When you write, you see so many sides of things. You have to plan out the good and the bad. You have to imagine how other characters would feel, how other people would feel if it really happened. I think we all become a little philosophical after writing for a while because we have to think about the bigger picture and how it affects even minor characters.
I guess what my point is is that writing has a much bigger meaning than we think. It isn't as simple as writing on a page, it's more like writing on the world. If that makes sense. Anyway, I think I'll end on this note. I'll be back soon with an update or two! Peace out, home scouts! <-- Don't ask.
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*Advise column details here*: I wouldn't go and call myself an expert or psychologist, but I am pretty good at dishing out advise for people who need it. Trust me, my crazy friends give me tons of experience. But, on a serious note, I do like helping people out. I like giving people advise. So, message me with your problems and I'll help as much as I possibly can.
If you message me with your problem and a code name (that way it will be anonymous when I post my advise on this blog), I will respond at the end of every blog update which will be in an italicized section at the bottom where be I will give out the advise. When you message me, give me as many details as possible, that way I can help you as good as possible. And after I give you your advise, your message to me will be deleted in my inbox. That way, it truly will be anonymous.
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(I'm too lazy to read over this, so disregard any grammar mistakes I probably made.)