Society | Penana
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 I see society changing before my eyes every day. People I used to know, changing inside. My heart is burning with such a feeling, I see a light in a corner shining so bright. But for some reason darkness is trying to dim the light. But still we have to keep up the fight. My eyes want to shed tears, but they stay perfectly dry. I must say, it's a battle inside. A battle against whats wrong, and right. The twisted path seems to be filled with people, there's laughter everywhere. Yet I see shadows there, trying to take them down. Now there is another path, light is shinning there. Do you want to follow? Does your heart ever feel so restless, like it's longing for something to hold on to? A run against a wind, a ride through a tidel wave. Now come on we have to get more people, we have to take a stand. There already is a greater number following the light. Lets start to fly, and earn our wings. Because this is a battle worth fighting for.
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