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A Star Trek crossover with "Ship of Fools", a novel by Richard Paul Russo.
Where did they come from? Where are they going?
For hundreds of years, the starship Enterprise, home to generations of humans, has wandered the galaxy, searching for signs of intelligent life. Yet in all that time, there has been no evidence of an alien civilization.
Now the ship is in crisis. In fourteen years, it hasn't made a landfall due to one bad choice of star system after another. With no mission and no landfall, uncertainty and a deep restlessness have spread throughout the ship; many of the crew are clamoring to get off and start a new life. Though Captain Jean-Luc Picard has hung onto his position despite the pressures, his power and influence have seriously declined. The time is ripe for mutiny---and then the ship picks up a steady, unidentified transmission that lures them to a nearby planet.
What the exploration team finds is a long-abandoned human colony. But deep within the planet's steamy jungles lies horrible evidence of its fate: a cavernous chamber neatly filled with rows of skeletons, each hanging on its own hook. Haunted by what they've seen, Enterprise's Executive Council orders the ship to leave.
Soon after, something is sighted----an enormous starship, utterly nonhuman, mysteriously empty and dead in space. Faced with their first encounter with alien life, they have no choice but to explore it. But are they entring a possible new habitable world.....or a trap that will cost them their lives?
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