Chapter 1.20: October 31, 2015
"Are you sure you want to wear that?"
"What? I love it."
"But it's a bit revealing. I don't want immature guys who don't deserve to be a functioning part of society yet to look at you wrongly because they can't handle seeing your ankles."
"You are so melodramatic. I'm dressed as Susan Pevensie, Kenny. I'll be in the most conservative costume there."
"If you say so. Whose party was it again?"
"One of Beth's classmates. An aspiring aerospace engineer, from what I hear."
"You know so much about this host. You're not interested in this 'classmate of Beth's,' are you?"
"She's not my type. I'm completely straight, as you know. You're so stupid when you're jealous."
"You wound me, my princess. Have fun at the party—but not too much fun."
"I got it; I got it. Are you all packed for tomorrow?"
"I am indeed. Will you be seeing me off? My flight doesn't depart until nine, I think."
"I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it even if the earth was falling apart."
"Love you, Eru. Remember: Have fun but not too much."
"I love you, Kenny. And I got it already!"