Maybe I shouldn’t be studying until so late... A thought popped into my head, actually, I wasn’t just studying last night. I was sketching as well. I wish I could tell him that!!! But since it’s Christmas Break, I have a surprise for them. And I’m NOT gonna reveal anything! I giggled at my mischievous idea and turned to look at Mr.Scott, who was staring at me.
Oh no...He’s gonna call me over, he’s gonna call me over, he’s gonna call me ov— “Clarissa what are you up to? Come here and tell me.” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Awkwardly I stood from my place, listening to the stifled laughs emitting from my fellow classmates.
Why me..?? I sighed as I walked over to my Science Teacher. I watched as he motioned me to sit next to him, “So,” He began, “What were you thinking about?” Leaning forward, I heard him whisper. I shook my head, shrugging the entire topic off my shoulders. “Come on Clarissa, do you really want to get punished?” He insisted, putting on a more stern look and tone as he pushed further.
I just smirked challengingly, raising an eyebrow. If he really thinks I’m scared of a Detention then..too bad for him. “I’m sorry Sir, but I was just focusing on my work is all.” I stated to him, obviously he wasn’t buying it one bit. He shot me back an exact replica of my smirk. “Alright then, I’ll just speak to Mr.Cunningham, he’s your homeroom isn’t he? Maybe he can control you.”
My jaw dropped. Was he actually gonna rat me out to Marcel?!? I sighed, might as well get this over it. “Fine...” I mumbled, looking him straight in the eyes as he held a triumph grin on his lips. “Well? I’m waiting.” “I was thinking of starting Youtube..” I muttered the last part, letting it come out incoherent.
“Youtube?” He repeated, I spared him a small nod, feeling heat rush to my cheeks, making them glow a soft pink. I was a very introverted girl, I still am. So I’ve grown to be very shy when it comes to compliments and reactions to things; be it from myself or from others. “Hey now..” his voice quieted down to a soft gasp.
I felt a hand on my back, rubbing small circles. “What happened?” He asked me, I just looked at his brown eyes, listening to his American accent echo through my mind as I pondered a reply, “Nothing..It’s just that I’m nervous about it..” I admitted, he just smiled warmly at me, “Don’t worry, you can do it!” And with that, the bell rang, signalling our last class for the day.
It’s 2:00 in the afternoon and I’m already struggling to keep awake. Seriously, I can’t even keep my eyes open for a solid 5 minutes. I felt someone tap my desk, it was Ramisa. “Yeah..?” I slurred, “What’s Up? You look like you’re gonna faint.” Her voice was laced with concern when she placed a hand over my forehead to check my temperature.
”I’m fine...just a bit...tireddddd...” I dragged the ending of the sentence, nearly slipping off my desk and going splat on the floor. She caught me, “Come on now, let’s go watch TV yeah? Take some rest.” She offered, I nodded. We headed to the main room, her arm interlocked with mine as I stumbled through the hall.
”Woah, what happened to you?” Basim chimed, the others turned to look at my horrid state, “Yeah, looks like you got hit by a truck!” Delpi cackled. I sent a lazy grin their way, plopping myself between Samarth and Basim. “She’s been up studying and drawing all night.” Prisha replied for me, I nodded, breathing out a Thanks before snuggling closer to Samarth.
“I wanna watch a movie.” My voice croaked, it was soft and only Samarth heard me, him being closest. “Okay.” His monotone voice broke the silence as the others decided on which to watch. “How about Justice League?” Adi suggested, a round of agreements were heard. I picked up a blanket from the floor, wrapping myself like a burrito.
“I WANNA BE WRAPPED TOO!” Prisha screamed, I surpressed a light laugh, watching as Delpi and Adi got up, whispering something to Ramisa. She nodded and headed somewhere within our kitchen and emerged with a blanket in hand. “YAY!!!!” She cheered, starting to stand. Then the funniest thing I’ve seen all day occurred.
Delpi pushed her so she fell on the blanket and wrapped her up with Adi. We looked at them, “Prisha are you okay??” I questioned, gazing at her with concern. She nodded, squirming to sit up. “As long as I’m wrapped I’m good!” She chirped, leaving us to laugh heartily as the movie began to play.
We were halfway through the movie and I could feel myself dozing off. All I remember was leaning on one of the two boys shoulders, purring slightly as I fell asleep...