Adler | Penana
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WHEN I was a kid me and my brother often had night tuition and we would walk home from school at 9 pm.We would pass through our neighbour's house but every time we had to do that, we ducked and ran quickly to our home.

It's because the house looked so scary at night, with trees that looked like claws that could grab you and old windows that had not been opened for years,but seemed to glow in the moonlight like eyes. My friends at school told me  it was because Mr.Adler,our neighbour, had killed his wife and her soul inhabited that house thirsting for revenge.

We would hear strange noises, like a man wailing and talking at night.

One day,my brother,Jim , dared me to tell Mr.Adler to be quiet.

"If you do it, I will give you my pocket money for the rest of the day,"he snickered.

But I was too afraid to do so.

Instead,I said ,"why don't you do it?I will give you my pocket money for 2 days!"

Maybe  I should have NOT said that.

Jim, now tempted by my offer,yelled loudly,"Quiet,Mr.Adler,we are trying to sleep here! Don't wail again!"

The wailing stopped.

I saw Jim smiling,but his eyes showed how afraid he was.

Then, our window broke.An object smashed through our window and almost hit Jim had he not jumped onto his bed


I walked closer and saw what the object was .

It was a king cobra,baring its fangs.

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