Never Give Up | Penana
Never Give Up
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Never Give Up
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As I hold my life in front of me,
And look at all it went through,
I see something that did go good,
For a messed up life like me.

In the center was the truest of things,
It was the love that brought me life,
It was the love that made me hold on,
It was the love that made me never give up.

Before, I was broken and in pieces,
Nothing good came my way,
But when I saw that beautiful love,
It brought to me a new life.

Through the thorns and bramble,
There shines a everlasting light,
That offers me a love that made me-
A man who was given to never give up.

As I walk through the darkness,
That love, that connection makes me strong,
That nothing shall break my bond,
To the One that made me never give up.
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