League of Almost Heroes | Penana
League of Almost Heroes
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League of Almost Heroes
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As a young child, Wesley Farrows was obsessed with the classic 'knight-in-shining-armor' fairytale, Robin Hood. Growing up with major headgear, a terrible sense in fashion (A.K.A. sweater vests and khakis), and atrocious eyesight, it's obvious he was bullied all through elementary to high school.

But after abandoning his favorite story after being told it was 'lame', he secretly returned to his obsession, for it gave him hope that he could one day seek revenge on his cruel bullies. Now, at 26, he has discovered his purpose in life: to become a modern-day Robin Hood. From legally changing his name from Wesley to Robin, to beefing up and practicing with weapons, he transformed himself into an infamous hero.

Except he never uses a bow and arrow. And he is not exactly what some might deem as 'helpful'.

You see, he's in a League of Almost Heroes; Superheroes Training Under Provisional and Intensive Delusions, or S.T.U.P.I.D. for short. This band of loser wannabes consists of the following people:

Lizzy Nachos- frizzy redhead with an addiction to Taki's. Aspires to be Wonder Woman.

Tris Nickels- overweight blonde who keeps apple slices, pepper spray, and lip gloss in her purse. Calls herself "Woman of the Night". (The other members know that's not a real superhero but there are only five members so they have no choice but to go along with it).

Frances Sparkles- was left with pink shiny hair after a permanent childhood prank. Wants to be Aquaman.

Owen Waters- speaks in one-syllable words and a fake Australian accent. Obsessed with Wolverine. Secretly has a huge crush on Tris.

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