After that was horrible, I swear after Prexa is cured Im gonna go fix that car and get out of here with the rest of us. The worst part was that Amon and I had to hold her down 'cause she began have a seizure and freaked out. Ben was 'Too busy finding a solution' and Crystal's excuse was because she wasn't strong enough, yeah right..more like she was too scared to.
Suddenly, she just. Stopped..? She fainted again and just felt cold. Amon let go of her and so did I, we backed off. "What happened?" Crystal queried, looking slightly relieved yet panicked at the same time, "I dont know, she just slept again." Amon shrugged. Crystal rushed over, feeling her pulse and touching around her forehead and arms for body heat. She backed away slightly teary eyed. "Nothing.." she admitted softly. Great, now our best deal was too wait and see what happens.
~Prexa's p.o.v~
(Bold=Hella, Italics=Prexa)
Prexa come out, come out, wherever you are~
Leave me alone and get out of my body!!
No can do, it's so boring just being a ghost.
I was fighting with the ghost until something strange happened....