Author's POV: ( after five months)
Kristen bit her lips nervously as she waited for Dr. Nancy to announce the big news, Richard was holding her hands tightly and smiling at her, he told it's gonna be okay, he told her it will all be okay, that it doesn't matter if they're gonna have a boy or a girl, but Kristen was nervous.
"Well?" Kristen said impatiently, she actually didn't care if her baby was a boy or a girl, what she cared about was to go shopping for him or her immediately, she had already decided on the colors for both the sexes, and couldn't feel more excited, so she just wanted to get over it.
"It's a girl!" Dr. Nancy announced excitedly, Richard smiled and stared at Kristen, he was okay with any gender as long as he was having the baby with Kris, however he couldn't help but pray mentally for the baby to be a girl, he wanted to have a mini Kristen at home. Running around, calling him 'dad'.
On the way home, Kristen admitted to Richard that she wanted to go shop for their girl's bedroom immediately, Richard smiled at her and they were soon on their way.
"Knowing my girl she's gonna have my own genes, so pink will be her favorite color" Kristen said cheerfully, grinning from ear to ear. Richard chuckled and held her hands the entire time they were in the mall, he couldn't let go, he wouldn't let her go, not now not ever, he promised himself he's going to make Kristen and his daughter happy, he promised he's going to protect them. So he couldn't just let her go, their hands were sweaty and sticky but Richard didn't listen to Kristen's whining about it being uncomfortable, instead he glared at her and held her hand even tighter, Kristen rolled her eyes and let him be.
"I'm sure she'll look like you" Richard muttered finally, with a smile.
"I hope she has your eyes" Kristen said shyly, she had to admit to herself that Richard had the most gorgeous eyes one could wish for.
"As long as I raise her with you, I don't care about any other things" Richard said and smiled at her, Kristen smiled back at him, she felt very happy, she couldn't believe she had grown to love Richard Anderson, her own childhood best friend. And she was having a family with him.
Richard sighed and stared at his wife, her pretty face, soft skin, pretty brown eyes, and her rosy lips, but most of all her cheerful and great personality made him fall in love, when he was not careful, right now he didn't regret all the trouble, and he didn't regret being careless, he was happy, Kristen was happy, and that's what they all wanted.
Richard would sleep every night with his hands on her belly, feeling his own baby with his hands, he would talk to her, even complain about her mother's bad temper sometimes, once Kristen didn't kiss Richard when he got back home, so he complained about it with his daughter.
"Can you believe this? Your mother is not kissing me" he would say, Kristen would just laugh and start giving him pecks on his lips, but Richard would want more. Shortly Richard traps Kristen into kissing him by herself.
"You asshole" Kristen would say, with the widest smile.
"You're my wife, and my lover, what's wrong with a kiss?" Richard would say, and they will tease each other the whole day.
Kristen had to make a balance between her family and school, she was going to college next year, and had many choices, but she especially wanted to go to Richard's college, to remain by his side, also to not be away from her own family, and from him, she knew having Richard by her at this moment of her life, was not only critical for herself, but it was important for their daughter too, she didn't want to prevent Richard from having his time with his own baby, that's why she has thought about it a lot, and she thought it will be best to remain in town.
Kristen's parents apologized to Richard, and they promised they would let them live happily together from now on, Richard of course forgave them for the sake of his wife, but it took Kristen a while to forgive her own parents, especially her mother, Richard convinced Kristen to forgive them, after all they were her parents, and they wanted the best for their own daughter, at that particular moment they thought they're doing the best for her.
Sarah was kicked out from her parent's house, she slept on the streets for a week until she found a job and rented a small house, and started to live again like a normal person, the model agency wouldn't take her back so she had to find other jobs, she worked as a waitress, as a bartender, as a secretary, and any other jobs she could find, she worked everyday from the morning to the night, she had many part time jobs and worked very hard to gain money for her baby's sake, she worked many jobs except the ones she would feel uncomfortable with, after all she didn't want to be called a 'whore' again.
She hadn't heard from Kyle, but one day someone came with a huge amount of money in his bag, he told her Kyle wants her to keep his money for his baby, but Sarah threw the bag at the man, and told him to go to hell with Kyle and his money, she was keen that she would protect her own baby by herself, she didn't want anybody's help.
She felt lonely yes, she had no friends, no family, no lover, no one to support her, but she knew having her baby was enough, the thought of giving birth to him or her made her genuinely happy.
After collecting enough money to go to Dr. Nancy's appointment, she found out she was having a boy, and her son was healthy and would be born in twenty four weeks.
She sent an apology letter to Kristen, but she never got her reply, so she just let it go and decided to live only for her son.
After waiting for more than five months, Kyle's punishment will be received today, during all these six times, neither Richard nor Sarah came to the court, Kristen only came once, since she was a victim of one of the rapes, she was having another big guy with her who looked like her bodyguard, and she was avoiding staring at Kyle all the time. Kristen also mentioned the time which he was about to beat her, which was not for Kyle's advantage.
He sighed and stared at his chained ankles, his handcuffed hands were resting at his lap, and he was waiting for his lawyer impatiently, he didn't mind the chains and handcuffs, but he just wished he could wear something else other than these orange prison clothes which looked not trendy at all.
He heard footsteps and stood up when he saw his lawyer approaching him, he stared at him for a while, but his lawyer didn't seem to feel good about whatever news he has received.
"So?" Kyle sighed, he already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from him.
"I'm sorry, Kyle." His lawyer said " I tried my best, but it's a life sentence, there were many charges against you, and I couldn't clear your name from most of them, since the witnesses and victims were already present to testify against you"
Kyle closed his eyes for a moment, letting his brain to digest the information, and sighed, he expected this, he hadn't killed anyone, but he had done too many crimes, so he expected this.
"Thank you" Kyle whispered, his lawyer nodded sadly and patted his back.
"Also you have to change the method of giving money to that girl" His lawyer suggested, Kyle thought about what his lawyer said for a while and bit his lips, his lawyer had a point, he had to change his methods , but how?
"I can't just write a will or something?" Kyle asked, his lawyer shook his head negatively.
"I'm afraid not, most of your money are under government's control, you need different methods to let your lover live" the lawyer said.
Kyle smiled at the word ' lover' it was a strange feeling, and definitely a strange word.
During all these five months of staying at the prison, he was not worried or thinking about himself, but he was worried about Sarah, he wanted to see Sarah, he wanted to talk to Sarah, and he wanted to hold her in his arms again.
It took him exactly five months to find out that his chest pains and strange feelings all had something to do with the word 'love'.
He wasn't worried about staying in prison, no.
He was worried about Sarah, and helping her out.
He realized his own feelings too late, but they were still worth living for.
He was madly in love with her.
As the days passed by he couldn't help but feel guilty too, for ruining Richard and Kristen's marriage. Now that he knew what love is, he was feeling guilty.
But he knew he deserved it, he was away from the love of his life, while Richard and Kristen were living happily together.
That's the consequence of not believing in love.
Author's Note: Ta-Da! It's finished, don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts please. Also you can follow me for more books if you liked this one :D Did you guys like the ending?
See You!