Richard's POV :
A month has passed since first Kyle showed up in my house after my arranged marraieg with Kristin, and I don't feel so good about Kyle being anywhere near Kristin, I don't know why . But I know Kristin is too innocent for Kyle.
I can't think straight , all I think of is what Kyle has done in high school, Whenever I see him around Kristin I know what he is thinking of.
He is thinking of exactly the same thing that he did back when we were in high school. I have never been so preotective and sensitive but I don't know what is happening to me .
My dad was right life does change us. I badly wanna be Kristin's friend again. If she hadn't lied to me I might have liked her more than anyone else in my entire life.
But, When you like a girl ,she doesn't like you back, when a girl likes you, you don't like her back. And when you both like each other something has to mess it up. So you see love and romantic relationships never last. That's exactly why I don't beleive in love.
I really wish I could turn back time to the day I promised Kristin that I will always protect her no matter what.But I didn't keep that promise .
I have never felt like this before, but I feel horrible, and I have to make it up to Kristin and tell her to stay away from Kyle.
And I don't want Kristin to ignore me as she has done this past month.
I feel guilty and sad. ME, Richard. The boy who is emotionsless.
Yet here I am waiting on Kristin, because I feel guilty. I am in front of my old school's main door. I looked for Kristin , then I saw her walking out of school with Natalie.
Kristin narrowed her eyes when she saw me, but I jsut waved my hand. Natalie said something to Krisitn that I couldn't hear then they hugged each other. Natalie soon was out of sight. Kristin walked towards me .
"Hi Krisitn " I said politely and smiled at her. She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms on her chest.
"What do you want Richard ?" She said harshly. I sighed and looked at her in the eye. Her brown eyes were glowing , and her straight hair looked longer. I looked away from her .
"We need to talk " I said , Kristin looked confused , but she sighed and got in the passenger seat of my car .
I smiled to myself and drove back home , with my wife in my own car.
I think this is the first time I call her my wife and I really mean it.
Kristin sat down on the couch and I did the same. I sighed and thought of what to say. Then I made up my mind I have to do this it's now or never .
"I.. I feel so bad about our relationship " I begun Krisitn looked shocked but she didn't say a word. She just listened, Which reminded me of why she was my best friend when we were kids.
"I wanna apologize for everything I have done to you ,And if you don't forgive me then I will understand "
Kristin sighed , I waited for her response but she didn't say anything. I was mesmerized by her beautiful eyes , that I hadn't relazied that she was smiling and said something .
"What did you say ?" I asked . Krisitn chuckled and looked away.
"I said I forgive you." My mouth was open in an very non attractive way. Which made Krisitn chuckle one more time . And god it was the most amazing soundI have ever heard it was like music to my ears.
"Umm why do you forgive me that easily ?" I asked , I was staring her gorgeous eyes and thin lips . Why have I never realized how much pretty she is.
Well I don't really like her as more than a friend , but I don't hate her either.
"Because... My dad has tought me that ." Kristin said and I just nodded my head and looked away.
" Thank you " I whispered, and hugged her tight. I felt her shiver, Or maybe I just imagined it. I pulled away quickly . She was blushing which made me smile. She always looks so cute when she is blushing.
"You welcome " She mumbled .
"Can you do me a favor ? " I asked . Krisitn just nodded her head .
" Stay away from Kyle please " I said . Kristin looked confused , but I didn't let her say anything when she was about to open her mouth.
"He is dangerous ,And please believe me " I begged her . Krisitn sighed and looked at me for some moments . I did the same . She looked away, which made me kinda disappointed.
"Why should I believe you? " She asked. A vey good question.
" Remember I told you I will protect you when we were kids? " I asked her . I knew very well she hates answering a question with a question , but I had no choice.
"Yeah "
"Well I know I haven't kept that promise , but at least let me make it up to you please "
Kristin was really surprised by my sudden outburst. She bit her bottom lip, which made my chest hurt.
"Okay " She said and smiled at me politely.
I smiled back at her and stared at her beautiful eyes . The eyes I have always loved , back when we were friends. And I still do when we are .. friends .
I guess we are friends again.And I am so happy about it .
"Am I interrupting anything ?" Kyle's stupid voice snapped me back to reality. I hadn't noticed how close I was sitting to Kristin until I saw Kristin's pink cheeks.
"No " I replied harshly.
I stared at Kristin begging her to go to her bed room. She understood and nodded her head. I sighed in relief and turned around to face Kyle. I could heard Krisitn's footsteps .
"Where did she go ?" Kyle asked .
"She has home work "I asnwered
"I will go help her " Kyle said and he was about to go upstairs but I grabbed his hand and smiled politely at him.
"Actually I need your help in the kitchen " I said , Kyle narrowed his eyes . But he smiled and nodded his head . Thank god .
Kristin's POV :
One week has passed. And I was ignoring Kyle everytime he came to visit us. I don't know why but I really trust Richard on this one. And I feel like Richard has changed a little.
I am glad that we are friends again . And I am glad he still remembers that promise he made.
And I have missed him so much. As a friend.
I forgave him because , My dad once told me . Some men who aren't good at showing their emotions, they rarely talk about what they feel. But when they do , it comes from their heart.
I smiled at Richard and he smiled back "Take care " I said .
He just nodded his head, just like his jerk-self, but a little bit politer and kinder . Then he got out of the house and slammed the door shut. Richard went to college and I was about to pick up my shoulder bag and go to school when suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door.
I rolled my eyes at Richard, for being so reckless and forgetting whatever it is that he has forgotten.
I walked towards the door " Richard , how many times have I told you not to- "
I gulped when I saw who it was that was standing in front of me.
"Hello Kristin " Kyle said , and he got in the house.
"Umm .. Richard is not here." I said nervously.
Kyle smirked , his usual hot and dangerous smirk.
"I am here to see you " He said, and came closer to me. I took a step back .
"Uh.. thanks ?" I said not sure what to say. He took another step towards me, and I tooks another step back.
"Kristin, how about you skip school today ?" He came closer, and I took another step backward. My back was touching the wall now.
"And why is that? " I asked , I was really really scared now.
" Go out on a date with me . " He said. I snorted and rolled my eyes . he came closer , His body was touhcing mine lightly.
" Never in a million years " I said confidently.
"Oh yeah ?" He raised his left brow, and started touching my left cheek gently.
"What If I rape you right now, and no body is gonna know about it, even Richard. "
I gulped and stared at his eyes for a couple of seconds, but there was no sign showing that he was lying.
"You wouldn't. " I whispered. He chuchkled and stroked my hair then he kissed me agressively. I tried to scream and run away but there was no use.Because he was holding both of my wrists. Then an idea popped into my head.
I kissed him back, Kyle was really shocked . He kissed me , just to make sure that it was really me kissing him back.
Then he smiled and let go of my hands "Good girl, you have no idea how badly I want you " He whispered.
This is it, It is now or never, Then I did what he least expected me to do. I kicked his private area. He groaned in pain . He was laying on the floor. I ran as fast as I could towards my bed room.
I looked for my cell phone. Thank god I found it, I could hear Kyle's footsteps . UH-OH.
I had no idea who I texted , But I sent one letter because I knew it I don't have much time. Kyle will be here any moment. I hit the send button before someone grabbed my waist. And when he did I knew it is too late.
Richard's POV :
I was driving to college , when suddenly my phone vibrated . It was a text from Kristin. I smiled and opened the text.
But it was really confusing. I narrowed my eyes and stared at the letter she has sent. Of course after parking my car.
Seriously? Is she joking or something ?
Then it hit me. She meant Help!
"Fuck no !! " I shouted and drove back to my house as fast as I could.