'Sara,you ready? Everyone's here.' Simon called from outside the door.
'Yes,I'll be out in a minute.' I said as I removed the tangles in my hair using the comb.
Honestly,My hair's length is very long.It almost touches my hips. It took 2 minutes to clear out the tangles. After I was done,I placed the comb back inside my dresser.
I glanced at my whole outfit in the mirror. White blouse with a small black blazer on,bow at the collar,mid-thigh length pencil skirt, black stockings and Black pencil heels.
I grabbed my phone,shoved it into my backpack,wore it and opened the door.
'Ah,there you-
'Well,don't you look good.' Simon said. He was dressed in a fine black suit as well.
'You too,my brother~' I complimented back.
I checked the time on my watch. Hm....8:30 AM. I heard chatters from below.
'Let's go.' I said. Simon nodded and both of us proceeded down the stairs into the living room.
On the main couch sat my dad who was busy reading his daily dose of newspaper. My mom was sipping on her morning tea and on the couch opposite to my parents,sat Aleah and Simon's buddies. They were in their own world, discussing about the project.
Aleah noticed me first.
'Oh hey Sara~' she greeted cheerfully.
'Hello' I greeted back.
Simon started 'Since everything is ready,we should get going. Calum is waiting outside.'
Niall,Keith and Aleah got up and grabbed their luggage.
Dad put down his newspaper. 'Since you people are meeting him, make sure he remembers you.' He paused. 'He is one of our biggest shareholders. We might earn favor from him. ' He said.
'Yeah yeah....' Simon said as he checked a few sheets of paper and put them in his bag pack.
'All of you will be back by afternoon,yes?' My mom enquired as she put her tea cup down.
'Yes ma'am' Keith answered.
'Very well,please show your best behaviour. Good luck.' She concluded.
We headed outside to be bathed by warming sunlight. Calum tipped his hat a bit down as we approached him.
'Good morning,Mr. And Miss Kingston.' he greeted us. We mirrored him and did the same.
Simon got in,he took the front seat beside the driver. Niall got in the back first,then Keith, followed by Aleah and myself. I just realized how spacious our car was.
Our journey started and after 20 minutes or so,I asked:
'Are we there yet?'
'We're very close' Simon replied.
We approached BlackFord Industries Office and-
Seriously,wow. I had to crane my neck up to take in the full length of the building. My horizontal sight range wasn't enough to take in the width of the gigantic infrastructure. It was covered in black almost-transparent tiles. Above the main entrance,in silver letters was written BLACKFORD INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL. It was written in a bold and masculine font.
We got off and Niall started 'It's exactly 9. Our Appointment starts in fifteen.'
Aleah nodded and said ' Did anyone notice how HUGE this building is?!'
Keith replied ' Taking into consideration, Blackford's wealth.....This is way more than what I had expected.'
We found our way to the reception desk.Behind it were seated two very beautiful ladies. One of them confirmed our appointment and checked us in.
The other lady guided us to one of the elevators and informed 'Mr.Blackford awaits you on the 58th floor.'
Simon nodded. As all of us went in,I noticed there was another elevator nearby. Based on how black and classy it looked,I had concluded that it was for the CEO.
The lift doors opened and we stepped out to be faced by two very big double doors outlined with a thin steel lining. Two guards were stationed beside either side of it and they nodded to us as we approached the door.One of them opened it for us.
Simon went in first,then me followed by Aleah and the others.The view was breath taking. The room was furnished in almost entirely black. It looked very masculine indeed.Everyone were engulfed in the activity of staring at the entire office.
That was when I saw it- No,Him.
He stood behind his desks's chair,staring down on the city's lower buildings though the glass wall. He looked too pristine and manly to be real.
Aleah glanced at me. He didn't seem to be aware of our presence.
Simon cleared his throat. 'Excuse me,Mr.Blackford.'
The black shadowy figure turned around. I was the first person he laid eyes on. Eyes Blacker than darkness. Hair Blacker than a raven's wings.
'Um...Good morning,Mr.Blackford,we are the students from Aerilon high.' Simon said boldly.
He didn't break eye contact with me. This is getting intense,I thought. I broke eye contact and looked down.
He gestured towards the five sleek classy chairs. 'Have a seat'
He took his own after all of us were settled.
Simon in the center,I was on his right,the other three seats were occupied by Aleah, Keith and Niall.
I was assigned the job to take notes so I took out the notepad and pen. I looked up to find that Levi Blackford was already looking at me intently. I looked away.
He is extremely silent for a billionaire,I thought.
Simon spoke up: 'So Sir,let's start off with your latest investment in diamond extraction project in Kimberly. I heard the mines happen to contain a great amount of profit.'
He remained silent for two seconds,then he looked at Simon and said ' If I'm not wrong, your father is the head of Kingston enterprises. Correct?'
Simon and I were equally shocked. Keith,Niall and Aleah glanced at us. Dad's company was successful but it wasn't as glorious and large as his. Simon replied ' Yes, Sir'
He nodded slowly, then he said ' My analysts informed me that one of my underground search radars had picked up an unusual signal. I sent an extraction team over to investigate. The risk was worth taking,my assumption was right that there could be fortune beneath the soil.'
I scribbled fast on my notepad jotting down the main points of what he just said.
Aleah asked the next question: 'We've seen in the papers that you are giving 20 million dollars towards ship production. May I request for more briefing on that matter?'
' It is obvious,that since the sales increase remarkably every month,I have to expand my fleet of ships to increase cargo trade.'
' How many ships are in your ownership,may I ask?' Aleah sputtered out.
He waited for a second before answering 'Two hundred and six'
Everyone's jaw dropped. I gulped.
Simon questioned next ' What do you plan to do next? Any specific goals?'
He looked at me. 'One particular goal has been on my mind. It has been since years.I plan to achieve it soon.'
Time passed and he kept answering some questions asked by Nial and Keith. I kept noting down points but I felt HIS gaze on me almost every minute.
I snapped my head up. I found him staring at me with deep concentration. My friends and brother looked at me, surprised. I just sat silently,staring back.
'You were silent the whole time.'
God help me! I thought.
I had to make up a challenging question.Fast.
' Is that so?' I said. Damn it! Was that the best I could do?
He nodded slowly and continued ' What's your name?'
I froze. I thought he already knew our names.
'I'm Sara' I answered and looked down towards my notes.
'Of course, a beautiful girl deserves a beautiful name'
Wha-t? It took me a few moments to digest what he said.My whole face flushed.
I looked up. Everyone else beside me were staring at me as if I had grown wings. Don't get me started on Simon's expression.
The whole room was silent for others.For me,the silence exploded in my ears as my eyes stared into those two coal black eyes.Moments passed and he said:
'Please respond to my compliment,Miss.Sara Kingston.'
My name coming from his lips sounded so luscious.
'Th-Thank you,Sir.' I faltered and I looked down.
'We... should get going.' Simon said in a low but audible voice.
'I'm grateful for your time,Mr-. '
'Allow me to give you a tour' Levi interrupted.
Everyone looked dazed. This time,I spoke up.
'That's very gracious but I'm afraid I ca- '
He looked me and cut me off.
'Some other time then.Allow me to see you out,at least.'
Everyone knew that no one could say No to Levi Blackford. He stood and buttoned the first button of his coat. He had worn a black vest inside along with a tie that yelled 'untie me'.
He came around the side of table towards me.He looked much better up close.
'Follow me,Miss' he said.
'I'm sure we can find our way- '
He cut me off again.
He opened one of his doors and using one hand,he gestured outside. He said 'Please'
I could hear Nial's gulp.
We followed him outside silently. I dared not look at Simon's face.He was looking at me and I would get scared again.
We neared the elevators and all of us stopped beside one. Levi kept on walking in the other direction.
'Um- sir.....' Keith started.
He didn't stop walking until he was standing before the black,sleek and classy elevator we saw before.
'We will be using mine' He said.
Aleah and Nial had become dum silent.
We slowly walked towards where he stood and the slim doors opened.
He stepped inside and gestured us in. The inside was as fabulous as the outside.
No one spoke till we reached the ground floor. I could sense Simon's intense thinking. At the same time,in my peripheral vision,I could see Levi gazing at me as if I was the only person in the world.
'How old are all of you?' He asked out of the blue.
I'm pretty sure he knew everything about us,I thought.
It was Simon who answered. 'We happen to be of age seventeen,Mr.Blackford'
'I see.' He said back curtly.
The doors opened and we made our way out with Levi leading us. Every employee froze. Some gave short bows to him. Some greeted him Good Morning. Others just stared as if a Greek God had appeared. He didn't respond to any of them though. He kept walking straight ahead,towards the main entrance. The gaurds almost tripped over when he saw his billionaire employer walking towards him. He bowed.
We were outside when Levi asked me 'Do you need a ride home?'
'Um...Sir,it's alright....' I began to falter.
'Our driver will be here in a minute.' Simon cut in.
' I see' he gave a curt nod.
Calum arrived a few seconds later and opened the doors for us.
Niall,Keith and Aleah said thank you's to Levi.
Simon took his seat.I looked at him. His expression yelled :Get in the car,Sara.
I took off my bag,neared the car door and -
'I hope we meet again,Miss.Kingston.'
I took a deep breath and replied ' Until next time,Mr.Blackford.'
I shut the door and looked forward.Which is why I missed his swoon worthy smile.
The car set off. We exited the main gates,which had big B's carved into them. I glanced at the rearview mirror to see that he was still watching us leave.
After a few seconds,Aleah burst out 'What the hell was that about?!
A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. May I humbly request you to invite your friends to read this?
Thank you for reading.