Orchid had discovered that reading a book with only a single hand was exceptionally difficult. Sitting upright in one of the beds they had set up in Black Eyes old office, he shifted restlessly trying to concentrate on his reading. A healer examined the injuries Orchid had sustained in the fight two days ago, his healing spells flashing and doing their work to repair the damage.
“I won’t be able to remove the scars young master. The damage was too extensive and the treatment delayed for too long and it was all I could do to make sure the arm didn’t suffer any deterioration in ability.” The Healer spoke nervously licking his lips.
Testing his arm, Orchid was satisfied that there were no aches or strain so he just smiled at the healer gently.
“No problem, as long as I don’t have to worry about my arm turning into a piece of glass everything’s fine.”
The healer sighed in relief and quietly left the room.
Orchid stood in front of a bowl of water and stared at the scars in quiet contemplation, his fingers tracing the marks along his ribs and shoulder.
“Admiring your manly physique?” Weber asked him as she came inside.
“No, Weber. I’m just admiring my war wounds.” Orchid replied as he dressed, back towards her.
“Not bad for a child. The girls will come at you in droves.”
Surly, Orchid responded “Not interested”
“You’ll have to deal with it boy. The Academy isn’t going to train you for peace. Injuries, violence, hatred and death, you’ll see it all. Some people will never have to see anything like it in their whole lives.” She sighed and sat down in a large chair. “It’s people like you that will let them live like that.”
“Is that meant to make me feel better?” Orchid said in a trembling voice.
“Yes. Someday it will.”
“What about right now? What will help me right now?” Turning with watery eyes he went to sit on his bed. “It hurts Weber, I can still feel my arm breaking as I hit the wall, my lungs rupturing and blood filling my chest. Why would anyone want to fight?” He was on the verge of tears.
“At least you’re alive right now, you made sure that those Knights will never sacrifice anyone ever again, you don’t have to fear them stalking the city for your friends and family. If you have something you believe in boss, then you’ll give your life up for it. We get through pain and suffering eventually, it fades away and you get used to it so you just keep living a day at a time.”
“You sound like my grandfather. None of that makes sense!” He snapped, waving his arms in denial. “Why do you fight Weber?”
Weber looked down for a moment before simply whispering.
“I like it.”
“That’s it?” Orchid barked a short laugh of frustration, falling back on the bed, laying an arm over his eyes. “Not much help, are you?”
“I enjoy fighting little Purple. It makes me feel alive when I face an enemy who can match me, competing to see who’s more skilled. The loser falls and the winner finds someone else to take down.” The passion in her voice was clear despite her soft tone.
“That sounds mad, Weber.”
“I’ve been told that before.” She chuckled drily.
“I killed people, Weber.” Devoid of emotion, his voice seemed to suppress all sound.
“I didn’t like it.” He added quietly.
Not having much else to say Weber remained silent, gazing at Orchid as he sobbed emotionally, reliving the last few days. As his crying subsided she went out to call everyone for a conference.
“Ready for a meeting boss? We have lots to discuss.” Weber came back with a glass of wine in hand.
Grunting as he stood up, Orchid nodded and went to a small cupboard and pulled out stacks of paper. Arranging the paper on the table in the center of the room he sat down and waited, his finger tapping against the wood while he was lost in thought. His friends started to trickle into the room along with Erben and the various squad leaders of the Banner. Standing once everyone was inside, he saluted.
“First things first, good job.”
Returning the salute, everyone smiled and the Banner troops bantered happily, smacking each other on shoulders in a violent display of affection.
“We have a grip on the Red District now that we have to tighten, but the problem is simple. Black Eye had no money.” He gestured at the papers and angry mutters came from the mercenaries.
“Well, we weren’t depending on that for funding, but it seems stupid to let a business opportunity like this go, so we have to make the Red District profitable. There’s a power vacuum now and every little thief will come out of the woodworks to get a piece of the money.”
Folding his arms, he looked out the window, gazing at the passing citizens and criminals, people who struggled to get on with their own lives. They weren’t interested in the politics or the people who were in charge. They just wanted a peaceful life, he knew, he’d been in that position when he was younger.
“That will not be tolerated.” He continued, hesitant about his next statement.
Contemplating the people around the table he could see the faces that he knew were now his responsibility whether they thought they were or not. Weber had a bored expression on her face while she spun one of her blades in varying patterns. Erben was glaring at her, displeased with her frivolity. Jensen kept his eyes on Orchid, since the fight he’d been fanatically subservient towards his new boss.
“I owe you my life boss.” Jensen said as he kneeled in front of the bandaged Orchid. “I always pay my debts.”
“I wasn’t trying to save you Jensen. I had no time to think of anything except how to survive.” Orchid rebuked.
“I can see the way things will be boss. You’re only 14 right now but I’ve heard the stories, and….” Hesitating on how to proceed. Jensen breathed deeply and raised his sleeve to show Orchid a symbol branded into his arm.
“Son of Kale.” Orchid breathed, his jaw hanging open.
Jensen nodded before continuing.
“Only a fool would not be able to see that you will play a significant role in the Kingdom, and since you destroyed an idol, the Lords of Silver will mark you.”
Jensen raised his short sword, hilt towards Orchid and fervor in his voice.
“By the ancient vow.
I Jensen, a man with no family.
Claim descent.
In honor of the Veil I pledge eternal allegiance.”
As the vow of the sons of Kale was spoken the Veil itself trembled and reached out to enclose them, separating them from Time. A stunned Orchid gaped for a while before stuttering.
“Ummm. I don’t know the words to accept the vow.”
Laughing Jensen coached him in the phrases and Orchid gained his first follower.
Jensen silently saluted as he was being observed and Orchid gave a small nod before turning his gaze to Anna who sat with a pensive frown on her delicate brow. The Professor looked calm, his face as expressionless as always. Rock stood proudly, preening and stroking the ridiculous moustache that had become a new fixture on him, The Rat peacefully lounging at his side.
Since everyone must make it into them and us. Let the Fallen Gods take them all. I’ll pick us always.
“Make examples!” Orchid hissed viciously. “Our grip here will not be shaken.”
Only Anna looked disturbed by his words.
“Maybe we should focus on removing the crime in the city entirely.” She ventured.
Orchid felt unsure on how to respond to her statement so he gestured at the Professor who started teaching her.
“There will always be crime Anna. It’s just human nature though I hate to say it. There are many reasons for it of course, lack of jobs, poor harvests or famine, disease….”
Coughing lightly to stop the Professor from going into a deep discussion Orchid raised his hand.
“While I would love to stop it somehow.” The Professor continued after being brought on track. “The best we can hope for is being able to exert some influence and profit off it. It’s not really as bad as you may think. Once we have some control we’ll dump the problem on Justain. You know he’ll sort the issue out somehow.”
His friends nodded while the mercenaries looked at them in confusion.
Finishing his thoughts, he gestured for the others to make their reports.
“We have to keep the Guard away. They may use the chance to tighten their control here. Non-lethal methods only. We don’t need to start a war with our own people.” He explained at a certain point.
“Take control of it Suleisa. I’ll leave it to you to set up our own group of enforcers but keep them separate from the Banner.” He told the Squad leader of the 7th Squad after her report on thugs showing up to join them.
“Yes, our priority should be replacing the losses in the Banner.... Increase the size of the Banner, final numbers we can decide once our finances stabilize …. Has compensation for our fallen comrade’s families been prepared? .... Speaking of families, consider whether we can gather them into the city or a nearby village as a means of protecting them, I can probably find jobs for the skilled ones easily.” He discussed with Erben on the disposition of the Banner.
Their conference continued until sunset, discussing the hundred issues that they had discovered after replacing Black Eye.
“We need a name besides the Banner’s for use in the Red District. Ideas?” Orchid polled the group.
Various ideas were thrown out but they settled on calling themselves the Purple Syndicate despite Orchids vehement protests, only Jensen taking his side.
“Don’t make so much of a fuss boss. The Banner troops are already calling you the Lord of Purple.” Weber drawled, making The Professor and Rock burst into roaring fits of laughter.
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After the mercenaries left, the atmosphere in the room became somber as Orchid and his friends deliberated on recent events.
“Did we do the right thing?” Orchid blurted, the fear in his voice palpable.
“I don’t see how we could have done anything different little Purple. We need what’s under this building.” The Professor consoled him.
“We’ll do better than those Fiendhand’s here. Justain won’t let things remain like this.” Anna declared.
“No more sacrifices.” Rock added. “We removed the Church of Silver. No doubts.”
They all sank into silence once more. Orchid paced the room slowly, a book in his hand but he wasn’t paying much attention to its contents. Rock sat with his eyes closed practicing his mana control.
The Professor kept glancing at Orchid.
“Why are you staring at me so much?” He turned and glared back.
“What was it like? The fight.” The Professor enquired.
“Bad” Orchid shuddered. Looking at his hands his eyes glazed over as he recalled the feeling of tearing through the Knights arm. “Hurting someone is surprisingly easy. We’re all so fragile, even those vaunted Knights.”
“Unpleasant” Rock agreed.
“I don’t think I enjoy fighting Derek. Killing is such a distasteful thing.”
Rat snorted.
“When did you first kill someone Liz?’ Orchid probed gently.
“It’s been years. He took my bread, so I took his life.” Her indifference chilled them. Rock walked over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“A thousand days followed by an endless night.
Bright beyond words but lost in the shadow.
Given from above.
Taken with ease.
Who can tell?
What are the consequences of a life?” The Professor quoted in a singsong voice a trace of melancholy lacing his voice.
“Sad but nice, what’s it from?” Anna asked from her seat near the window.
“An old excerpt of poetry, both poet and the remaining lines are unknown”
“No way to give the answer true justice.” Rock commented and Orchid agreed.
Laying in the bed and gazing at the ceiling Orchid reflected, while listening to his friends talking.
What will be the consequences of my life? And what will there be for the lives I’ve taken.484Please respect copyright.PENANAkJUUr7LQKn