#### 773Please respect copyright.PENANAPhZ64Ejl6r
773Please respect copyright.PENANArjamad7cz6
The towering mass of vines was a domed juggernaut over 100 feet tall. Pulsing purple runes covered its domed surface.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA5Tm0BW8fLK
The Acolytes numbered in the thousands chanting together as the slow moving dome reached the clearing in the Sinister Forest. With in the hour the dome was at the portal, and was sucked though it.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAN6RBIbvvwV
773Please respect copyright.PENANAvQjumfsNjt
773Please respect copyright.PENANA6AQ6hxID4i
The way is clear.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAftAfZ6RPSA
Can't you hear it?
773Please respect copyright.PENANAu0vHurKRMZ
Your spirit, she sings;
773Please respect copyright.PENANAVaKb8ALgSC
Upon a bird's wing;
773Please respect copyright.PENANASRLxCUPFNK
Out of the darkness,
773Please respect copyright.PENANAg9movbsNbD
The heavy heart lightens.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAnzrNmxzuLe
773Please respect copyright.PENANAGDJeRvJcsr
Merryn awoke to a beast with yellow fangs close to her face. She shrieked, rolling away from it. Everything hurt. "Uhhgg." Where was everyone? She backed further. A hill? She frowned. Lighting and robes?
773Please respect copyright.PENANAG9BZmTMg6H
Movement again.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAvdxfAwcQgP
The creature spread it's clawed paws wide and murmured. A wind blew on the chimes that grew from the branches of the silver trees. Back here again? Can't wake up just once without anxiety inducing crap happening?
773Please respect copyright.PENANAXozGROca6X
The creature moved forward. She reached behind, whipping her hand over the grass. Just twigs and grass. Slipping into her boots. They're gone!
773Please respect copyright.PENANAjC4h88tBIJ
The creature sat on its haunches. Its eyes softened and mouth moved. Growling and mewing. Was—it talking?
773Please respect copyright.PENANAjTMN1x5sho
It coughed, clearing its throat. "I'm Leo." He touched his chest.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAqCE9D5kFUH
She blinked.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAd9375YQzbl
773Please respect copyright.PENANArAb32cZ4tj
The crea—Leo smiled, a very pointy one, but none the less a smile. She chuckled. Is this a sick dream?
773Please respect copyright.PENANAX5xNLLHF7P
He rubbed his chin saying nothing, studying her.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAzI7la6NNxj
"How? Why?" She relaxed some and crossed her legs. The grass was wet and cold from the morning dew.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAcXvXUOdXnb
"I was little, you saved me. Remember?" He spaced his paws appart closing the distance between.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAqnjxqW5wEA
Saved him? ... She rubbed her neck.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAYeEaYd8fnj
Leo mewed and sighed.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAYLfBt0kobk
"Do that again." A memory tugged at the corners just out of reach.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAgSy54RkCV5
His fuzzy ears twitched. "Mewww."
773Please respect copyright.PENANAgEJNOe6ZKD
"You were that pup?"
773Please respect copyright.PENANAqWyOohy8aO
"Yes! I was too afraid to talk back then."
773Please respect copyright.PENANA2aJqGyiwMG
She moved closer. "So, why?"
773Please respect copyright.PENANAgJfFc96Ps3
He moved slow and even to the firepit between them.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAO06LLsooSq
"You're all I had back then. It's silly, I guess."
773Please respect copyright.PENANAiQwbsBuYPz
He placed a few logs on the fire, then touched each log with a fire stone. Nice. She held her hands out and rubbed them.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAuEz0kiXPly
A large bird feathered of orange and yellow landed behind Leo, it stretched its neck; peering, then turned to Leo.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAQqNLTnI4EY
"A force is coming this way. You both need to go."
773Please respect copyright.PENANAwwMgSOEapO
"Who is this?" said Merryn.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA2flrj3qVUN
"Call me Blaze. Little time. Go!"
773Please respect copyright.PENANAxJR0TEaGT8
She turned back around and hugged Leo with her wings, then took off into the sky. Sparks jumped between the trees that she passed.
773Please respect copyright.PENANASP06rfmhfi
Behind a sight that wouldn't sink in at first. Maxwell was walking toward her with Jason and a young man following.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA591G5NUogu
She held a breath. Will he ever quit?
773Please respect copyright.PENANA6cmR11nwiH
"Don't bother running. I'll find you again. Come back before its too late," Maxwell said.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAGWmKYga3Rh
Turning, she ran, with Leo following. Too weak right now to fight. She stumbled, retaining balance before face met with the ground.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAvCoLsXHlFf
Blaze circled overhead diving, her beak wide open. A light within brightening her maw.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA7vBEc1SyR5
Leo pulled her again. "Have to go faster it's going to get hot."
773Please respect copyright.PENANAFUg9VSNxOP
Blaze breathed down a tourch of flame at Maxwell and troupe.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAKn06rtFtd1
The trees instantly set ablaze, waves of heat singed her body.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA00yqYZCbSK
773Please respect copyright.PENANAokYcEFEIje
Taking his paw she shouted out a prayer for haste. Her body thrummed, a heat spreading through, this passed over to Leo. He tried to talk, but the loud wind whistled overriding his voice.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA2qCR2bf8kc
The trees on the right sparked with lighting, the metal glowing and some melted down to a lump of slag. Maxwell now along side not more then twenty feet away turned. The sharp look ate across the distance.
773Please respect copyright.PENANARKFwk6QvSt
Her heart tightened. She pushed on going faster, pulling Leo with.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAi5hHgBzgyK
Leo gestured straight ahead.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAYSQP9PzZTM
Nodding, she weaved between the trees, leggs and arms burning. The prayer spell is wearing off, have to get away now!
773Please respect copyright.PENANA5dmRVbCH0A
Leo pointed down.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAGduJZespSu
A short ledge with a lake below, jumping she pulled him with. Getting caught by him again, can't bear it. After emerging from the cover of the water the night lit up.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAPhksz4msjz
Blaze truly a creature of fire was set against the night sky with her wings spread out as a halo over her head. Her shrill edged cry, directed at Maxwell.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAS4OIvh48qj
Past Maxwell the half grown chicks huddled together shivering. Maxwell's lighting bolts hit only a hands spread away.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAZswaw5XJQy
"My babies! Die!"
773Please respect copyright.PENANAyMry8NOuEF
She breathed in her throat glowing, then breathed out a swirling tourch that grew taking on the shape of a fanged dragon, this bolted at Maxwell.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA4deHbwktfC
A bright bolt of lightning snaked up from the forest it hit Blaze's chest. Her yelp of pain ecoed throughout the forest.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAabA1Y0J213
Leo stood there mute, shaking. His furied face contorted one of pure rage. Fat tears rolled down his face leaving wet tracks.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAGSXOwvO7Ai
Blaze lurched mid flight flapping franticly as she spun falling at an angle toward Maxwell.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAqwHwg2uVq8
"We have to go. I'm sorry." She pulled on Leo's arm.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAM7NAJBgCwW
"They will be," he said. His tone harsh and cold.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA62Nl58Ds6X
They both ran for the rest of that night; stopping only to catch their breath.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAQYBdqlQKB0
An earth cracking squawk filled the forest near dusk, then a thump.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAZcL6ZTaqez
His ears perked up, swiveling behind.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA5q5jCdR0Vl
"She's tough."
773Please respect copyright.PENANAxiEYclDh1c
His face relaxed some and smiled a little.
773Please respect copyright.PENANATQt6jmOuTy
773Please respect copyright.PENANAZktLUPxlMt
773Please respect copyright.PENANAkwOpbGkoi5
On a grassy hillside south of the forest a thudding vibration jolted through the soles of her boots.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA0FSItnK4xY
I need you to get on a ship; now that it's impossible to go back, thanks to that pizz of a bird!
773Please respect copyright.PENANA6acR5jc8OR
She startled, Unnameds thoughts loud.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA9FYtXro1Mm
What are you talking about?
773Please respect copyright.PENANATajeR5kREE
A port town is ahead at the bottom of the hill, go to it.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAAXNeqj5Flc
773Please respect copyright.PENANAyxhCCj0lXa
Then I'll make you.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAhd2y103aJB
The prayer for the haste spell tumbled out. She ran off ahead, leaving Leo behind.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAnFXDUfFUa1
"Hey! Wait!"
773Please respect copyright.PENANAtAIIO3Ff2d
Her mouth clamped shut before she could speek.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAtLfdwFPrrt
We will go further Southwest the port isn't far.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA2bVH0n2BiC
She ran down the grassy hill.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAVS4BLZVcfW
"Merryn?" Leo yelled her name repeatedly.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA811fJbS4HO
A few minutes later and his shouts faded.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA6r9IIfQaTb
773Please respect copyright.PENANAFPCrb2Zp5Y
A day later exhausted, Unnamed still pushed her to speed walk, her legs burned and her feet hurt. Sweat drenched her back.
773Please respect copyright.PENANApXdD9j8Q4c
Just let me rest.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAwaXcurD8ak
After, keep going. Unnamed's thoughts were faint.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAXc7xRcDQhG
Guess it wore him out too, good.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA96o7aWYlza
Screeching of Sealarks filled her ears, a warm breeze carried with it the briney salt of the ocean. The ocean sucked even more then usual. The sea was calm this day.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAkChOXt7bg7
Off ahead a long line of workers carried barrels of goods. Further down past was a bustling port harbor with several ships tied to the long docks.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAL4JzLQj8Rw
A bell clanged bong-dong, and the workers stopped what they were doing. They all went and stood in line at a booth, a skinny man handed them each a pouch, after they went into town.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA4Mucwkw8vN
Unnamed held her locked in a walk, until the last one left the docks. Legs pumping he pushed her into a sprint to the largest ship. On its side it read: cloudy sphere.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAuQI19qPr81
Unnamed had her wisper to Kage, the shadows flowed over.
773Please respect copyright.PENANALKh936R5bY
Too sunny out, it's going to break in a few seconds.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAckISSFXp7k
More then enough time.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAsI37h55e0U
The shadows broke just as feet touched a slanted plank that went up to the ship. It looked empty. She checked from bow to stern; empty.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA0LdKPEWNWC
The entrance to the hold was next to the captains room under the helm. This was all at the back of the ship. Unnamed had her sit right on the deck.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAx4WkHKYZdc
Now you wait.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAUvmHIP3qtU
Do I even want to know?
773Please respect copyright.PENANAGYl6rRFZZQ
Yelling and screaming from down the docks and footfalls nearby.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAUaDu0JtTys
Leo walked up.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAjOXEIN3Izv
"Get up! Come on!"
773Please respect copyright.PENANAllOzqyLzui
Reaching out with a paw he tapped her shoulder.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAYJmAYeI0mR
"Our master is growing week, don't muck this up."
773Please respect copyright.PENANA4epVIys1kQ
Leo snapped around and turned back, crouching down. He started to speak, but fell over his fur smoking.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAPXryzy2pS5
Poor Leo, should have kept going.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAfFw3oXMtWy
"Toss it into the brig, it may have uses later."
773Please respect copyright.PENANAiZkMg9qy6C
"Now, how to get you to behave?"
773Please respect copyright.PENANAbL8FLk8al3
Swinging his staff in an angle. She closed her eyes and tried to bear down before it hit. Seconds passed buy, she peeked.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAow8GuvlHSp
Kar walked up the plank, and stood beside Maxwell.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAoxMiWUaj7x
"Interesting, why don't you move?" said Maxwell.
773Please respect copyright.PENANALMF1nWJrpf
Kar went to Leo pushing him onto his side.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAseXS5VyLKY
"Monster, why do you interfere?" He let out a heavy breath. I've had enough problems this week dealing with that infernal overgrown chicken." Kar shook his sholder. Leo's eyes rolled back in his head.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA3Dop2QBH0Z
"You didn't have to kill it Max."
773Please respect copyright.PENANAJOJgGEHsiV
"Its not dead."
773Please respect copyright.PENANAWCb1vHrvgv
He snapped his fingers and and several Acolytes scampered up onto the ship beside him.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAN1S2FD8lfE
"Go, and inform Nukpana that we are here, and to finish with her preparations."
773Please respect copyright.PENANApinDRbDzNQ
"It will be done." They scurried off the ship.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAgrgsOQDI1M
He blocked two of them from leaving with an outstretched arm.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAx2oHHIZmk0
"Drag the bugbear to the brig like I said."
773Please respect copyright.PENANATCK1UayzM0
"Yes Sir!"
773Please respect copyright.PENANA5edo5NKCUp
There was much huffing and puffing as they dragged him to an open area leftside of the captain's room. His arms floped and it was dreadful how his head thumped as they dragged him down the stairs.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA2GJD5jIpHZ
Maxwell bent down touching her shoulder. She couldn't even flinch as Unnamed still held her ridged.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAhoCTFUWBqZ
He took out a tiny purple paper lamp and lit it; he blew the smoke on her face, and then circled around her making several rings of smoke. These rings closed and then dispersed.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA3MCw6vBuqk
"Unamed is asleep now, but it won't do so for long. Get up, don't do anything stupid or I'll execute the beast."
773Please respect copyright.PENANA76JPBmBlhk
He touched her nose with his pointer finger. "Savvy?"
773Please respect copyright.PENANAZkKovtv7yg
773Please respect copyright.PENANAAqUUd4Dhhd
She stood rubbing her stiff neck. How to get out of here? Why did Unnamed do this? Leo ...
773Please respect copyright.PENANAgCnO89zBYU
Kar moved to the port side of the ship and looked out to the sparkling ocean. The others immediately tended to different jobs. Some checked the lines while others checked the Main sail. After they were done, they stood ready.
773Please respect copyright.PENANATEnFmMklR9
Maxwell went to the middle of the deck.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAIPhOksNhtT
"Hoist the sails! And watch that boom!"
773Please respect copyright.PENANADTHllEGLkv
He flashed her a look; it really was a flash that blinded. Her eyes watered and squeezed out the sides of her eyes. He clasped her arm and pulled her forward, then pushed from behind.
773Please respect copyright.PENANAr4DrMFOnL2
773Please respect copyright.PENANANxiSs7rEyW
773Please respect copyright.PENANALmYukppobT
"Do I look like a rag doll to you? I'm going–"
773Please respect copyright.PENANA65gTB16zlY
He pushed her to the captains quarters, closed the door and locked it.
773Please respect copyright.PENANA2y0QWHNC6M
The sway of the boat almost put her to sleep, she rolled up into a ball with her head tucked up to her knees. Is it over?