A girl was hunched up in a corner with tears running down her face. Her friendships were becoming rocky and drama never seemed to cease. Her green eyes peered to the side to see her old friend.
He was silent as he waited for her to stop crying. His dark brown hair and eyes were a striking contrast between his pale skin. With a smile he hugs her lightly, offering comfort to the poor girl. She gladly accepted it, feeling the warmth spread in her heart.
"You know you don't have to be around them," the boy spoke up, his voice soothing to her ears. "You can come with me. I'll love you and you can see Andre again. Wouldn't you like that?"
The girl nodded as the boy helped her up. They walked to her room, him convincing her to write a letter to say goodbye.
"I'm sure your family will want to know that you're in safe hands." He purred as she picked up her lucky bag. Holding her hand, the boy dragged her along to the kitchen.
"We should make a treat for the road." He kissed her hand and they began to make a simple ham and cheese sandwich.
The pale boy pulled out a large steak knife from the top drawer. Placing it carefully into her hands he smiled.
"It's up to you, doll. Would you like to come with me or stay here? I know you are fond of the others and coming with me might be dangerous." The boy kept his distance with a hopeful glint in his eyes.
The girl's breathing became harsh, she stared at the knife and centered it to her heart. Ready to stab through the flesh, she suddenly stopped. She placed the cooking knife down on the granite counter, much to the boys disappointment.
But he wasn't expecting her to make the choice anyway.
"I'm sorry, not today. There are too many people who will miss me and if I die I might not be able to find the things in life that make me happy. I want to find those things." She wore a sad smile on her tear streaked face.
"Alright Doll, I have no way of controlling your actions." Death sighed and waved goodbye as he began to vanish. "I'll be back."
The girl went back to her room, tore up her suicide note and laid down in her bed. Her phone dings, signaling a text. Her friend was apologizing and promised to make it up. They were all going to have a night out with just themselves.
Maybe things might be looking up.
(Life can be bad, but it also has it's upsides. Don't try to escape with death, when you could try to make things better - Flow)