The Confidence In Me | Penana
The Confidence In Me
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The Confidence In Me
Rosemary Dawson
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[Author's Note: "To every awkward person, YOU ROCK."]

Youth, Love and Life. It's completely bullshit to 18-year-old Charmaine Quill. She was born to be ugly and awkward, and she thought she will always be. Her first three boyfriends dumped her because she was completely useless, which drove her to attempting suicide but somehow failed when she had a big chance to die.

Seven years later, Charmaine had her life totally flipped over. She is now an actress, which had won Best Actress Award three times in a row. Had been chased by a lot of hot guys but this time, she is the one to reject them. 

One day when she was assigned to film a military/romance genre drama, and she has to train military stuff a few months before the actual shot. Which turns out that the guy that trains her, Zachary Ells, is the lead male character that she haves to perform romance chemistry with in the drama.

Charmaine thinks Zachary is bland and dull. But Zachary is much, much more better than she thinks.

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