Toby led me through Neutral Grounds, one of the only places Zalgo Followers, Slender Followers, and monsters alike could be in peace. The city itself looked completely normal, almost like a human city. There was only a few differences though. There are barriers keeping humans out and keeping us safe from the SCP Foundation. The last time something happened involving the SCP Foundation… Well… Let’s just say it involved Jeff and Liu…
The town itself looked a bit old-fashioned and quaint, with little shops dotted the streets; often varying from little ice cream parlors, tea shops, farmer’s markets, and florists to Spencer’s, Third Planets, Candyopolis, and Hot Topics. There were even a few arcades here and there. There was even a shooting range in the town.
I’ve been in Neutral Grounds before; everyone has. It’s also where Proxies go to celebrate (Tim’s Unit, John’s Unit, and my Unit are considered regulars at Hort’s Diner; the best food place in the whole Under Realm. We even have a private room there, we go so often!).
Toby held my hand as we walked through the cobblestone streets. Young monsters and children looked at us in awe. Proxies are pretty well known here… and highly respected…
A young vampire, a little girl, was staring at me and Toby. She waved and flashed us a grin. We both waved back and smiled at her. Toby and I continued walked until he told me to close me eyes. I closed my eyes and let him guide me around.
“You can open them now,” Toby said. I obeyed and opened my eyes. I gasped.
A fair. Toby took me to a fair. This wasn’t just any fair; it was Laughing Jack and Jill’s Carnival! To be honest, I was actually excited. I loved fairs and enjoyed going on all the rides; especially the ones that scared the shit out of the other kids.
Toby bought two wristbands for us. “Who needs tickets when you have a wristband that can get you on any ride, that takes tickets, until midnight?”
I chuckled, “Right? Now, what ride to go on first…?” I scanned the rides until I saw a ride that just brought so much nostalgia. “THE TORNADO!! Of course!!”
Toby raised an eyebrow at me, “Um.. Allison used to take me to the State Fair and we always went on The Tornado first. It’s, like, tradition.”
Toby laughed, “Okay then. Let’s go!”
Toby and I stood in line, hand in hand. When we got to the front of the line, the guy looked at us, looked back, before pointing to an empty section. We sat across from each other and grinned as the guy locked the steel and foam harnesses into place.
We grinned at each other as the ride began to start. The ride spun us around in a circle as we spun ourselves with the wheel provided. Our laughter joined the laughter from the people around us, creating a chorus of laughter.
Pretty soon, the ride was over, and we were exiting the fenced-in area and headed to another ride. We went on ride after ride until we finally got to the ferris wheel. The ride operator let us onto the ride and had us sit in passenger car number thirteen. I smiled at that, because thirteen is my absolute favorite number.
Toby grinned at me as he pulled me onto his lap. I leaned into him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The lights from the town illuminated the ground below while the moon illuminated the dark sky with the stars. I smiled at Toby and he smiled back. The ride kept going for a little bit, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.
~~~Toby’s POV~~~
As Sarah and I were on the ferris wheel, I couldn’t help but think about what Victor had told me before Sarah came downstairs.
I stood in the entry hall waiting for Sarah to finish getting ready. I was looking into the mirror and fixed my hair every so often. Suddenly, I noticed another figure in the mirror with me.
The figure had pale skin and black hair that covered one eye, the eye that was showing with purple like Rogue’s. He clicked his tongue at me.
I turned around. “Oh, hello Victor.”
He narrowed his eye at me, “You lay a finger on my sister and I will kill you.”
“Calm yourself, child,” I smirked at the fifteen-year-old.
Victor’s pale face gave an angry and flustered flush, “I’m only five years younger than you.”
“You’re still a kid compared to me,” I said, keeping my smirk, “I’m twenty. You’re fifteen.”
Victor growled at me, “My sister’s eighteen!”
“And that’s a two-year age difference. Big fucking deal, right?” I asked sarcastically. Hey, just because Victor is Sarah’s kid brother doesn’t mean I have to be nice to him. I mean, he will be my brother-in-law someday, but still…
“I don’t give a shit,” Victor hissed, “Just don’t touch my sister!”
“I would never do anything to her that she wouldn’t like… or enjoy…” I smirked. That got my desired reaction from Victor.
“Why you fucking man-who--” Victor tried to swing at me, but was stopped by Slendy.
“Victor, my son, stop picking a fight with Tobias. If he’s who your sister wants to date, let it be,” Slendy scolded, before looking at me very intimidatingly, “And if he conducts himself in anyway Sarah doesn’t like or I don’t approve of, he knows what will happen… Don’t you, Tobias?”
I just smiled and tilted my head to the side, “Yes sir!”
“Good,” Slendy turned his attention back to Victor, “Now, son, you and I need to have a little chat, okay?”
Victory gulped before teleporting away with Slendy. As if on cue, Sarah came down the stairs wearing a black, gray, and white flannel shirt jeans, and black high tops with black lace. She also wore a black and red striped beanie and had a black cat purse. I smiled at her. I guess we’re that couple, eh?
~~~Back to the present~~~
I came back to reality when I heard Sarah’s soft snores. I smiled at her as the ride came to a stop. The ride operator let us out and didn’t mind as I carried Sarah out of the passenger car. I kept walking until we reached the Mansion.
Victor was glaring at me, “What did you do to my sister?!?!”
“She fell asleep,” I said, “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“Oh yeah probably after you DRUGGED HER!!!!!” Victor screeched while running at me. What an idiot.
I must’ve stepped out of the way just in time because Victor slid into the wall. I smirked and made my way up the stairs and to my room. I laid Sarah down and laid down beside her and cuddled her. Might as well get cuddles. Cuddles rule. I like cuddles. Who else likes cuddles? I like to steal cuddles.
While I was thinking those thoughts about cuddles, I fell asleep. Dreaming of cuddling Sarah.