It was a couple days after the party, a couple days after Toby confessed, and we still weren’t together just yet. And guess what? Another new member arrived! Her name is Lex. I already hate her. She is constantly trying to flirt with Toby and it’s so FUCKING ANNOYING!!!!!!!
Whenever I see that teal beanie and blood red hair, batting her green eyes at my Toby… God Damn I feel like letting Death take over, or possible leave my body to kill her. Currently, I was on a mission with Toby. Thank God I’m only supposed to go on missions with Proxies and not free-killers (except only with special permission to go killing with Izzy, Alex, Helen, or Clocky).
“Sarah?” Toby poked my shoulder. “You’ve been a bit stressed lately. Anything bugging you?”
I wanted, really hard, to give him a hug and tell him to stay away from Lexie and to tell him that he was mine and only mine. Yeah, I guess I truly am a bit Yandere-ish.
I smiled, “Oh it’s nothing. Hey, let’s just kill these guys, alright?”
Toby shrugged, “Whatever you say so, Sarah…”
Minutes later, Toby and I were running away from the house covered in blood. I was giggling from the adrenaline in my system. “I told you not to cut that artery!!”
Toby’s twitching was also affected by the amount of adrenaline in his system, “I can’t help it!! When I hold my hatchets it’s chop-chop time!”
I laughed, “It’s cool, fam.”
We kept on going until we reached the middle of the woods. Suddenly, there was a loud boom of thunder and a flash of lightening to accompany the downpour’s arrival, causing us to stop dead in our tracks.
“Shit… Slenderp warned us to hurry so we wouldn’t get caught in the storm!!” Toby said, using a hand to shield his goggles from the rain as he looked up. I let out an irritated sigh.
“First the new bitch, now this…” I muttered under my breath.
“So something was bothering you! I knew it!” Toby said.
I looked at him and started to walk away. “Wait! Sarah!” Toby grabbed my sleeve and spun me around. “What’s bothering you?”
I bit my lip, “You wouldn’t get it.” Toby looked at me.
“Just tell me.” I tried to pull away, but Toby grabbed me. With the force of his pull, and the rain, we fell to the ground. I hit the mud, Toby had his hands on either side of my head, my legs were between his. Rain dripped from his forehead and onto my forehead. He blushed and tried to get up, but I pulled him back down and gave him a kiss. He froze for a moment, before kissing back. It almost turned into a small make-out session.
Toby pulled away, “Are you going to tell me now?” I bit my lip.
“Maybe I’m a bit…. jealous…. of Lexie…” I said quietly.
“You’re jealous of Lexie?” Toby asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Because I’m afraid she’ll steal you from me.” I responded.
Toby blushed and kissed me again, “No one’s going to steal me from you.”
“I like how we’re just comfortable with kissing each other and we’re not even dating yet.” I said, smirking.
Toby grinned, “Well, you, Sarah the Stalker, are now my girlfriend. I hope that’s just dandy with you.”
I giggled, “Yes, yes it is.” We kissed again. “Hey Toby?”
“Yes Sarah?”
“Why are you still on top of me?” I asked, blush on my face.
“Okay, for one, you pulled me down for a kiss, and two, I’m keeping you dry.” Toby said, as if it was obvious.
I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by Lexie. “So you guys are trying to get cozy on the forest floor? Tell me how that works out for you.”
I flipped her the bird. Lexie puffed her cheeks. “Y’all are gonna get in trouble.” Was all she said before she sauntered off.
“Someone’s feeling bitchy today,” I muttered. Toby chuckled
“Don’t you mean more than usual?” I giggled at this.
“Agreed,” I smiled at him. Toby smiled back. He leaned down to kiss me again before he spat blood on my face. I looked up in shock as Toby slowly was pulled from me and thrown on the ground.
“Toby!!!” The rain had stopped, showing all of my tears. My eyes widened as I noticed a bloody scythe being wiped off. Two glowing white eyes glared at me tauntingly.
“What’s wrong, my dear?” Herobrine asked, walking towards me. “I’m just taking back what’s rightfully mine.”
Herobrine grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me to my feet. “I mean, I’m sorry for having to do that to Toby, but I had to insure that my girlfriend wouldn’t try to betray me, right?”
I snuck a glance at Toby, and barely kept back a sob. Blood was pooling from a gash in his side. His right orange lense was cracked. Herobrine glanced back at him.
“Still concerned about him? He’s nothing, love. Just a damned obstacle that should have never been born.” Herobrine smiled at me. “Love, we can be together again, now! You see, we’re d35tin3d!!” Herobrine glitched out a little bit when he said the word “destined”.
I stepped away from him, hands on my pickaxes. “No, we’re not “love”.” I heard my own voice get darker. “You hurt the one I hold dear. I hold grudges, dearie!” I lifted a hand to my mouth and jammed two fingers down my throat. I heard Toby make a sound.
Death was surprised. “You're letting me out? You will so not regret this!!!”
I took my fingers from my mouth with a cough. Black matter spouted from my mouth. Within moments, Death had materialized. Death was sort of a sluttier version of me. She wore a corset top dress that had a floofy bottom, high-heeled boots (that had a lethal point) that went up to her thigh, and black stockings that had my father’s (/Proxy/Operator) symbol on the top. On top of that, she wore a trenchcoat that had tails like Jack Skellington’s coat and black gloves. She wore a joyful clown mask.
She lifted a hand, allowing darkness to pool out. Within seconds, she had her scythe within her grasp. Her hair was the same color as mine, except going down past her hips and had three black streaks in it. Her eyes glowed purple.
~~~Quick Toby’s POV~~~
I looked up at Herobrine, wiping my blood off his scythe. I couldn’t move. Whatever the hell he had on that blade had paralyzed me somehow. I stared at Sarah as she spoke to him. Suddenly, Sarah shoved two fingers down her throat.
“S-Sarah, don’t!!! Please no!” I said as loudly as I could. Blood was still gushing from my side. Suddenly, this black matter came out of her mouth and formed into a person. Wait, is that Death!?! I haven’t seen her outside of Sarah’s body since the battle to rescue John and Nikki from Austin and Zalgo.
Herobrine backed up as Death approached him. He didn’t think this through. Obviously.
~~~Sarah’s POV~~~
I watched Death as she attacked Herobrine. I know using Death is sneaky and low, but he hurt Toby. My Toby. Bastard needs to pay. Using Death is also very risky. She and I are connected. If he hurts Death, it won’t affect her, but it will affect me. I will feel the pain. Which is why I don’t let Death out often. One time, she and Sully were making out. All of the lovebites he gave her, I felt the pain of each one on my neck.
Death popper her neck and stretched. She flashed Herobrine a wicked grin, before running at him. “TAKE THIS, YOU GLITCH!!!”
Herobrine blocked her attack with his scythe, “I’m not going down that easily, you slutty version of Sarah.”
“Hmm, yes you are,” Death said, swiping his head clean off. “And you just did.” Death’s eyes widened as she saw Herobrine’s head float back to his neck, binary code swarming around as it reattached.
“I’m a “delitad”, the combination word for all of us boys who are both dead and a glitch,” Herobrine chuckled, his eyes seemed to glow with a stronger intensity. Death smirked.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t try, dearie~!” Death chirped, swinging her scythe like a maniac. Every cut she did to Herobrine seemed to make him stronger. Death seemed to only go faster.
During all of this, I managed to get to Toby and help him up. Whatever Herobrine did to paralyze him has worn off. The bleeding stopped, thank god. I began working my way back to the Mansion with Toby when suddenly I collapsed to my knees. I coughed hard. Pain ripped itself through my torso. Death teleported herself in front of me. She was breathing heavily.
“I’m so sorry…” She panted, before turning into back into a black mass and re-entering my body.
I sank to my knees, each and every one of the wounds he had given Death appeared on my body. Toby looked at me, eyes wide, before sinking to his knees as well. Blood was coming from his mouth again. That’s when I noticed the dagger sticking out of his side. Toby pulled it out and chucked it at a tree, before crawling over to me. He pulled me to him and held me close.
“So this is how it ends, huh?” Toby chuckled weakly.
I couldn’t even respond, I was in that much pain. The pain was starting to dull a little.
Toby stroked my hair with what little strength he had left, “I adore you, you know that? I’ve always adored you.. From the moment we first met in the woods...”
My heart beat startled to slow a bit. Black spotted my vision. Toby kissed the top of my head, before lifting my head up and kissing me on the lips.
“Until the end, my little Stalker...” Toby’s eyes started closing as mine did. “I love you.”
Toby fell back with me on top of him. Everything started ringing and turning a dark black.
Footsteps rushed towards us. Concerned voices swarmed around us. I felt myself being taken away from Toby’s arms. I opened my eyes to see the blur of concerned faces before everything finally went to black.