The King's Daughter | Penana
The King's Daughter
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The King's Daughter
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It is a time of war. Aravell has been controlled by The Shadow for the last one hundred years, and the rebellion is dwindling in numbers. The Riders - knights in training who are bonded to dragons, are demoralized. They wait for a leader to emerge from the ashes of the battlefield. A hero they can rally behind. 

Seventeen year old Alexis Edwards is not your so ordinary high school student. In a relationship with her best friend, she plans to finish high school in a year and then move on to college. But one day, a mysterious woman enters her life and shatters her reality. She reveals to Alexis an entire world that she has been deprived of, a world where she is needed. So begins a journey of self discovery and revelation. 

It is in this world where Alexis will learn what true sacrifice really means. For she must decide that when the time comes, if she will claim what is hers by birthright, or throw it all away. 

 The Shadow waits for her, eager claim her as its own. And if it is successful, Aravell could be plunged into darkness, forever.

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Total Reading Time: 16 minutes
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