A Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAq919I5st65
with jeweled eyes770Please respect copyright.PENANAZEYL9TJSAh
and a muddy dress770Please respect copyright.PENANA4OHUKYLANA
A mouth that's just a line770Please respect copyright.PENANAFKCuToSVaU
a body that can't move
Can she become770Please respect copyright.PENANAzyX4zfr2sO
something more?
The puppet stands770Please respect copyright.PENANAL9leO3oCEM
a silent sentry.770Please respect copyright.PENANAMHVgjIsxHZ
Eyes never blinking770Please respect copyright.PENANARu7Kc5prZ7
heart never beating770Please respect copyright.PENANAGV9rN1Z3cI
A Body made of clay
One day someone spoke770Please respect copyright.PENANAsHLUyYrzqm
to the silent statue
He told of his life770Please respect copyright.PENANAtpgeOVXP3u
to the Body of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANA1GXa6w3Wmd
he had run770Please respect copyright.PENANARdpo2p60lu
Run from responsibility770Please respect copyright.PENANAnffPWenhLh
Run from a false love
Even if she could do nothing770Please respect copyright.PENANAprBs4egBiK
the Body made of clay heard
Something started in770Please respect copyright.PENANA7LlBfHM4Qo
the Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANA7TqPsTBMqT
As the man spoke770Please respect copyright.PENANAoUgat7v54N
She started to feel770Please respect copyright.PENANA1O4unilpGm
Nothing a statue felt before
The man never returned770Please respect copyright.PENANAM374xbXHv2
to the Body made of clay
She could not understand770Please respect copyright.PENANAL55jSPqyHt
the feelings she felt770Please respect copyright.PENANAsTOW6zWgDm
and began to think770Please respect copyright.PENANAPwRyjx9VhN
why was she made770Please respect copyright.PENANAm3oLWvfPPE
why did she feel sad
As she thought these things770Please respect copyright.PENANAk9TXj28iUE
another comes to speak
This one was angry770Please respect copyright.PENANArQOIRzwP73
he was exiled and770Please respect copyright.PENANANzVwkmOEWf
abandoned to the forest770Please respect copyright.PENANAdeTK2ELNX3
He came back to the770Please respect copyright.PENANA8nGlnftwg0
Body made of clay frequently
She could never respond770Please respect copyright.PENANAWtVubimcZP
Her mouth nothing but a line
eventually the man stopped coming770Please respect copyright.PENANACH9t6Z2yP5
he disappeared770Please respect copyright.PENANALk3PlzVsZ5
and the Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANABqWpczGRA7
felt anger, for the first time770Please respect copyright.PENANADzHLBZtafO
she wanted company,
But the Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAqrFV2nQ80l
couldn't identify "loneliness"
For a long time770Please respect copyright.PENANAqoeynGu5M1
no one visited770Please respect copyright.PENANAxlrjdApFcR
until a girl came770Please respect copyright.PENANAmh3ktiNBO4
She talked770Please respect copyright.PENANAhq5bg6Ieb8
and talked
The Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAcpawighkTs
wished she could move
The girl pretended that770Please respect copyright.PENANAfoBfWlQeYO
the Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAwqqyzK9gHR
was a trapped princess770Please respect copyright.PENANAfMPhJ5V6Zj
that she was under770Please respect copyright.PENANAguKLtAWO2K
a curse
Eventually the Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAKCBG3UqHxR
started to believe it
The young girl770Please respect copyright.PENANAOhAZrVmkR8
continued to return770Please respect copyright.PENANAaEM76WZMiV
until she had grown into770Please respect copyright.PENANADclSIoRidd
an elder, just to770Please respect copyright.PENANAdCExn7mpvE
have someone to talk to
The Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAYYxOL7k25U
was happy for the first time.
Every once in a while770Please respect copyright.PENANAWvFX8kHPFO
someone would visit770Please respect copyright.PENANAbYBJXgS2h4
and the Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAyf4teWrASn
would gain a new770Please respect copyright.PENANAnVFRNWt6TY
But the Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAamcJZ3qziT
Knew she wasn't under a curse
The Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANA0UYKAkB2QJ
grew clever770Please respect copyright.PENANAn8RVtJBoNz
She knew she was only770Please respect copyright.PENANA0X2wgmFliC
a statue770Please respect copyright.PENANABkOjMS7GnK
made of clay
She wanted to become770Please respect copyright.PENANAChKsmJCqra
human too...
One day a770Please respect copyright.PENANAe0M8nqmvkv
wizard visited770Please respect copyright.PENANA82sXGfoC5o
He looked at the770Please respect copyright.PENANAFRw1juk0gn
Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAk5rK8kAbPF
And Sighed
"You wish to be human?"770Please respect copyright.PENANAB2zebfJenS
Was what he said
The Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAeVYDzd1SCt
Felt like singing770Please respect copyright.PENANAOoHqL6JRSg
she wished she could770Please respect copyright.PENANAGHC2x3xj47
be what had made her770Please respect copyright.PENANAGE3n5dQXiS
she wanted so much
"For a statue you sure have770Please respect copyright.PENANAjx5gcv08H7
strong emotions."
The people770Please respect copyright.PENANACp8D4Fz6jw
that came to talk770Please respect copyright.PENANAEUsxDckSmT
gave them to her770Please respect copyright.PENANAPO8HSiydWS
they made her into770Please respect copyright.PENANAufqCnI1L6O
something more
The Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAyR6EnOtCRr
became a statue of beauty
Over time the clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAsQ2RKWRU15
became so detailed770Please respect copyright.PENANApB4tIow6ZJ
her dress became more that mud770Please respect copyright.PENANARTcNr8Xiuo
her jeweled eyes sparkled770Please respect copyright.PENANAtnx4Ld0mcu
and her mouth formed
"I will return in one year.770Please respect copyright.PENANARREKFGRmfD
I will grant your wish than."
If she could she would770Please respect copyright.PENANAvbO2z0Ap52
have jumped for joy.770Please respect copyright.PENANARWEd57O5Ld
The puppet would770Please respect copyright.PENANA98dahsY7EK
lose her strings770Please respect copyright.PENANARV7D58P2Du
shed her clay skin
Many months passed770Please respect copyright.PENANARMtLhOOUEr
and only one came to speak
He was cruel to770Please respect copyright.PENANAOp7pL6ARRb
the Body made of clay.770Please respect copyright.PENANAyFiHts06RE
He cut her body,770Please respect copyright.PENANAQaQCG4iAM5
cracked her skin770Please respect copyright.PENANAKRLNeXhWwf
and stole her eyes
The man laughed the770Please respect copyright.PENANArFrNMZ3cBJ
entire time
The wizard returned770Please respect copyright.PENANA5Np12mpUuL
just as he said770Please respect copyright.PENANAPK3KmtpiaV
he came to find770Please respect copyright.PENANAZZBha1IiVx
a pile of rubble770Please respect copyright.PENANAA6dc789rwv
where the Body made of clay stood
"You still wish to be human770Please respect copyright.PENANAj85RUXCaBa
after all this"
The wizard was appalled770Please respect copyright.PENANA847GVWgyEl
The Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAqRY7lOVuZ3
defiled as she was770Please respect copyright.PENANAaVnmUMalqN
still wanted770Please respect copyright.PENANA0TkOmWnlMK
to be human
"You have been ravaged770Please respect copyright.PENANAZURHQoB1r7
and deviled yet you still wish?"
Her once gorgeous jewels770Please respect copyright.PENANAzzviM7v28t
were empty sockets770Please respect copyright.PENANA4XXcCBdD21
her detailed body770Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0JH9DWO9E
was a pile770Please respect copyright.PENANApwUWP5ojFI
all that was left was her face
For the first time770Please respect copyright.PENANA55vS03Xkbi
the wizard felt pity
The Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAi9uXHCfNdy
didn't deserve this770Please respect copyright.PENANA7gUuTGBc3f
her heart was pure770Please respect copyright.PENANAK6FqOe5ZeF
her mind was sharp770Please respect copyright.PENANAox60njXI5T
she had done nothing
To warrant770Please respect copyright.PENANAWGdSKuSTQI
such desecration
The statue was pure770Please respect copyright.PENANAgB7pOAwMCT
and innocent770Please respect copyright.PENANAYrAJn7uLD3
she was new770Please respect copyright.PENANA4l2sTdLJcQ
and fresh770Please respect copyright.PENANAaHJ3Ez6VuZ
now she was a pile
"I'll grant your wish.770Please respect copyright.PENANAQbXFtPAMrV
Tomorrow you will be human."
The wizard could have sworn770Please respect copyright.PENANA3TDL2EP7V1
that he saw a smile770Please respect copyright.PENANAVqOd7AzhOI
on the clay lips770Please respect copyright.PENANAOQTqKkICee
and a drop of water770Please respect copyright.PENANANlmOmypWRW
from the empty eyes.
The sun set and rose770Please respect copyright.PENANAB3PUamHhBM
and a woman lay still
her ample chest rose and fell770Please respect copyright.PENANAvliU6SMBfV
silky hair fell in waves770Please respect copyright.PENANAcDTc2dbT7R
her body was full770Please respect copyright.PENANADf1nBvdiZa
and her heart beat770Please respect copyright.PENANAoF3FmvdFgO
full of life
The once statue770Please respect copyright.PENANAMLiERkqsYL
awoke as a human
She couldn't believe770Please respect copyright.PENANABXm9q758cB
her body was soft770Please respect copyright.PENANAiFDg6WR2D0
and she could move770Please respect copyright.PENANAqsTtlT8c22
she could breathe770Please respect copyright.PENANAOMRLRiDuB3
and she could see
Most important770Please respect copyright.PENANAgcnTDX0ifB
she could speak
She stood on770Please respect copyright.PENANALvGYjCfSrM
trembling feet770Please respect copyright.PENANAwApvXEUIP8
the wizard came770Please respect copyright.PENANAZzNzRdHMKr
up to her770Please respect copyright.PENANAlc4AnC7UxZ
with pride in hes eyes
"Thank You."770Please respect copyright.PENANAZy99Xnx9DI
was what she said
She enveloped the770Please respect copyright.PENANAo2UB5gQM9d
wizard in an embrace770Please respect copyright.PENANAAip9CREiVY
he made her real770Please respect copyright.PENANAIQlAkl2JW4
he made her be.770Please respect copyright.PENANAqQXRAkIl6l
The wizard embraced back
she was his best work770Please respect copyright.PENANA1412lPUKHY
everything was perfection
Her voice rang like bells770Please respect copyright.PENANAlW1xwIdEfD
and her smile was diamonds770Please respect copyright.PENANASpX08PJHZG
her mind was sound770Please respect copyright.PENANA37tWSp22oa
and her soul full770Please respect copyright.PENANAcUQWsly0g1
her jeweled eyes shone with life
"Can you give me770Please respect copyright.PENANAHxKHc6kjDT
a name?"
The wizard thought770Please respect copyright.PENANAI4xx13x1y7
and thought770Please respect copyright.PENANAfkvklToRTd
A name?770Please respect copyright.PENANAnXqSsskLju
Of course she770Please respect copyright.PENANAXghkp4CSaB
would need a name
"Anima,770Please respect copyright.PENANALbxOYQhibM
do you like it?"
Her bejeweled eyes770Please respect copyright.PENANAOBPMS7V428
shone with happy tears770Please respect copyright.PENANAfz1OE9NT1a
her head nodded770Please respect copyright.PENANAcnO1R3UdOZ
and another770Please respect copyright.PENANA1X4ks1tuEk
The wizard just770Please respect copyright.PENANAZy5TweJMEm
reciprocated the act
The Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANA15PknmsHbX
Made eons ago770Please respect copyright.PENANAEHCb6kSayn
gained a soul770Please respect copyright.PENANA5N7dVRORav
and was given a body770Please respect copyright.PENANA1LEiqXn27m
She was human.
No longer was she a puppet770Please respect copyright.PENANA2T0J3kXs9J
that couldn't act
No more was she silent770Please respect copyright.PENANASOjQOFNBOu
she spoke and sang770Please respect copyright.PENANAqGQCEiBrgf
she loved and cried770Please respect copyright.PENANA2RgFMqlcBY
she listened just as much770Please respect copyright.PENANABzJk8Qe3YY
for that was what made her human
She grew and loved770Please respect copyright.PENANAIeiFBJfzQ7
the young wizard that gave her life
no one knows why770Please respect copyright.PENANA1C6M4YkEJk
the Body made of clay770Please respect copyright.PENANAD7rwfPnd9C
was created770Please respect copyright.PENANAMPlRmogYFw
No one knew770Please respect copyright.PENANAvKXFIBjqd5
when either
People only knew that770Please respect copyright.PENANAizjVgLof5w
the Body made of clay
Was no longer770Please respect copyright.PENANA8KNRlqTNTb
the silent sentry770Please respect copyright.PENANAFp1A8tgqlc
hidden in the woods770Please respect copyright.PENANAt4c1wGnbPK
No longer a770Please respect copyright.PENANAjdApKBK8wz
statue in the woods
There was no more770Please respect copyright.PENANAkD3h0olnXY
a Body made of clay