Rise and shine, people. The sun is up, and it's a new day!" Liora's voice rang loudly through the room where Kael and his companions were resting.
"Ugh… does she have to be that loud?" Mira groaned, clearly annoyed at being pulled from her sleep. Beside her, Nadine and Ivy stirred awake, rubbing their eyes as they adjusted to the morning.
The door creaked open, and Liora waltzed inside, her energy completely at odds with the drowsy state of the room's occupants. "We have a lot to do today and a plan to finalize," she announced, hands on her hips.
"Can it not wait a little longer? I'm still half-asleep, and I hate being disturbed," Mira complained, pulling the blanket over her head.
"Well, sorry, My Lady, but you have to get up now," Liora teased, smirking.
"Stop being lazy and get up, Mira. So, what plan do we need to finalize?" Nadine asked, shifting the conversation.
"It's about how we go about taking revenge on the Holy Church of the Broken."
Mira raised an eyebrow. "I thought you wanted to stay out of this, considering your history with them?"
Liora's playful demeanor faded, replaced by a steely determination. "It's because of my past that I need to fight them now. Especially when I have allies who share my goal and whom I can trust. Besides..." Her voice softened slightly. "There's a personal reason I don't want to part ways with you all yet. You'll need my help, my expertise, and my experience along the way. And I would never forgive myself if something happened to you simply because I wasn't there."
Nadine nodded, folding her arms. "That's fine with me. Having your experience would be useful. I just hope your personal vendetta doesn't interfere with our overall plan."
"Don't worry, Nadine. My personal grudge won't affect our strategy. Oh—speaking of which, how are you feeling after the changes from yesterday?" Liora's gaze lingered on Nadine. "Your hair's turning white, and your irises are going silver. Plus, you mentioned a few changes yesterday. Is that all, or did you notice anything new?"
Kael chimed in. "Yeah, any other changes?"
Mira stretched before answering. "Let's see… I feel at least twice as strong and fast. Healthier, my lifespan feels extended, and I think I've gotten more beautiful, if that's even possible." She smirked at the end, causing Nadine and Ivy to chuckle and nod in agreement.
However, through the bond they shared, Kael sensed something else. There was a deeper transformation within them, something they weren't mentioning. But since they didn't seem ready to share, he didn't press further. "Well, that's a shame. I was expecting something a little more... dramatic. Anyway, what's the plan?" he asked, subtly steering the conversation.
Liora straightened. "We need to gather evidence—concrete proof of the Church's immoral actions. But more importantly, we need to rise in social standing, even if just a little, to give us a strong foundation when we start exposing their lies."
Ivy frowned. "I don't get it. We're stronger now—why not just storm their capital and burn everything to the ground?"
Liora sighed. "That would be a death sentence. The people chasing us before? They were among the weakest members of the Church. If we rampage in, we'll be dead before we even get close to the higher-ups. Doing this my way minimizes risks and increases our chances of success. So, does anyone disagree?" She scanned the room. No one spoke up.
"Alright then. First, we register as Imprint Questers in a major city—somewhere with an abundance of monsters and quests. We'll build a reputation, use that to gain influence, and then establish a small faction of like-minded individuals. The best city for our needs is Qip City, a three-day journey from here."
Kael nodded. "Sounds like a solid plan. We'll start preparing for the journey."
As Liora turned to leave, Kael gently grabbed her hand. When she looked back at him, he met her gaze and said, "Thanks. For everything you've done for us."
She scoffed playfully. "No big deal. Just remember—I'm collecting on this debt one day."
Kael chuckled. "I'll be waiting for it." Liora smirked before slipping out of the room.
Once she was gone, Kael turned back to his companions. "Alright… why were you lying?" His voice was calm, but his gaze was sharp.
Mira exchanged glances with Nadine and Ivy before sighing. "There was something we wanted to tell you first. Our Codexes... they mutated."
Kael's eyes widened. "Mutated?"
Mira nodded. "They changed into something called a Codex of Creation. Ivy and I also have new Imprints. But I don't understand what this 'Codex of Creation' actually means."
Nadine hesitated before speaking. "I awakened my Codex, too. It's... also a Codex of Creation. But I don't get it. I thought Codex of Sagas was the highest known grade. So what happened?"
"You awakened your Codex? I thought this could only happen during the awakening ceremony?" Mira questioned.
"Yeah, I'm just as confused as you are, Mira," Nadine answered, then turned her attention toward Kael. "What happened? Is this something bad or something to be worried about?"
"No, it isn't. This is just a benefit of your new race," Kael answered.
Kael's mind raced. 'Elia, what the hell is going on?' he asked his Codex spirit.
[This is one of the benefits of your new race, Astral. Astrals are among the most powerful races in this world—though their existence has long been forgotten. Their potential is unmatched. During the transition, they naturally awaken Codexes of Creation because each Astral is born with the potential and capability to naturally own a Codex of Creation. Your sisters' Codexes evolved because of this. Yours didn't change because you already had one,] Elia explained.
Kael exhaled, then faced his companions. "No need to panic. This is just one of the perks of our new race—Astrals. I don't have all the details yet, but your Codexes changing is normal. I awakened a Codex of Creation during the awakening ceremony, but I lied and said it was a Codex of Myths to keep a low profile. The truth is, the final and highest grade of a Codex is the Codex of Creation—also called God's Book."
Mira's eyes widened in realization. "Oh... so that's why you seemed off when we asked about your Codex level back then. Now it makes sense. Honestly, if this is a benefit, I'm happy about it. This increases our chances of surviving in this world." She grinned. "Do you know of any other perks, Kael?"
Kael shook his head. "Not yet. I need to check my Codex for more details. You guys should do the same—enter your mindscape and examine your Codex and Imprints."
"Good idea. I'll try that now," Mira said as Nadine and Ivy nodded in agreement.
"Alright. Once you're done, let me know everything you find. We need to document this and form a proper theory about our abilities."
"Got it," they answered in unison before sitting down and closing their eyes, entering their mindscapes.