Ghu Of Chaos | Penana
Ghu Of Chaos
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Ghu Of Chaos
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Chapter 1  Refining Orb

Negram was running swiftly, alone in the forest. He hadn’t even found a moment to rest, as the Uzqarks were chasing him. “Do they know that I have the Orb?” he muttered to himself. As fear took hold of him, he started doubting whether he could escape at all. He didn’t even know where the others were. He quickly tried to sense their Ghu, but his efforts were in vain,he couldn’t feel anything. Had they been killed? he began to wonder.

Under normal circumstances, he would have gone back for them. However, as his bleeding worsened, exhaustion weighed down on him. Even though his conscience wouldn’t allow it, the very thought of leaving the others behind filled him with rage. But there was nothing he could do. Even if he kept running, he wasn’t sure if he could escape Mirenyum. His only hope was the Orb in his hands, perhaps the Orb was his ticket out.

Negram kept running without hesitation, but suddenly, an overwhelming surge of Ghu energy struck him, slamming him to the ground like an insect. Struggling to get back on his feet, he tried to determine the source of this immense power. In Mirenyum, only the Vexeperons possessed such a high level of Ghu. The mere thought that one of them was after him was terrifying. He was beginning to understand just how valuable the Orb truly was.

As Negram felt the crushing force of Ghu energy intensify, he realized his pursuer was close. "In this state, I won’t stand a chance," he whispered to himself. Even at his best, how long could he possibly last?

Using the last of his Ghu, he summoned Ne’lix and then collapsed into unconsciousness. Ne’lix seized Negram in its claws and swiftly carried him away.

預計閱讀時間: 16 分鐘
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