We were playing dodgeball. I didn't know anyone, where I was, or why, I just knew that I was there to play. "Split into two teams!" The coach instructed. And so began the picking. One of the captains was 20 the other 23. I stood impatiently at the back. As the coach explained the rules, some guy to my left turned slightly and whispered," Quick tip, dont trust anyone, not even your team members." He smirked. "Wow, really helpful," my voice dripped with sarcasm. He replied with a pitying tut tut tut, after that he was picked to be on the 23 year olds team, and I was chosen to be on the other. Let the game begin.
I was minding my business, dodging here and there when the ball hit someone, a 30 year old man, he dropped to the ground, unconscious. I sucked in a breath, so that was the catch. After that the people seemed to drop dead like flies, until it was only me and the guy that I had talked to. He had one ball in hand, so had I.
"I have a deal for you love, how about we both set them down and split the prize, 50-50." So that's why we were there for, a prize.
"Why not?"
"OK, 3,"
I set mine down, he didn't. The ball spun fast, I tried to dodge, but was too late, and it bounced off my ankle. "Didn't think it would be that easy," I heard him murmer. Then everything went black.