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I know that your plane was not heading to me ... but I do not know when and how it suddenly fell to my heart ... And made me discover that I have a heart
Will it be the light in my darkness? Or will my darkness swallow your light
اعلم ان وجهة طائرتك لم تكن الي... لكن لا اعلم كيف و متى هبطت على قلبي ... لاكتشف اخيرا اني امتلك واحدا
هل ستكون الضوء في عتمتي؟.... ام ان عتمتي ستتبتلع ضوءك؟
There is an English vers of the story Maybe it not good or not at the required level ... But you can see it in my account If you want..

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