CHAPTER 1: "Where am I?"
M - mother
m - maid? sister? monster?
L - Levi
S - Silphy
V - Vueko
Tm - teacher
Cm - chef
Jm - janitor
BK - bed keeper
G - Giryu
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An unknown entities observing the roof in the middle of the night.
?1 - young man stands on the edge, about to jump it seems.
oh there we go, he jumped... it was pretty quick.
?2 - indeed. he broke his neck and died.
?1 - interesting. well as always i suppose he's going to suffer in an interworld dimen-...
... wait where's he?
?2 - he's just... evaporated?..
?1 - what do you mean evaporated?!
?2 - he's gone!
?1 - oh... holy fuck... Lamme christ...
?2 - so...
?1 - we're dead
?2 - no no no... we must come up with something... with anything really! i don't wanna die !!
?1 - well no shit! i don't wanna die either!
?2 - what're we gonna tell them? "he just vanished"?!
?1 - i don't know! no idea!
?2 - okay... don't panic, I'll think about it... uh...
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Man opens his eyes... oh wait... he's not a man now... i guess someone might've fucked up with the vessel for his soul...
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She thought: heavens? or did i survive? emptiness... deep emptiness... like... someone stole my guts... it hurts...
She opens her eyes, still thinking: what's this place... wait why's my hair so long... might've been a while i guess... wait... they're not dirty... it means... ...idk
why am i dressed like this... i know i liked female clothing awhile ago but... who would've thought that-
A female sitting in front of her spoke: Oh you're awake, how was your sleeping? have you seen any dreams?
A girl thought again: who's this? I suspect I'd rather not be answering her... i need to know more...
A female, upon not receiving an answer asks same questions again, addressing her as her daughter.
A girl again thought: well... i am a girl... i am a... ...girl... and she is my mother...
Realization sunk in her head and she responded to that woman the following: it's alright, mom.
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M: well, i asked about your dreams? did you see any..?
- yes... oh i mean... no! no, mom, i didn't... - she mumbled.
M: okay then... whatcha gonna do next?
- dunno... - she said, feeling tired.
After that awkward conversation girl stared in the window, excited about her new body.
she thought: what a day... btw how old i am? what's my name? who am i even? wait... are we moving? that explains shaking... but where're we?
M: what's the matter, Luna?
she thought: oh here's one answer... Luna... what a horrible name... I'd rather come up with one myself...
M: hey?
- what do you mean?
M: i mean that it's still desert, there's nothing to see on the other side of the window...
- i like cactus...
M: where'd you get this word? I've never heard it before
- these plants - she pointed at the green, spiky plants growing in the gilded by the brightness of the sun sand.
M: you know them, no? you hated them actually, i mean, they're dangerous, don't you think?
she thought the way her mom spoke was weird but even so ignored it.
- How're they called again? ...i don't remember
M: burphilati* ; green species
*bur (spiky) philat (plant) + i (philati (plants)) [buRfiLa:ti]
she thought: russian accent? or what's this word? i don't remember this being a thing at all... and what she meant by green species?
- Hey? what's your favorite specie of them?
M: i like them pink. pink is my favorite color in general... though I'd say that i don't like burphilati... all.
she thought: WHAT...? pink cactus, are you for real right now??? i mean... maybe they exist though... but i didn't hear about them... ...before turning into... a girl? i suppose?
M: did you know? there're soft species of them! instead of spikes they have... ...fur!
she imagined it and thought: i do now soft cacti exists but... fur instead of hair? what a dumb way of saying this... ...oh well...
- okay... i guess...
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About an hour later, carriage stopped beside some kind of a big house ...presumably a mansion.
- where are we?
mother of a girl chuckles, surprised by sudden question.
M: at the place you wanted to look at (she said it, scaredy)
- hmm? okay
she thought: this awfully looks like she's lying... she isn't looking at me and her voice is shaky... whatever.
M: l-let's go now...
- mhm
they went on a path, leading to the big what seemed like ten ft tall door. the path was made of stones and to the each side of it there were 11 bushes, carefully sitting there, adding up to 22. the door itself was very scary... it seemed like it was emitting devious, dark aura... it also was made of wood... but not regular it was some kind of colorless, gray wood. big eye looking thingy was chiseled in the upper half of it.
- beautiful
M: disgusting... (mumbled)
she thought: well this is new... she said it's disgusting... why?
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Door heavily opened. the terrifying creature in a unique dressing opened the door. *it* was respectively the tallness of a door, looking down on them... mere humans... *it* looked like a human but it wasn't, yet in normal comprehension.
m: here... come in (its voice was clean... yet slow and deep. though it seemed to be a female...)
she was scared... mere human first time seeing a creature which's been taller than her twice... almost thrice...
she thought: why would we need to visit such monster..?
but even though she's been scared, she came in, with her mother of course.
After that the monster lend her mother a papers, weird one. it wasn't white as usual, but rather grayish one. girl thought that in her world paper is made of wood and without bleach it must be brown, but if even if it's made without bleach, why is it gray?
Mother took the paper and a stiff looking pencil. she quickly wrote something on the gray, soft texture of the page monster pointed at with its slim long finger. girl was too short to see anything her mother was writing. so she forgot about it rather quickly.
Monster then grabbed girl's arm, firmly enough to cause pain.
- hey !!
Mother quickly walked away from the building. Girl tried to follow her, but moster was holding her arm too tight for her to run away.
- what's happening ?!
m: you'll see her later.
- what? alright?
m: you'd better cooperate.
- ...
Monster, still gripping her arm, led girl to the large octagon room with a lot of doors and kids crawling around and communicating. some of them had random objects and all of them had the same clothes... like uniform. this uniform was suspiciously similar to the school uniform.
- what's this?
she thought: some kind of weird kindergarten?
m: your new home... for now...
- home?!
she thought: orphanage..?
Monster let go of her arm
m: you'd better be following me...
- okay...?
Monster led girl to a locked room with a big steel reinforced heavy door. in this room there was a lot of lockers and all of them had a nametag with some kind of weird hieroglyphs.
m: take off everything
- w-what?!
Moster pointed at the other side of the room
Upon looking back, girl saw an empty container and a closet
she thought: oh... but i still don't understand... why do i need to undress?
Girl walked to a closet and opened it. There was a lot of uniforms in this closet. All of them were the same, except for the size of them.
- oh... now i see...
she thought: is this scarecrow gonna let me change or its just gonna stand here and stare? what gender even is it? are you male or female? looks like female... she has the face of an old woman and dressed like a janitor of some kind... but even if it is a woman she will sta-... wait... woman... i can't undress infront of a woma-... wait... I'm now a woman too, small but... wait how old am i? mmmmph... whatever...
Girl changed her clothing to a new one that was an uniform looking like white shirt, black miniskirt, black vest, black stockings and black shoes. also she has thrown her old clothing, that presumably was very expensive, based on its looks into a container with some kind of hieroglyphs written on it.
Monster was surprised. girl noticed it.
- hm? what's the matter?
m: you're the first one who did not drop a tear upon realizing that they were left alone here and was made to throw away their clothes.
- nah, it's not so unusual, is it?
m: it's rather peculiar I'd say.
- ...okay
m: well... get out of this room and go do your business. you're free... for now...
- ...thanks ig...
With that, girl left the room and immediately froze. the reason of it will be that there was another monster here, this time it had slightly different face and a chef clothes.
she thought: another... one...? why??? where the fuck am i even...?! jesus... ... ... ...oh! a mirror...
She ran to a mirror which had little cracks all over it and some hieroglyphs, chiseled in its foundation. she stared at herself - long, straight, dark hair, reaching a bit lower her chest; dark purple eyes, neat face. she's not been short, but not tall either.
She liked how she looked.
she thought: jesus I'm so cute! what did you do to me? i was so nasty when i was a boy but now... ...beautiful...
Suddenly! a volleyball hits her head.
- ouch...
When she turned around she saw a boy with... uh... feathers and... beak?
- holy... is that a birdboy or something? (mumbled)
L: hey you! give back that ball to me! or are you just gonna stand here and stare, weirdo?
she thought: rude...
She threw the ball back to birdboy. he successfully caught it.
L: hey, new kid! remember my name, it is Levi! i, Levi the birdman will get us all out!
she thought: jesus christ... what a pain... the way... how the actual fuck did this kid get a ball? they take away everything and store it in lockers... i suppose he earned it somehow? or is it a present...? who knows... but i want something too-
Her thoughts are interrupted by some kind of bell... not like the one we often hear in schools, but rather the one we hear in churches...
she thought: bell? it's loud...
Monster in regular clothing and glasses walked in the octagon.
she thought: woah, this one looks like a teacher...
Monster walked to the blackboard and stood in front of it.
In front of the blackboard there were 3 benches to sit on. All kids ran to the benches and sat on them. girl was caught off guard and tried to sit there as well but monster was faster to call her to themselves.
m: hey, nameless kid, go here and introduce yourself.
she thought: oh hell no... I'm afraid of people...
She came forward and stood in front of the blackboard too.
- uhm... my name is...
she thought: oh shit... do i say luna? nono i don't like this name.... what do i say?!
- VUEKO !!
(whispers) - hehehe she screamed... hahaha she is so shy... what did we need to do as a homework? a newbie... what an honor... hehehe hahaha
Vueko thought: as expected... they're laughing... well you know, i don't give a fuck.
Tm: you shall sit down. choose a sit that fits you.
Vueko sat down on a bench. jalf asleep boy next to her didn't mind her presence.
Tm: i also shall explain to you how this place works. come to me after classes.
V: okay...
Vueko thought: why Vueko? it's the first thing that came to my mind... the Vueko i knew in my, let's say, "previous life" would never shoot her name out like that... but once she-
Teacher interrupted her thoughts with the question: Vueko. what's 4 + 7?
V: 11
Tm: correct.
Vueko thought: why would she ask me such a simple question...?
Tm: Giryu, what's 7 + 6?
G: 10...?
Vueko thought: what
Tm: incorrect
Vueko thought: how did she not
Tm: Vueko, something's wrong?
V: n-no
Tm: ...Levi, what's 11 - 3?
Levi thought for a moment or two about the question and then answered: eight!
Tm: correct.
Teacher continued asking everyone easy math problems. Levi sat proudly, crossing his arms, which were covered in orange feathers.
Vueko thought: peak of smugness... ...i wanna sleep...
Vueko closes her eyes
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Tm: Vueko... good morning! ...lady, how could you fall asleep during classes?! do you even know how important the knowledge is?! tell me, young lady, what's 6 multiplied by 6?
(whispers) she's screwed hahaha...
V: 36.
The teacher is taken aback.
Tm: 4 × 8?
V: 32.
Tm: 12 × 10?
V: 120
Tm: 81 : 9?
V: 9
Tm: oh i see... so you already have some knowledge here... what about this: 7 squared!
V: 49
Tm: 12?
V: 144
Tm: uh... whatever, you can sleep this time
V: thanks?
Everyone was impressed and some of the kids were even jealous.
Vueko thought: sleep sweet sleep...
... ... ...
Vueko fell asleep...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Vueko opened her eyes.
It's still math lesson. Teacher explains dividing to kids. all of them look tired.
Vueko thought: how long has it been?
Tm: Silphy, what's 9 - 10
Silphy made a cute "sigh" sound and answered: minus one
Tm: correct
Vueko thought: oh... she seems smart... ... ...and she's cute...
Vueko blushed.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
The bell rung and Vueko's confused again. All kids stand up and gather around the tables in the middle of the octagon room.
Vueko decided to come to the teacher as told and ask about this place.
V: you said-
Tm: i remember. now, it's time to eat. unfortunately we didn't have you in our plans, so no meal for you.
V: oh
Tm: first, the bell. bell rings four times per day. first time - lesson time. second time - the end of the lesson and meal time. third time - day sleeping time. fourth - night sleeping time.
V: got it...
Tm: in this grade everyone is 6 or 7 years old. you're 7, everyone else is 6 somehow.
Vueko thought: finally! i know how old i am...
V: so I'm the oldest one here?
Tm: you can say so.
V: what about an object every other kid has
Tm: it's an *item*. everyone can ask for one on their birthday.
V: oh... so how long am i supposed to wait?
Tm: yours is in 7 weeks, fortunately for you.
V: ...interesting
Tm: if you're a quite kid, you can take books from the library.
Vueko seems interested.
Teacher points its long finger at the door on the right.
Tm: it's an entertainments room. you're not allowed to open gray doors, only brown ones. and these ones are the door to the entertainment room and the library.
V: i'll go check out the library... i suppose.
Tm: good luck, young lady.
V: yeah... ...thanks.
Vueko went straight to the library. to her surprise Silfy already was here... she was reading the encyclopedia about plants.
V: hey.
S: m? newbie? hello.
V: you're Silphy, right?
S: yeah, it's me.
V: what are you reading?
S: book about sea plants.
V: sea plants?
S: yeah, i like reading about this world.
V: can i take a peek?
S: sure, here
Silphy turns the book around and shows its contents to Vueko.
V: woah... i can't read that... there's only hieroglyphs here... and drawings...
S: illiterate?
V: no, i know a couple of languages... tho i don't know this one yet.
S: but you're talking using it right now...
V: uh... yeah i mean
S: so you know how to speak chuzi, but don't know how to read?
V: yeah...
S: understood.
V: ...
S: ...
Silphy turns the book around and continues reading it
V: ...
S: ...
Vueko was about to leave the library but then thought: maybe if I'll make her my friend she'll teach me her language a bit?
V: hey?
S: m?
V: wanna be friends?
S: but i barely know you...
V: so no?
S: whatever...
Vueko smiles kindly
Silphy yawns
Vueko thought: cute.
CHAPTER 2: "A friend."
m - maid? sister? monster?
L - Levi
S - Silphy
V - Vueko
Tm - teacher
Cm - chef
Jm - janitor
BK - bed keeper
G - Giryu
It's been one year since i (possibly) reincarnated? Since then (surprisingly) nothing really changed. We with Silphy were spending all our time together in a library, reading and learning stuff.
Every day we wake up at exactly 6 am. early? I'd say it's alright, because we go to sleep pretty early as well. and in this world (apparently), there's 11 hours per day and 11 per night, 22 total. when the bell rings first time a day, we go on the first floor (i didn't mention, but when you enter the entertainment room, there's a staircase to the second floor, leading to the library.) and attend classes. main subjects we study are: > math
> chuzi (language they speak, write, read)
> physics
> biology
> diet (about what food we should and shouldn't eat) for some reason
> hygiene
> art
That's it. every day we have a random lesson. only one though... but it's long, like 2-3 hours. and i know everything except diet and chuzi, but I'm trying to learn and understand these and I'm succeeding for now, so you could say I'm an excellent student... but who knows...
Also it's been my birthday apparently... teacher asked what I'd wanted to get, so i said i want notebook and a black pen. she gave them to me, So i just wrote down what i remembered and figured out about this world and started writing how stuff goes every day.
Our friendship with Silphy became very close. we're doing almost everything together... i feel like i dived back into my childhood. i don't remember last time having a friend, so this really means a lot to me.
Vueko's thoughts were interrupted by the bell
V: meal time...
S: i wonder what it is today
V: yeah
Vueko with Silphy walked to the tables and sat down on a bench.
S: cataberry...
V: yeah...
They both didn't like cataberry.
Vueko thought: cataberry is a blue veggie, for some reason called berry, it tastes like potato.
V: i don't wanna...
S: same... tho I'll eat my catapillar meat
Vueko thought: catapillar is close to be called a deer. it has "cata" in its name cuz its meat fits cataberry insanely well.
V: you can have mine as well...
S: yeah, sorry I'm not hungry for two.
V: hey, Levi.
Levi was sitting in front of them
L: what?
V: wanna my portion?
L: i'm not a trashcan of yours!
V: i know you love cataberry puree
L: that doesn't mean-
S: Levi, could you also take mine?
L: Saint Lemma...
Vueko thought: Lemma is like a jesus here. i guess there's god for someone in every world...
Levi sighed and took their meals
Silphy ate catapillar meat and drunk some kind of weird juice.
Vueko didn't eat anything. juice had sugar, she didn't like sugar. it was disgusting to her because of the aftertaste.
After the meal:
S: are you okay with being hungry?
V: yeah, you know me, I'm fine.
Silphy then smiled and said: library?
V: yeah, library
Library, 2 hours later
Vueko and Silphy are reading books. Vueko has dark blue one and Silphy has a green one
Vueko thought: i already learnt good part of the language, but still can't read full-fledged books. i also would've never thought that reading is so fun. especially that i like the fact i don't have my phone or PC anymore... it's somehow great. I can say that I'm officially used to this place. though besides the small window in the library there's no way to see the actual light... everyone here who didn't read books in library has pale skin... including me somehow 【even though i was spending all my time in the library on the place near the window】(irritated)
V: tsk
S: m? what's the matter
V: nothing... (calmed down)
With that Vueko continued reading the book. the book was about space
Vueko thought: people here don't even understand that their planet rotates around their star...s... there are two suns - kenji (ken - light, ji - us) and kenjashu (ja - our, shu - place) it's a binary star system. there's also one moon called "kainurpaikaini" (kain - luminary, ur - re, pai - place) - 【luminary that is a replacement for luminaries】... why so long?
Her thoughts were interrupted by Silphy
S: mh! i finished this book!
V: congrats... ... ...oh wait! today's the day! the 34th of June!
Vueko thought: there's 35 days instead of 31. everything else is the same.
S: hm? 34th? what's it today?
V: the day we became friends
S: oh i didn't know that... how are we gonna celebrate it?
V: ...dunno... there's not much we can do...
S: maybe... a hug?
V: hug?!
Vueko was flabbergasted. She thought: i don't remember how to do it! in "previous life" i was 21! the last hug i received was when i was 14! ... ... ...7 years! aaahh...
Vueko blushed
V: uhm... if you want...?
S: m? something wrong?
V: n-no nothing... I just never hugged anyone...
S: even parents?
V: (lying unintentionally) yeah, they were harsh on me...
Silphy hugged Vueko.
Vueko dropped the book (accidentally)
Vueko thought: huh? oh... oh... ...that's good... soothing... shit people crave it
Tear flowed down from Vueko's eye.
Vueko thought: wait !!... I... want to cry?... why?... it's not that pleasant, is it?
V: I... I...
Vueko started crying in Silphy's shoulder
S: woah! you ok?
Vueko didn't respond.
Silphy gave a couple of pets to Vueko's head trying to console her: it's alright... i don't know what's the reason but... it's okay now... is it?
Vueko smiled and teased: you're terrible at it
S: i know
Silphy smiled as well.
S:, what's the matter?
V: past... just... forget about it...
S: yeah... sure...
Giryu entered the library
Vueko and Silphy stared at her
Giryu took a book from a shelf, sat on a chair and started reading it.
V: i guess she doesn't care
S: does she?
V: she ignored us
S: i would too
V: yeah... let's continue reading...
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A couple of hours later...
Vueko thought: i often feel something. something I've never felt before... i think i can feel time... it's not like something i can control but sometimes it just pop ups in my head. for example now it suddenly told me that it's about bedtime.
The bell rings.
Vueko thought: yes it is!
S: let's go
After Vueko puts a book on its shelf Silphy grabs her hand and they walk to the bedroom.
The bedroom is big, but instead of a big bed and essentials, the room is filled with small beds for each orphan.
Silphy's bed and Vueko's bed are far apart so they can't talk instead of sleeping. thus and Vueko and Silphy get enough sleep.
BK is guarding all the orphans to ensure their sleep. no one shall leave the bedroom after the bedtime.
Vueko thought: this planet has no moons thus nights are dark but beautiful... it's so easy to fall asleep in this world...
Vueko and Silphy laid down on their beds and fell asleep.
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
one night later. - morning.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Everyone got up and dressed up. Now they're eating the breakfast.
S: i hate these
V: you don't like jaleos?
(Jaleo - fruit, shape: star, color: green/blue, texture: jelly, taste: close to tangerine.)
S: yeeh
V: why?
S: its texture is disgusting
V: then I'm gonna have it, if you don't mind of course
S: mhm
After the breakfast Silphy and Vueko went to the library and read. then classes. then lunch. then library. then dinner. and sleep again. The was calm but a bit boring. everything that connected us were books. we couldn't do anything else rather than reading either. we just read and read until one day, about half half of a year later...
S: is this the last one?
V: i suppose it is...
Vueko thought: the last one... it's done... we've read everything... the entirety of this library...
V: so... what's next? what are we gonna do?..
S: i have no idea...
Vueko thought: what could we...?
V: the most of the kids are playing with toys from the shelf that is on the rug... i mean... i myself am not interested in toys... is it only me, but is there anyone in this place who cares about the outside world? we don't get to even see it except for this little window...
S: yeah, i wondered about that too... but i had books so you can tell, i kinda was distracted...
V: wait actually... i have an idea...
S: m?
V: we could make our own book!
S: woah! and how's that?
V: what did you get for your birthday present?
S: uh... i haven't asked for anything yet.
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【in this place (orphanage) kids get their "birthday" presents every year. the "birthday" date is the date when the kid was enlisted in the orphanage. every year this day they get one birthday present. it can be anything but within reasons and if the thing they asked for is spend-able they can ask for refill anytime.】
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V: great, the-
S: what about you?
V: me? ...i asked for a pillow!
S: but we all already have one... aren't we?
V: yeah, but it didn't stop me from getting a second one!
S: reason?
V: i rest my head on the one and hug the second. all while sleeping!
S: aww...
S: wait... are you the clingy type then?!
V: i mean... h-ha... h..
Silphy started giggling.
S: what's up? you don't like to be called that?
V: uh... i mean i am clingy.
Silphy stopped giggling.
S: i see... that's reasonable.
V: why?
S: amount of joy that hug of mine brought you...
Vueko blushed a bit and pouted.
V: this one really meant a lot for me...
S: aaww sorry then
Giryu entered the library.
S: oh?
V: that girl...
S: yeah, she comes here randomly every so often...
V: what does she read?
S: uhh... sci-fi i think?
V: cool
S: so? what about the book?
V: oh, yeah... so the idea is you could get the empty book or something and a pen.
S: oh, that's reasonable.
V: they also told me that if you'll choose something that is spend-able you can ask for refill anytime.
S: oh, I've been told that too!
V: does that mean we can get the book and ask for more paper afterwards?
S: hmm... it's possible, but i don't know...
V: don't know, huh...?
S: i don't really fancy this idea to be honest... I'd rather ask for something else...
V: it's not like I'm making you do this!!! don't get me wrong, ask for anything you want!
S: pftt haha, of course...
V: ...
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awkward silence...
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Vueko thought: my birthday is soon... i already know what I will ask for... ...infinite book glitch, huh?
S: what's up on your mind?
V: what I'm thinking about...? i think i will actually get the book... gonna do a diary or something.
S: cool. what are you going to write about?
V: hmm... random thoughts and what's happening around me... i think
S: sounds interesting... ...hehe... will you write about me~?
V: well, of course i will, you're my friend after all...
Silphy smiled
The bell rang
S: oh, meal time already? time sure does fly by...
V: yeah... haha, let's go!
Vueko and Silphy walked down the stairs from the library to the main room and to the benches. after that they sat down on them and started eating the food. It was a weird blue cooked star fish - guladj hinn (sky fish)
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They ate the lunch and went through the classes.
Vueko did classes with ease, except when it came to chuzi she had to ask Silphy for help.
Silphy has trouble with everything except math and chuzi so she relies on Vueko a lot.
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