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大家好,我是啡綿羊啦!我會把我寫過的短文,或是其他有趣的圖作、日常經歷等,都放在這裡(一言以敝之,就是垃圾回收站 XD)。
Hiya, I am the BROWN SHEEEEEP! Any short articles, other interesting illustrations, slice-of-life story and so on will be exhibited here, that is, a recycling centre XD.
初めまして、ブラウンシープです。自作のエッセイや、その他のイメージや、日常茶飯事などがここで展示します (ゴミ収集所ということですXD)。
To exercise my multilingual ability, I am going to randomly write my works in Chinese, English or Japanese at first. And then, I will translate them accordingly when I have time and the mood. The themes are open to all. I would just simply write what I think at the moment— could be something relating to my professions; could be something happened in the reality; or, could be just articles grumbling for everything by a crazy psycho. There is no need to worry if you don’t understand my works, as I do lose my mind sometimes.
Anyways, I sincerely thank you for checking out my works!
#散文 #生活 #逃避 #歷史 #遊戲 #詩詞 #動漫 #English #中文 #文化 #ACG #經濟 #日本語 #翻譯練習 #城市規劃 #會計 #Cities:Skyline #抱怨文 #城市設計 #審計
❉ 作者公告
***No Notice at the moment***

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