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Episode 30 Continued - Slick like Mad Hatter
“Did you find anything?” Yumi said when I hopped off the second floor of the library, landing silently on the first.
“No, master. No evidence of his murders here.”
She just pressed her finger to her chin. “I know it’s him. I just have to be sure.”
I watched her curiously as she remained thinking, brows drawing together in anger.
The moment I watched her expression harden, I finally spoke, “All this is getting to you, my lord. Why don’t we take a break?”
“That never stopped me before,” she stated then, continuing to think. “We checked his bedroom, his closet, all rooms. Well, you did,” she added, “as per my orders, but still found nothing. And where is Count Damien now? That’s concerning me, indeed. He’s nowhere in his house. Perhaps he’s arriving late?”
I glanced down at her arm when I found it raising and catching her shoulder, lightly rubbing the muscle there. “If so, where would he have gone?”
My eyes flickered back up to her.
“A grocery run?” she continued, rubbing the muscle still as her face etched slightly in pain. “Is he making a large appearance like a performer or something?”
“Master,” I said then, watching her as she gazed up, “is your shoulder bothering you?”
She looked at me for a moment before shaking her head. “No, and stop. I’m trying to think here.”
“Because you’re rubbing it as if it hurts,” I continued.
She waved my response away. “It’s just a muscle spasm. I didn’t sleep good last night.”
I watched her still.
“Is he a paranormal creature?” She lowered her lashes, continuing her thoughts aloud. “No, youwould sense them. And you’ve only sensed Edward.”
My lashes lowered.
No, I did not only sense Edward. I sensed two other figures, as well, but none of them were Damien himself.
Damien was not here right now. I knew that for sure.
I believed her thought of him making a big entrance deemed fit. He was the selfish type. It seemed fit for something he would do.
I then stepped over to her.
But, it didn’t matter right now. As long as if he wasn’t here, then she was safe and there was nothing to be done. She needed to ease her mind a bit and stop ignoring her pain.
I stopped next to her, finding her murmuring possible outcomes and thinking this through. But I caught her arm, and she blinked, gazing up at me.
“Master,” I said gently, “he is not here. His soul is not here. Which means there is no job to be done and you need to relax a bit.”
She just pursed her lips, looking a tad nervous.
I pulled her forward. “Come. Follow me.”
She listened, stepping after me as I made it to an empty fireplace in the middle of the room, and I guided her to sit on the couch in front of it—clearly a reading couch—and I went back behind her.
I put my hands on her shoulders, deepening my fingers slightly into her skin and feeling her wince. But I gently started massaging, and she tensed, clearly not liking the feeling.
“Untense your muscles,” I told her, “and it won’t hurt as much.”
She listened—surprisingly—and relaxed into the back of the couch.
Her face etched slightly as I kneaded her shoulders and the base of her neck, but she looked a more relieved now.
This moment went on for about three minutes, and I kept going until she seemed half-asleep, finally letting go. “Better?”
She nodded lazily, parting her lashes.
I just lowered my face inches to hers, watching her become a little flushed but lesser than normal.
I ran my fingers along her chin, caressing the skin lightly before tipping her chin further back.
And I clasped my lips with hers.
She moaned in response, clearly half-asleep still because she didn’t catch my shoulders or neck this time.
But she was giving in, raising her head so she could get a little closer.
I deepened the kiss, pressing her a little into the couch as her eyes squeezed shut tighter and she moaned a little more.
But my eyes flew open, burning a bright red, and I stood up quicker than light, holding my arm out and shielding her immediately.
Yumi sat up then, clearly out of shock, and gazed around me.
Her stance stiffened.
The Overtaker stood by the latter to the top floor of the library, smiling creepily as my eyes narrowed.
Another man landed next to him as if falling from the ceiling, one with long, red hair and thickened, long lashes. He wore a pair of glasses, shark-like teeth sharpening into a grin.
“Hello, Bassy,” the red-haired man said, voice chipper and oddly squeaky; like a grown man going through puberty. He just set his hand on his hip, winking. “Remember me?”
My lashes lowered, and Yumi stared at them in confusion. “Grell Sutcliff,” I said then, standing up straighter, “how could I forget the likes of you?”
“Grell Sutcliff?” Yumi said then. “You mean that pervert of a reaper that Ciel despised beyond belief? The one who always tried to hook up with you?”
Sebastian sighed. “That’s him.”
“Oh!” Grell said then, practically steaming as hearts grew in his eyes. “You thought of me every day, haven’t you? Ever since out sinful departing! Oh, how I missed my Bassy!”
“I am not… yours,” I said then, lashes lowering in annoyance. “I just remember you being a nuisance, that’s all.”
“Oh, so cooooold!” he said then, wrapping his arms around himself and shaking his body. “And the bunny ears so adorable! How alluring!”
“How… distracting,” Yumi said then, face etched in disgust.
“What do you want now?” I said to him. “Didn’t I tell you to leave me and Yumi alone?”
“I missed you so much, though!” he said, winking at me. “You missed me, too, huh?”
“Not particularly,” I said, sighing.
“Oh, you liar,” Grell said then, swiping his hand at me. “Typical Sebastian, loves to play hard to get.”
We all just stared at him in annoyance.
“Well…” Yumi said then, breaking the silence, “now that this nuisance had his introduction, why don’t you tell us why you’re here, Overtaker?”
“Nuisance?” Grell echoed. “How could you say such things?! I traveled so far and mighty to see Bassy’s lovely face again! My, oh, my how I missed him! His cruel, joking features and his demonicstare.” He chuckled giddily and wrapped his arms around himself. “Just like old times, hmm? I’m so, very jealous! How could you steal such a treasure?”
“Well, my lord, I couldn’t help but overhear that another demon would be in play tonight,” Overtaker said as Grell kept going on in the background. “You see… I hear a lot of things, indeed.”
“Oh, I know,” Yumi said then, setting her chin on the back of the chair. “You always come at such inconvenient times. Now, if I may ask, who is ‘the father’?”
“And continuously ignore me right now!” Grell said then, going on still but we ignored him. “Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”
“I’m sorry I am not allowed to give answers to you, my lord,” Overtaker said then. “This part is crucial in my working environment.”
“Wait… did you say, ‘my lord’?” Grell said then, making my lashes lower. “Isn’t she a girl? That’s more of a man’s thing, don’t you think?”
“Now, now, Grell,” Overtaker said, “you mustn’t be so oblivious. Many things back then are considered gender neutral now. Like actresses are being called actors in general.”
Grell’s eyes bugged out. “Really? That’s very confusing.”
“You’re very confusing,” Yumi retorted. “And irritating. Can you go now? Sebastian and I have business to attend to.”
“Ah, yes…” Overtaker said, “the kissing.”
“No, not the kissing, you blundering idiot!” she retorted defensively, sitting up now as I smiled. “I have a job to do other than snogging! How dare you insult me so?! I am not a needy weakling like other earthlings!”
“Ah, the confidence,” Overtaker said, giggling. “Just like Ciel.”
“Wait! Hold on!” Grell said frantically. “Kissing?! This is entirely new to me!”
We all gazed over at him in annoyance, but Yumi was blushing now.
“You didn’t see that?” Overtaker said. “That was five minutes ago. Well… I do suppose you just got here.”
“I thought you’d save yourself for me, Bassy!” Grell argued, looking entirely hurt. “How could you go for some over-the-counter girl!”
My lashes lowered, and I felt Yumi fuming from behind me.
“First! I am not an OVER-THE-COUNTER GIRL!” she yelled then, face burning brighter. “I am Yumi Phantomhive! Earl to the Phantomhive throne! You will treat me as such! Second! I was caught in the heat of the moment! Sebastian is being a jerk, that’s all!”
Now, she was continuing in the background.
“Wait…” Grell said then, tipping his head to the side, “Phantomhive? That seems oddly familiar.”
“Don’t you remember the little Ciel boy?” Overtaker said then. “He was twelve when you first met. Don’t you remember?”
Grell thought for the moment, but he then smiled. “Oh, yes. The Jack the Ripper incident. That’s where Bassy first met me!” He squealed like a child.
I just lowered my lashes in annoyance, still hearing Yumi yelling behind me. “What do you mean incident? You were Jack the Ripper.”
“If Jack the Ripper was two people, you see,” the Overtaker said, lifting two fingers. “The real mastermind was Ciel’s Aunt, Madam Red. She was killing all those women out of hatred for having children.”
“Sure, she killed and was a complete psychopath,” Grell said then, winking. “But she was hot. A man couldn’t help himself.”
I just sighed. “You have… no standards, do you?”
Yumi fumed then. “Are you even listening?!”
“Ah, no, sorry, my lord,” Overtaker said then. “We were sidetracked, I’m afraid.”
“Well, I’m sorry to ruin your reunion, but we really should get going,” Yumi said then, tone sharp.
Grell examined her for a moment. “Wait… you look familiar.”
She gazed up then, annoyed.
He stared at her for a moment before his eyes widened. “Oh, my. Ciel? You’re still alive? How is that even possible?! Didn’t you sign the contract ages ago?!”
Yumi looked taken aback for a moment.
“She is not Ciel,” I said then, gazing up in annoyance. “I’m sure the pigtails tell you that much. Ciel wasn’t one to dress like that. There was only one instance where he dressed as a girl, and that was during the time we were searching for Jack the Ripper. I’m sure you can remember.”
“Oh, I can very much,” Grell said then, chuckling. “Best day of my life. What else can a reaper ask for?” He then looked down at Yumi. “You look a lot like him, though. And you’re in the same family?”
Her eyes narrowed in annoyance.
“Yumi, here, has Ciel’s soul,” Overtaker said then, making all of us look over to find his smile wide. “It has transferred to her.”
Grell looked back down, smirking. “And the eye patch and everything. So alike.”
“Excuse me, but I must stop this gawking and continue searching for Count Damien,” Yumi said then, standing.
“Oh, you won’t find him,” Overtaker said then, making both of us stop.
“What?” Yumi said then. “Why?”
“The count won’t show himself until midnight,” Grell stated then, smirking. “He is planning a big show for us all. Why do you think I’m here?”
“To eye-rake Sebastian, I thought,” Yumi said sarcastically. But she continued, “Are you suggesting that you both are here because there is a massive patch of deaths happening?”
Grell just winked. “You got it, Bassy Stealer!”
Her brow twitched in annoyance.
“And, what about you?” I said then, looking over at the Overtaker. “Why are you here?”
“I just want to enjoy the show,” he responded, lashes lowering. “Is that too much to ask?”
I then glanced over at Yumi with a question in my eyes, and found her looking at me with the same query, and then we both looked at Overtaker.
Yumi just turned and started to the door. “Come, Sebastian.”
I bowed. “Master.” And I followed, pushing my glasses higher on my nose.
But we both heard Grell chuckle from behind us. “You signed with her, too, Sebastian? My, you must really want that soul, don’t you?”
A smile crossed my face. “You have no idea. And for different reasons, nonetheless.”
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