Well, this is going to take a bit of time. A lot of ideas and a lot of ways i can approach this. I have some of the story and powers in mind, but not too much, guess like twenty to thirty percent. Might as well add stuff so i don't forget.
The first file:
The first file was discovered around the 1893, the first person with unnatural powers is known and feared, people disbelief any fantasy and this existing caused panic and fear towards the person. The world has fantasy as books and stories in many forms, but anything unnatural in the world must be destroyed and "purged" as they call it.
The person showed aged resistances and was able to use a strong ability to channel more, gaining a new ability to manipulate gravity. the gravity user has been hidden for a long time, only showing a few times around the world in different spots.
By 1922 the gravity user has been placed on watched and is hunted for by a special group of people with plans and ideas of how to kill the unnatural person. They became known as an organization by the name: The Supernatural Hunting Frontier or the SHF in later years. They have became big for settling areas of disturbing activities and helping the general public. But they became world wide in 1934 when they discovered more people with powers. They have kept an eye of them, and kept them on a watch list. But those who they see as a major threat with high risk to the public place people on a case file, which allows them to send units to capture them and study them, or kill them if necessary. They have files which has a lot of information about them and is used to help narrow where they could be and how big of problem they could be. They also used this to find and study those with powers.
Rising change:
Faced with more people either discovered with powers, the government, SHF and people against set to reverse these changes, seeing these as unnatural causes and are not pure. They set up stations for labs, military and SHF bases, headquarters and training facilities around the world to find a way to stop this. By 1927 a few scientists witness a fellow worker for the equipment suddenly grow sharp, wide arms around the back. This spiked something huge to the SHF and the government, fearing the public will go into riots, they try to hide these findings, but this gets harder to do and become more forced to kill people as well, they won't captured them as often now, they will shoot on site if they help a person with powers, or witness it. But these have only become more severe and more reasons and actions keep happening. people are questioning them now, but only a few.
By 1935 a group of local supernatural helpers, band together to form The Wakening, they set to make people change their ways and stop the murders and captures of the unnatural. they have formed many secret areas for people with powers to go to and be safe. They started the change in ways people look at magic and fantasy, but only a few people at a time since propaganda, lies an other sorts make people still hate the idea of accepting it because they think its dangerous, not pure and cause pandemic for the world.
Control change and search for the Wakening:
in 1940 the SHF has done a lot of research towards a way to stop the unnatural causes that people seem to have and how to make sure no one has any chance of getting these powers, as they discover its by the persons genetic structure, while blends in with others, it holds some changes and causes people to ether be born with powers, or caused by events, moments and emotions if they hold these changes. Meanwhile the SHF have taken more control over populated cities where they might think may be higher chance of supernatural humans, they call these areas of interest "High-point zones" and take personal control over the areas they block from public while providing nearby residents and people with livable homes, supplies and more to keep the peace and help control the suspicious crowds, This has grown worldwide and they focus on labs and special military personal training in these high-point zones. While changes were made the Government have no control or authority over these specified locations.
They also discovered the existence of the Wakening and their plans to help the unnatural and by 1945 have started worldwide hunting of these areas taking these areas down and killing those who are involved in helping the supernatural. The SHF have gone to extreme lengths to find locations where the Wakening hold off, but as more were destroyed, they begin to prepare and defend their bases of their own, leaving the SHF to try to fight their way through and take over. The Government and military are fully aware of this by 1946 and begin programs to rat out anyone that may be apart of these acts and start bigger spread of news and propaganda to cause hate and fear towards the Wakening. While by 1953 some Case Files have started to keep the Wakening alive for many years to come and provide a better chance for the survival of the group and supernatural, they only started the tip of a new era to finally keep the SHF at bay.
The case rise:
In 1960, many new unnatural humans begin to show, and many are fighting back against the government and SHF, who have now released new prototype units and gear to counter back the threats and try to destroy them once and for all, with new case files rising, the case files change to high value targets who are consider dangerous to more then the SHF while files are placed on ones spotted and gain information and can become known as a case file. With the supernatural taking over they are also trying to convince people that they are just like them and some want to live peacefully, with many unsure if they are true and most to not trust them and get lied to by the SHF of their ways and twisting the motives around. Many of the unnatural also have become aware they could be more powerful but are weak. But in 1963 both the supernatural and SHF discovered people can be born with stronger powers, but extremely rare. While the SHF notice that the case files and these stronger "meta-humans" are linked they begin to use one they captured in 1964 to begin development of more study and gear to eradicated them once and for all. But the case file escaped and was never found for many years. The government has allowed the military to join the SHF in high-point zones to provide better chances to stop anymore attacks against them both. But this also meant they begin to try slow down any chances, merely killing groups at once, they used more and more technology to slow down the rate of unnatural humans, they begin to slow down in numbers, but in 1979 a group manages to build an underground base of an old SHF building and expended it to hide many of them, they became known to the SHF as "dwellers" while they called themselves "New world" They teamed up with he Wakening to gain more people and supernaturals on their side, many to prove working and they discovered something the SHF don't even know. In 1983 they manage to learn how the genes and DNA can create the powerful meta-humans, by two unnatural humans together can increase the odds of meta-humans being born. But the forced idea caused conflict and only a few New world have abandon the rest to be called "Hope" and they begin to cause problems for the SHF but also the public but only in small scales, leaving the rest of the unnatural to deal with them as much as the SHF. With this in mind for both sides, this creates a rift for the people for hose who want to live among them and for the SHF to deal with more violent or dangerous individuals, but some also try to force their own propaganda and views to show what they are and how they have been treated is only what they get back.
The technology spike:
In 1990, technology has advanced far and wide, with some very powerful tools for mankind's benefit to keep safe, have food and water and live in the cities and towns fine and well, with the military upgrading their gear and the government trying different laws to help get crowds to stay at bay and allow more to avoid both military and supernaturals. Meanwhile the SHF have thought short and long term and made more advancement then other technologies, and manage something that the government are very against of, the DNA and genes of the unnatural in their weapons and gear by taking the powers and using them to power or utilize gear, while not many existed during the 1990s, when new government rules and powers came, they wanted way more to be produced and have begun forcing check ups on people in suspected areas and watch for towns with high SHF and military personal. By 2004 Hope has used weapons to wipe out a small town of SHF and humans to show their power, even using these to almost eliminate the Wakening in 2005, now they are well in hiding in very rare pockets, with plenty still joining not just for being friends and allies with the unnatural, but for peace and to work our ways for a better future. the Hope group now focus on humanity and even their own kind, calling them "traitors" if they refuse to join them in their ways and causes.
Chris Treller
Book names:
Gender: male
Age: 28
Height: 1.87 m
Appearance: Chris has very dark purple hair that is slightly long, barely covering the eyes and ears on the side, with purple eyes. long sharp grey blades cover the fingers and a couple along the arms
Personality: Chris tends to be social, but only in smaller groups. He is happy when there is positive attitude, but when negative stuff happens he tries to settle it down and fix it. Since his powers have been discovered he stays quiet more and does his best to hide it, he hates it and would rather just be normal. He is good at sports and likes being with his friends, he's a quick learner.
Power: sharp metal blades that come out of either the fingers or the entire arm for a giant blade, sharp, long, thin blades cover the arms and fingers just over the skin, making this hard to hide. unless wearing tops with sleeves and gloves that can resist damage and being ripped open by the blades
History: Chris had a fairly normal life, he had a middle class family life, when he was born, he had some strange things on his arms he could not explain or know what they are. By 14 his high school years were stuff happened, he got beaten up a few times, and when threaten by the main bully, his fingers extended to claws and stabbed the bully's arms almost cutting them clean off. Afterwards he was known to have powers and no one wanted him around, not even most of his family, except his father who knew something was wrong through out the years, he helped him hide in life. By 20 he was a case to be found and captured by the SHF who murdered the father for helping Chris, he got revenge and killed the soldiers how murdered his dad, he took to the shadows and found The Wakening for shelter and safety, he often blends in and works to buy food for the group that took him in, his blending was hard as his face was known to many but manage to find work by The Wakening. By 25 he protected them from a raid and somehow made them track the wrong location, causing the helping group to train him to sneak better and use the environment to his full advantage. He now keeps watch on any more raids that appear.
Wilfred Oarian
Book names:
Gender: male
Age: 21
Height: 1.77 m
Appearance: has golden yellow hair that is short and flat. Grey eyes and has two tattoos, one on his arm of a skeleton looking holy, and a back tattoo below his neck with wings carrying a soul.
Personality: Very understanding and nosy, he likes to know information and enjoys doing it as well. He has a habit of trying too hard at some of the things he does, he tends to be curious about things and is happy to have a hobby working at a bar. He likes the supernatural and is always interested to see what powers the newcomers have.
History: Wilfred has always been a journalist at heart, at a young age of 7 he always try to find things out in school for his own newspaper like game, this grew on him on later years and made him into what he is, he also grew up in a religious home and always had a good mind set because of it, to him it means a lot. when he was 11 he was fond of his fathers work in the bar and when he passed away months later, he took over in his own way till he was older. By 16 he mange to get a role in a newspaper industry, when 20 he found the supernatural to be rather interesting more then a threat, he was fired and look at as bad, till he was found by the remains of the Wakening and decided to join them and give them information with his journal skills and his keen habit of tracking and finding information.
Case power examples: each power is either harder or easier to hide as it shows on people with stronger powers
Sharp and wide teeth
Grann Trove (SHF sector: 9-H): This is a city that has been around for only 30 years, but has built up due to the sea and river trevals it has access to, causing big profit around the area and made tourist take in the sights as well, it also houses big facilities, recent years SHF have taken 40% of the town under watch, the other 60% are for factories and businesses for both the sea and land business, with people still able to live there with normal everyday tasks and life.
Underland: This is the biggest underground base that was once the Wakening main base for many years, they operated as a home and hideout, while trying to come up with plans for a better future. Until it was devastated by Hope and now abandoned for a few years, all is left is old corpses and dust to remain on what was the first Wakening base.
Hideout Alpha: The main place where the few Wakening operate, this is near the edge of Grann Trove city, allowing them to see whats going on around them in the sector 9-H zones and gives them away to supply other hideouts with food and equipment.