Secret To Retain a Healthy Body | Penana
Secret To Retain a Healthy Body
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Secret To Retain a Healthy Body
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The secret to retaining a healthy body is simple and is a possible task, all that it requires is a daily schedule and sincerity to follow it. If you start following this daily schedule you will surely not spend all that you need to have self-control. 5 areas of focus will keep your body in shape, healthy, flexible, and strengthened. In this article, you can outline the 5 areas to work out and that need to be involved in your daily exercising regime.

Aerobic exercise

The simplest way to meet the need of having good health through aerobic exercise includes walking, cycling, or swimming can help you live longer. Follow these physical activities and see how they are effective for your health, lungs and blood circulation. In the beginning make sure to start practicing slower and begin it with a warm-up, and then gradually and slowly increase the speed up. A heavy physical exercise or aerobics exercise will help you increase your stamina, reduce excess body weight, activate your immune system, reduce other health risk issues, strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation, mood enhancer, and help you stay active all day long and live longer. If you do not have time to do these exercises daily then you can do them on a particular day of the week for the particular time. You can even do it daily, for some time rather than exhaust yourself twice or thrice a week.


Body flexibility is a perfect and important age marker in human beings. Practising yoga is a terrific way to keep your flexible and healthy body. Due to a busy schedule, if you do not have time for a full yoga session, then try to make sure you do at least 5 minutes of stretching each day after performing your yoga exercise. A yoga practice mainly includes three things such as a set of postures known as “Asanas”, deep breathing known as “Pranayama”, and “Meditation” to achieve the desired goals in life. These can improve your body flexibility, reduce tension in body and mind, integrate normal functioning of body parts, peace of mind, etc.


Balancing along with flexibility is something that we lose as we grow old. To sustain body balance and flexibility for a very long time you need to do a little exercise daily to delay it. Practising yoga is another great way to build and maintain body balance. Several yoga poses could be helpful for you to increase your body balance. Yoga has the power to bring balance and harmony throughout a person’s body and mind. Yoga does not believe in balance by force but through self-awareness and intelligence. Balancing yourself while doing these asanas will improve your self-awareness and help you to make balanced thinking too. Correct balance is all about living in the moment without being disturbed about your past or future.

Strength building

To strengthen your body, you can certainly join a gym or perform various cardio exercises. But another inexpensive option is simply performing some of the beneficial yoga postures that will improve your body strength. Practicing yoga regularly will offer a great deal of benefits including strengthening and toning of muscles. Strengthening and toning of the body and muscle supports joints, prevents injury, improves physical performance, and manages body weight.

Deep breathing

Many people do not know the powerful impact of deep breathing exercise that has on your health. The way you breathe can have a larger effect on your health and bodily functions. It is strange to know, but something important as breathing goes unnoticed by all of us. Once you start practicing breathing techniques you will soon be able to see their beneficial effects on you and is a successful remedy for many health conditions.

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