Elara The Witch | Penana
Elara The Witch
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Elara The Witch
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In the dark and silent forest, on the edge of a small village hidden from the world's view, there is a group of women gathered under the dim moonlight. They stand among the towering trees, speaking in low and secretive voices.

They are witches, women considered to possess magical powers and a connection to the supernatural world. In the eyes of the authoritarian church authorities, they are enemies to be destroyed, living in fear of capture and cruel execution.

That night, terrifying shadows lurk among the trees, searching for signs of the women who are deemed a threat to church authority. In the enveloping silence, heavy footsteps draw near, echoing dreadful fear in their hearts.

Suddenly, the ground around them trembles, and swiftly, a force of guards led by church emissaries descends upon their hiding place. In an instant, the women are surrounded by armed soldiers, their eyes gleaming with undeniable malevolence.

"Surrender, witches!" the leader of the guards bellows, his voice resounding throughout the forest. "By this, you are accused of practicing black magic and conspiring with evil forces. You will face the punishment decreed by the church!"

The women feel their breath catch as they gaze towards their enemies, their weakened powers helpless against the unbeatable force. Yet, despite knowing their fate may be sealed, they remain steadfast in their beliefs, refusing to surrender easily.

In a swift and brutal assault, the women are dragged from their hiding place and brought to the rigged court of the church, where false accusations and cruel punishments await them. Before the unyielding church authorities, they are forced to face baseless charges, devoid of justice or mercy.

In the brief trial that ensues, the women are condemned on unfounded accusations, with no convincing evidence or chance to defend themselves. They are tortured and brutally interrogated, coerced into confessing to crimes they did not commit, until ultimately they are sentenced to death as a warning to anyone who dares to challenge the church's power.

And on that dark night, amidst the silent forest, the flames of the stake burn bright, raging with terrifying ferocity. The women are bound to stakes made of hard, dry wood, their bodies engulfed in the consuming fire.

Yet, though their bodies may be consumed by the blazing flames, their souls remain steadfast in their beliefs, refusing to surrender to the darkness that threatens them. With unwavering courage, they face death with heads held high and hearts unyielding, declaring to the world that even though they may fall, they will never succumb to the evil that surrounds them.

And on that dark night, among the shadows that blanket the land, there shines a small light: hope for change, and a belief that goodness will triumph over darkness.

預計閱讀時間: 13 分鐘
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