Makenna left the Crusha Fruit’s carving and started her journey back down the tunnel. Behind her, the wall mashed together again until the next fairy came around.
While Makenna swam, she bravely clutched the Crusha Fruit and told herself, I am Makenna from Seabrook Island. I will find my way through this dungeon and help my friends. With my knowledge, I will travel to the Bermuda Triangle and defeat the Octopus Man. This quest has proved that to me. A string of blue and pink bubbles trailed behind her as proof that she was almost ready to become a Merfairy.
Ten minutes later, Makenna saw something that made her day and saved her life. She saw a bright light in front of her.
“A light!” she bubbled. A light meant outside, and outside meant that she was finally going to make it out of the passageway. Could she make it though? She was running out of air! Makenna groaned and reached for her mouth. No, she couldn’t run out of air! The end of the passageway was still fairly far, and even when she did make it out, she had no idea how deep the water was here. Makenna tightly closed her eyes and shook her head. Luckily, the water surrounding her came to her rescue. From out of nowhere, a clear whirlpool surrounded the Metamorphic Fairy, and it shoved her out of the passageway into open water. Makenna swam as fast as she could towards surface, and the water gave her another push. At the last second, she burst her head out of cyan water and quickly grabbed a rock. Makenna coughed and tried to catch her breaths. She searched her surroundings to figure out where she was. It was amazing where she ended up. Makenna was back at Coutarine Island’s coral reef. The tunnel she explored extended under the whole island and fed out to the ocean. Then that meant,
“Ahh!” Makenna shouted, “I have to find my way back to Silvey and Raeven! Ugh!” She lifted her hand out of the water and examined the glowing Crusha Fruit, “Should I though? I mean, Ash needs this.”
The Metamorphic Fairy soon heard something behind her. A motorboat. Makenna turned her head, and she yelled when she saw a boat speeding right towards her! That was Alice’s boat. Makenna didn’t know if she and her family could see her. She froze with fear which that made her an open target. The boat crept closer and closer, but she didn’t move.
Just before Makenna could get smacked, a green and blue shadow appeared above her, and somebody grabbed her hand. She was pulled underwater, and the boat zoomed right through the path where she used to float. Whew, that was too close. The person who grabbed Makenna looked rather familiar. He carried a sword and shield on his back.
“Ash!” Makenna yelled underwater. Ash it was. Where did he come from? He was turning into Tracey. He tightly closed his eyes and dragged her back to surface.
The two teenagers burst their heads out of the ocean, and Makenna quickly swam to Ash. She grabbed him and dragged him towards the beach. Tracey’s prediction was correct. A storm was coming. The reef’s water turned rough, and they went over a set of waves. One set came from Alice’s boat.
Makenna tugged on Ash and yelled at him, “Can’t you open your wings and fly us out of this mess?!”
“I-I can’t.” Ash feebly answered. Makenna didn’t even thank him for saving her life.
Her shouting really hurt his head, “What are you talking about?! You’re a fairy! A freaking fairy! You can fly!”
“No I can’t,” spoke Ash.
“What are you talking about?! Of course you can! Just open your wings and flap them!”
“I don’t have wings, okay?!” Ash shouted.
Makenna immediately stopped tugging him.
“What?” she asked. She noticed that a few tears ran down Ash’s cheeks.
“I don’t have wings!” he repeated in a choked voice, “I lost them when I was seven years old!” Before Makenna could ask him how he lost them, they were both hammered by another huge wave, and their screams pierced the sky. A buildup of dark clouds appeared on the horizon, and lightning flashed within them.
Makenna and Ash were both washed onto the beach. Makenna crawled out of the ocean out of breath and coughed.
Next to her came a voice, “Makenna!” Makenna looked up, and her mouth dropped open when she saw Silvey and Raeven hurrying towards her. Yay, she didn’t have to find her way back to the cyan pool after all!
“Silvey and Raeven!” Makenna yelled.
Raeven brought his claw to his muzzle and said, “Shh!” He and Silvey both gestured over the log Makenna and Ash hid behind. Together, they crept to it, and Makenna followed. She, Raeven, and Silvey peered over the log to the beach. It no longer was unoccupied. Alice and her family had dropped anchor. Beach chairs were set up, and tropical music played from a boom box on their boat. A few of the family members waded in the water and tossed a beach ball back and forth. Alice’s father and two of her uncles pulled beer bottles out of a cooler and drank. One of the uncles even carelessly threw a candy wrapper onto the sand. That was the first time litter ever appeared on Coutarine Island. Alice picked up a bucket and sat up from her seat. She sauntered away from her family and picked up seashells.
“Alice, be careful, dear,” her mother called from her own beach chair, “Don’t go in the jungle. There could be terrible creatures in it.”
“Don’t worry, Mum!” Alice called back, “I have this all under control!” She leaned down and picked up a pretty pink and blue shell, “Ooh.” Setting it down in her bucket, she looked up, and her eyes landed on the log Makenna, Silvey, and Raeven peered up from. Noticing her, they quickly hid again. Alice narrowed her eyebrows and carefully watched the log.
Makenna’s heart beat like a rabbit’s foot in her chest. She sure hopped that human didn’t see her. She, Silvey, and Raeven crawled to Ash who rested semiconscious on his back in the sand.
The Metamorphic Fairy brought her hand to her lips when she saw him and said, “Ash! Oh, he looks awful!” in a dreamy voice. Her entire face turned red.
“Worse than usual!” Raeven admitted.
Right after he said that, Makenna glared and smacked him on the head, “I meant it in a good way!”
“Ow.” Raeven groaned, and he rubbed his scalp.
Makenna grasped Ash’s shoulders and helped him sit, “Oh, Ash. Why did you leave camp? I thought Harmony was looking after you.”
“She fell asleep.” Ash shakily answered, “I couldn’t leave a bonnie girl like you alone. I want to help you find Tracey and get rid of these humans.”
“Okay, first of all, what exactly does ‘bonnie’ mean?” Makenna spoke, “It better not be anything offensive!”
Raeven tapped her shoulder and said, “‘Bonnie,’ Miss Delling is Scottish slang for ‘beautiful.’”
“Be-Beautiful?” asked Makenna, “Really?” She blushed again, “Oh, well, thank you, Ash. Ash?” Ash had slipped into unconsciousness again. “Ash!” Makenna yelled. She shook him, “Wake up! Wake up, please!”
“SHH!!” Raeven shouted, “Makenna, do you have the Crusha Fruit? He’ll stop slipping in and out of consciousness if you give it to him now.”
The magical beings were totally unaware of her presence, but behind them, Alice peeped up from the other side of the log! Eyes widening, her jaw dropped all the way to the sand when she saw the two fairies and their animal friends.
Things only became worse from there. Makenna lied Ash back down on the sand and felt her body up and down for the Crusha Fruit, but she didn’t feel anything! The Crusha Fruit was gone! Makenna immediately started to panic,
“No! I swear I just had it! The wave must’ve ripped it out of my hand!”
“You lost the Crusha Fruit?!” Raeven asked.
Uh oh. Silvey said in her head.
For the first time, Raeven actually sounded very mad, “Makenna! How could you?! If Ash doesn’t consume that Crusha Fruit soon, then he’s going to have to go to the hospital! He’s slipping in and out of consciousness! That’s not good!”
“I know, but I had it!” Makenna yelled in a choked voice, “I know I did! What is wrong with me?! How did I hurt him so badly?!” She started to pull out her hair.
Raeven finally decided to confess, “Miss Delling, last night, the Octopus Man pulled you under his spell. When Ash tried to drag you out of the ocean, you hit him in the head with one of your new powers and threw him into the water. When he landed, he injured his head again.”
Makenna’s entire face turned blue, “Ugh, I really am a monster. Now thanks to me, Ash will probably have to go to the hospital.” Tears ran down her cheeks, and she buried her head in her hands. Silvey comfortably rubbed her leg with her cheek. Even though Ash was unconscious, they didn’t know that a lot was going on in his head.
In his unconscious mind, the Wizard Fairy heard a voice – a young, female voice that also had a Scottish accent.
“Wake up, Ash. You’re going to be okay. Remember when we were small and you fell down that steep hill in the Highlands? You woke up. You can do the same here. Please, Ash.” Ash recognized the voice and started to slip out of unconsciousness when he heard it.
“Breena,” he softly spoke, “Breena, I hear ya.”
Hearing him, Makenna gasped and lifted her face off her arms, “Ash!” She, Silvey, and Raeven curiously peered down on him. “Breena?” Makenna added with, “Who’s Breena?”
Still not totally awake, Ash started to talk in his sleep, “My sister is calling me. Breena, please stay.”
“Don’t worry, little brother,” spoke the voice in his mind, “I am always with you. That’s what siblings are for. I’m here in spirit.” A flashback played in Ash’s mind. The flashback was what really woke him up.
Relaxing, yet sad but familiar bagpipe music played in the background. Ash saw a cluster of tall mountains. Over the peak of one mountain flew two figures of fairy children – a girl and a boy. They landed on the peak and started to play. The female child hid behind a tree, and a smile crept across her face. The other child, her brother, found her and tapped her arm. The two fairies tackled one another and laughed as they rolled down a hill with a meadow in it. Grazing in the meadow was a herd of red, cow-like creatures. While they ate the grass, they watched the two fairies. When they stopped rolling, they pulled each other into a hug and watched the sunset on the mountain.
Back on Coutarine Island, the memory made Ash crack a feeble smile. He blinked and slowly opened his eyes. They rolled everywhere to check his surroundings. Ash was quite curious about how he and Makenna winded up on the beach again.
His eyes met Makenna’s eyes, “Hey, Makenna.” His voice was feeble, but for once he wasn’t talking in a slurred voice. That was a sign of recovery, but Makenna still needed to find the Crusha Fruit again. Ash still needed a doctor to look at him. He closed his eyes again and yawned. He was so tired. He guessed that was what he got for going eight days without sleep.
Makenna chuckled when she saw his yawn, “Aw, look at that,” and she pulled some hair out of his face. She found where she hit him – in his left temple. It had a pretty nasty bruise on it.
Makenna was just getting ready to get up and search the ocean for the Crusha Fruit when she suddenly heard,
“Who are you?” behind her. The voice caused her to jump out of her skin and whirl around. As quick as a flash, Silvey dove behind the branches and leaves of another hanging palm tree. Where Makenna, Ash, and Raeven were, Alice stood in front of Makenna. “What are you doing here?” she asked, “Is this island your home?”
Makenna didn’t know how to answer that, so she just decided to lie, “Yes it is. This island is where I belong. What are you doing here?”
“My family wanted to spend a few days at sea.” Alice answered, “We stumbled upon this island while boating yesterday. How is it possible that an island this beautiful is just outside Charleston?”
Makenna shrugged, “Two worlds are colliding.” That was the truth there.
“Maybe,” spoke Alice while she looked her up and down, “I don’t know what it is but something about you intrigues me.”
As the two conversed, Ash sat up and rubbed his head. He shook it as an attempt to stay awake.
His sister’s voice echoed in his brain again, “You’re okay, Ash. Let your head heal. Take it easy. Don’t be scared of any obstacle in your way.”
Alice’s eyes landed on the Wizard Fairy, and she said, “Oh!” Pushing Makenna off to the side, she fell to her knees next to him, “Who might you be, handsome?” Her face turned as red as a red pepper. Alice grabbed Ash’s hands and shook them, “My name is Alice, and if you’re single then I’d make the perfect girlfriend. We can walk down this beach hand in hand.” Ash stared at her, but then his eyes began to droop again. “Is something wrong?” Alice asked him. She felt a brush of air next to her. It was Makenna.
She grabbed Ash’s right arm and began to pull, “Leave him alone! He’s my friend!”
Alice grabbed Ash’s other arm and pulled, “I know, but he’s obviously hurt! Let my father look at him!” She closed her eyes and smiled at Ash, “No offense, handsome, but you look Scottish. I love the Scottish people, so obviously we are meant for each other.”
Makenna pulled Ash towards her, “Yeah, but I met him first!”
Alice tugged Ash’s left arm, “First is the worse!” She and Makenna both pulled on Ash’s arms at the same time and with the same force.
He clenched his teeth and yelled, “Stop! You’re going to break my arms!” His shoulder blades popped. Right when they did, he ripped his arms free and tried to stand. He didn’t get far though because the sun blinded him again, and he was forced to sit back down. Young Ash fought the pain though. He didn’t feel comfortable around these two girls. He would get a doctor himself. Standing up, he held his hand up to the bright sunlight and closed one eye. A sudden blast of wind blew his long sideburns. The black clouds on the horizon were quickly moving in. Overhead, the sun went behind a cloud, and shade overtook the tropical beach. Without the sunlight, Ash’s headache calmed down a bit.
He opened his other eye, and both of them finally landed on the black clouds, “Um, girls, I don’t like the looks of those clouds. I think it’s going to turn into a dreich day very soon.”
A question mark appeared over Makenna’s head, “Dreich day? What the heck does ‘dreich’ mean, Ash?” Raeven nudged her again.
Makenna would always have to come to him for translation of Scottish slang, “‘Dreich’ is a Scottish word that references cold, damp, or miserable weather.”
“Miserable weather?” questioned Makenna. She turned her head, and her own eyes landed on the dark clouds, “Oh no!” Flashbacks of Tracey breaking his wings replayed in her brain.
The wind picked up. Palm trees waved, and the coral reef turned even rougher.
“Ah!” Raeven shouted, and he reached for his head, “A storm! It’s a storm! We’re all gonna die!” Ash took the plate.
He clutched his head with one hand and yelled, “Haud yer wheesnt!” at Raeven, “We have to find shelter! A tropical storm is coming!”
“Haud yer what?!” Makenna shouted over the wind. Suddenly, all three teenagers and Raeven heard something over the wind. They heard what sounded like a yell. Makenna immediately became nervous, “Wha-What’s that?!” She, Ash, Alice, and Raeven all peered in the direction the yelling came from. It came from behind the log that faced Alice’s family’s tropical getaway. They again heard the yell.
“Girls, get behind me!” Ash yelled. They immediately obeyed. Makenna grabbed Raeven, and she and Alice hid behind Ash’s shield. He pushed them back a few feet and added with, “Stand back!” Makenna, Raeven, and Alice watched as he grabbed the hilt of Crusader and drew it. With his other hand, he took the shield off his back. Ash slashed midair with his sword and held it and his shield in front of him. Alice’s eyes widened when she saw him handling weapons. She and Makenna crept up on his back again and hid. “All right!” Ash yelled in the direction of the log, “Show yourself! Whit’s fur ye’ll no past ye!”
“What?!” Makenna asked.
Raeven explained, “‘Whit’s fur ye’ll no past ye’ means ‘Whatever is meant to happen to you, will happen to you,’ Miss Delling. Trust me. I flew to Scotland once and took two years of Scottish slang at Scotland’s School for Bats.”
“Scotland’s School for Bats?” asked Makenna, “Is there such a place?”
Ash peered over his shoulder and held his finger up to his lips, “Shh!” Alice snorted and hid behind her palm.
Makenna glanced at Raeven and said, “That’s right, Raeven! Be quiet!” She clenched her fist and gave him another bat on the head.
While the storm drew closer, the yelling grew louder until finally, Ash tightened his grip on his sword and yelled, “SCOTLAND!” Fighting the pain in his head, he sprinted forward.
Makenna held her hand out to him and yelled, “Wait, Ash!” but Ash didn’t listen.
“YAHH!!” he shouted, and he lifted his sword over his head. He leaped over the log and prepared a jump attack. Ash landed right in front of two shadowy figures and held the point of Crusader towards them. At the same time, they yelled and fell backwards. Turns out they were only Alice’s parents!
Her father held his hands up and yelled, “Don’t tase me, bro!” at Ash.
“What the?!” Ash asked. He glared, “Who are ya?! Why have you invaded Coutarine Island?!”
“Coutarine Island?” Alice’s father asked, and sweat fountained down his face, “What the heck is Coutarine Island?”
“Ash!” a voice shouted behind the young Wizard Fairy. Makenna and Alice joined the crowd by leaping over the log themselves.
“Those are my parents!” screamed Alice. She looked very frightened.
“Your parents?” Ash asked, “Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry! Here, let me help ya up.” He started to put up his sword, but it slipped from his glove and landed on the sand. Ignoring it, Ash approached Alice’s father and grabbed his arms. He clumsily attempted to pick him up from the ground, but their feet kept getting caught in a pretzel. “Just put your hand on my shoulder and…” Ash ordered, but that was as far as he got. Alice’s father tripped on the fairy’s feet and fell onto the sand again. Ash let him go and added with, “Whoops.” He next turned in the direction of Mable, Alice’s mother, “Excuse me, ma’am, are you all right?” Makenna did a double face palm, as well as Raeven. They together shook their heads.
“Yep.” Makenna mumbled, “He’s definitely better. I don’t even think that Crusha Fruit is necessary anymore. That whole trip was a waste of my time.”
Hearing her, Raeven lowered his paw and grabbed her ear with his claws. “Don’t say that, Miss Delling!” he yelled through telepathy, “Ash does still need that Crusha Fruit! Just watch. In about a minute or two, he’s going to wear himself out and slip into unconsciousness again! You need to get that medicine back as soon as possible!”
Makenna’s back faced the rough ocean, and she crossed her arms peering down on Raeven, “What makes you so sure, Raeven?”
Little did the Metamorphic Fairy know though that one of the Octopus Man’s watery minions had lifted out of the ocean from out of nowhere behind her!
“BRING HER TO ME,” his booming voice ordered in the water, “WE MIGHT AS WELL TAKE THE SECOND FAIRY NOW. HER LONG LOST COUSIN WILL BE WAITING FOR HER.” The minion nodded and stretched her body towards Makenna’s back. She opened her hands and prepared to grab her. The pendant of the mysterious necklace she found glowed again. That was Makenna’s version of the trident appearing on Tracey’s arm.
Ash felt something unsettling in his body.
His blue eyes caught the minion sneaking up on Makenna, and he gasped, “Makenna! Watch out! Behind ya!”
“Huh?” Makenna asked while Alice hurried to her mother and father. She turned and screamed when she saw the minion. Alice helped her parents sit, and they watched the whole thing. What they witnessed right here told them that they had accidentally stumbled into another world. Ash sprinted to Crusader and picked it up. He leaped in front of Makenna to protect her and pointed his sword’s tip at the minion. This time, Crusader’s blade glowed up blue and changed its form from a sword to a very impressive bow! Not only could Ash sword fight, but he also knew how to shoot a bow and arrow. Next to him in midair appeared a blue, sharp, glowing arrow, and he grabbed it. The young Wizard Fairy put the arrow in his bow and aimed it at the minion’s chest. He waited for the perfect shot. As soon as the minion appeared in front of him, he made his move. Ash let the arrow loose, and it stabbed her right in the heart! The minion screeched in pain. She screeched so loud that Alice, her parents, and Makenna covered their ears. Water drained out of the siren’s eye sockets like blood, and her head fell back. Within seconds, she exploded, and her watery remains flew towards Ash, but he protected himself with his shield. A flash of lightning lit up the dark sky, and just like that, the minion was gone.
Makenna, Alice, and her parents removed their hands from their ears, and all of them stared at eighteen-year-old Ash. Alice and her parents froze. They were so still, it was as if they had been turned to stone. On Makenna’s shoulder, Raeven chomped on his claws and hid behind his wing. A few seconds later he peered out with one eye. On the log next to him, Makenna, Alice, and her parents, Silvey popped up from behind it, and she curiously watched the aftermath of Ash’s save.
“W-Wow.” Makenna stuttered after a bit, “A-Ash that was incredible! Thank you! You saved my life!” Just as Raeven had predicted though, that last attack totally wiped out Ash. He coughed a little bit and took deep breaths. Crusader changed back into a sword, and he leaned up against it. His legs jiggled beneath him – they were ready to give out, but he tried his best to stay standing. Searing pain engulfed his head, and he stumbled back a few feet but was forced to lean against his sword again. Not even a minute later, he closed his eyes and collapsed onto his front. Crusader fell and rolled a few feet away from him.
“Ash!” Makenna shouted. Her face turned white, “Ash, no!”
“I told you,” said Raeven. Makenna ignored him.
She sprinted to Ash and kneeled to him, “Ash! Please wake up! Please stop slipping in and out of consciousness! It makes me feel like I really hurt your brain!”
Raeven explained, “He needs that Crusha Fruit before it’s too late.”
“I’ll get it,” said Makenna, “I don’t want him to go to the hospital. I need him to lead me to the Wizard Fairy Tracey and I were supposed to seek out.”
Raeven’s eyes widened, “Now?! But there’s a freaking tropical storm coming!”
“I don’t care! All I care about is Ash getting better! I’ll be fine, Raeven. I promise.” Makenna Delling looked up from Ash’s motionless body and turned her head in the direction of Alice and her parents who still sat frozen, “Don’t just sit there! Get Ash and yourselves to shelter! He has a concussion, and he needs help!” The three family members snapped out of their trance when they heard her voice.
“A concussion?!” Alice’s father frightfully asked.
Makenna nodded, “Please.” Tears ran down her cheeks, “Don’t look at him the wrong way. He had no idea who you guys were, and he was only trying to protect me from that siren. Ash is a very kind boy. He doesn’t deserve to go through this.”
“But where are you going to go if we take him?” asked Alice.
Makenna took a deep breath and calmly spoke, “The ocean.”
“The ocean?!” Alice shouted, “Why?! There’s a tropical storm coming!”
“I know,” said Makenna, “but in the reef surrounding this island is a special berry that helps cure trauma and concussion victims. If Ash eats it, then that will save him from going to the hospital. Please. Just take care of him.”
Alice and her parents saw the desperation in her eyes, and they nodded, “We’ll do what we can.”
Just hearing they give in caused Makenna to smile, “Thank you.”
“No problem,” spoke Mable. She, her husband, and Alice stood up on their wobbly legs and took Ash off her hands.
Alice was still worried about Makenna’s safety though, “How will you be able to find us again though when you come back?”
Makenna didn’t give herself away, “I’ll know. Trust me, I’ll know.” She was referring to her fairy instincts.
Alice sighed, “All right. Just be careful. Please.”
“I will. I suggest for y’all to take Ash and the rest of your family to a cave or something. I’m sure there are plenty on this island. Oh, and also.” Makenna reached up and took Raeven off her shoulder, “Do you think you can take this little guy too?”
“The bat?” questioned Alice’s father.
Makenna nodded, “Yes, sir. Raeven has no business in a storm like this. Finding the Crusha Fruit is my mission because I was the one who hurt Ash. Take Raeven with you. He’ll be much safer.”
Raeven turned his head and peered into her eyes. “Makenna,” he spoke through telepathy.
“Take Raeven.” Makenna repeated, “Please.” For a bit, none of the family members moved, but then Alice approached the Megabat and took him out of the Metamorphic Fairy’s arms.
“This really means a lot to me.” Makenna said, “Be careful with your food with Raeven. He has quite an appetite. Also, one more thing.” Alice and her parents listened. Makenna definitely worked with humans a lot better than Ash. “If by any chance you run into a ninja-style boy with black hair while you’re searching for shelter,” she requested, “can you take him to the shelter with you? He’s about Ash’s age.”
Mable scratched her head and repeated what she said, “A ninja-style boy with black hair. All right. We will, young lady. Alice already said, but you be careful.” Makenna rubbed her eyes and watched as Alice’s father and mother picked up Ash’s arms and put them over each of their shoulders. Alice hugged Raeven to her own shoulder and followed them. He frightfully stared at Makenna. She lifted her hand and waved.
Raeven waved back, and she heard him say in her head, “You’ve become very brave, Makenna. We don’t want to lose you though.”
“You won’t.” Makenna said back, “I’ll make you proud.”
“You already have.” Raeven admitted, “Now go, little fairy! Find the Crusha Fruit and become a Merfairy!” That was the last thing Raeven said to Makenna until later. He, Alice, and her parents disappeared down the beach and left her alone with Silvey.
Beyond the island’s reef in the ocean loomed the Octopus Man. He looked into a watery mirror that showed Makenna alone and the three family members taking off with Ash and Raeven. Poseidon lost it! He had failed way too many times!
“ARGHH!” he screamed at the tops of his lungs. With one hand, he grabbed his neck and stabbed the mirror with his trident in the other one. It shattered, and he next constantly banged the ocean floor. Terrified fish scattered and left him alone.
Another one of his watery minions appeared next to him, and she told Poseidon through telepathy, “Whoa. Easy, Master. Don’t lose your head. At least you’ve still got one fairy.”
“What are you going to do?” questioned the minion.
Poseidon chuckled evilly, “OH TRUST ME. I HAVE SOMETHING VERY CRUEL PLANNED.” Lifting two of his Kraken-like arms, he wrapped them around his trident, and his minion gulped.
Above the waves, the tropical storm hit Coutarine Island. The wind whistled, and rain hammered Makenna Delling. Silvey hopped over the log, and she worked her way towards her.
Makenna stopped in front of the reef and told herself, “I’ve got to do this. Without the Crusha Fruit, Ash is only going to get worse.” Sand blew in her face, and the insane wind pushed her back a few feet. Makenna was starting to have doubts if this storm was a tropical storm or not. If it was, then it was just under hurricane status. The wind blew at least 72 mph, and everywhere around Makenna turned black. She clenched her teeth and headed towards the ocean again. She could stay underwater for an hour now, so she wasn’t worried about drowning. If only she could make it into the ocean. When she did then she would start her search for the Crusha Fruit again.
Behind Makenna suddenly came barking, and she gasped, “Silvey!” The Metamorphic Fairy pinned her hat down and turned her head. Silvey, who was panting, finally made it to her, and her feelers blew all over the place. “What are you doing here?!” Makenna yelled, “It’s not safe! You need to find shelter, Silvey!” Silvey refused to leave her though. She shook her head and wrapped her feelers tightly around Makenna’s leg. She tried to push her away, “Please, save yourself! This is my mission, and my mission alone!” Silvey peered over Makenna’s shoulder and barked. “What’s wrong with you now?!” shouted the fairy, “Silvey, I told you! This is my mission!” Silvey continued to bark. She seemed very frightened. Finally turning around, Makenna yelled when she saw another enormous wave hovering right over her and the fairy dog, “Oh no! Brace yourselves!” Makenna grabbed her friend and hugged her to her chest. The wave slammed both her and Silvey and jerked them out to sea!
The rain fell like pellets of ice. There had to be some hail in it.
Makenna hurried to surface and called for Silvey, “Silvey!” Makenna heard her and quickly turned her head. Silvey swam towards her from about seventy-five feet away and barked. Makenna swam out to meet her, but another wave pulled them under again. The Metamorphic Fairy spun all over the place in the reef and drew closer to the line. She swam to struggling Silvey and grabbed her. Makenna pulled her to surface and dragged her towards a rock. Before she could reach it though, a third wave crashed into her and Silvey. Now they were right on the line. This wave threw Makenna to the bottom of the reef. She opened her eyes underwater, and they landed on a bright, green light further back. The Crusha Fruit! Makenna immediately knew the light was what she needed. She headed towards it, but the crashing waves and strong current pulled her away. Makenna frustratingly clenched her fist and hurried to surface, coughing. “No!” she shouted, “I have to get that Crusha Fruit!” A flash of lightning lit up the black sky followed by an enormous thunderclap, and she yelled. “Silvey!” Makenna shouted, but Silvey didn’t answer her this time! “Silvey!” Makenna repeated. Again no answer. Was Silvey all right? The Metamorphic Fairy floated in the rough ocean and searched for her. Underwater, blue and pink sparkles appeared, and they headed towards her legs. Something strange was going on. Sparkly, light pink eye shadow suddenly appeared over her eyelids, but Makenna was totally unaware. Her fingernails turned a darker shade of blue, and she free-styled in the direction where she saw the Crusha Fruit. Makenna called for Silvey the whole time.