Romance Books | Penana
Romance Books
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Romance Books
Lee Lucas
Judging: Creator's Pick
Prompt Entries Comments (8)

Hey there, folks! I come bearing news of a new contest that is bound to set your hearts aflutter with excitement! Get ready to unleash your inner romantic maestro because we are launching a contest that will have your insides tingle with butterflies, sending waves of inspiration through your soul. I am positively buzzing with excitement, eagerly awaiting the enchanting tales of love and passion that will undoubtedly flow from your creative genius. So, sharpen those pencils till they gleam, dust off your keyboard till it shines, and let the storytelling madness begin in a whirlwind of amorous creativity!

Now, I understand that you might be wondering about the rewards waiting for you, right? Well, hold onto your hats tightly because, boy, do we have some allurements in store that will make your heart beat as ardently as a midnight kiss with your dream partner. From a warm and celebratory follow on social media for our third-place champion to an alluring, mysterious prize befitting a king or queen of romance, the stakes are high, and the love is even higher. So, dear contestants, buckle up for a mesmerizing journey and prepare to embark on a thrilling adventure through the captivating labyrinth of your own imagination, where love reigns supreme and passion ignites the pages. Let the seductive extravaganza unfurl in a symphony of romance and creativity!

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Total Reading Time: 1 hour 17 minutes
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