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以風水、相術乾貨為主! (純傳統、無系統、無腦洞、搞笑、不聖母!技術流!) 我出生在一個貧窮的山村,從小與父親在外奔走,憑藉看風水、斷陰陽的本事為生。 18歲那年,父親算出我會有一場劫難,為了讓我平安度過此劫,不讓我踏出門半步! 但是,事與願違,該發生的事還是發生了!
"The Chronicles of a Rural Feng Shui and Divination Master"
I was born in a poor mountain village, where I spent my childhood traveling with my father, relying on our skills in feng shui and divination to make a living.
At the age of 18, my father predicted that I would face a great calamity. In order to ensure my safety, he forbade me from stepping foot outside our door.
However, despite our best efforts, fate had its way, and the inevitable still occurred!
I hope all readers will enjoy it!

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