Maeve woke up and realized that she had taken an extended map. When looking at her phone, she saw it was already past 6 p.m. She slowly sat up and realized that she was covered in a blanket. The living room lights were still on at the corner of her eye, and Maeve wondered if the others were still waiting for her. There was a knock on the door: "Maeve, can I come in? I'm bringing in food for you to eat."
The anxiety and worry made it difficult for Maeve to feel hungry, but she knew that it would make her weak. "You can come in."
The door opened, and Treyton entered with a plate of food and a Coca-Cola can on the other. "Hey, I wanted to give you time for yourself, but it is getting late, and I didn't want you to sleep with an empty stomach." He sat beside her while motioning the plate of food and canned soda toward her. Maeve took hold of them and put the soda on top of the wooden cabinet; she looked at the food. It was heated up and smelled good, but the thought of eating made her want to gag. "Maeve, I know your mind is filled with a lot right now, but your body needs strength. I will not leave this room until you eat."
Treyton sounded stern, but his eyes showed concern. Maeve was surprised since he always spoke to her with tenderness. However, she couldn't blame him for acting that way since he was worried for her. Maeve gathered her strength as she took a bite of food and ate it. Treyton silently sat as he looked at her, slowly eating. His mate looked like she was forcing herself to eat, but all he wanted was for her to retain her strength.
Both were silent until Maeve broke the silence. "Where are the others?"
"I convinced them that they could go home. Patrisha and Persefone were adamant about staying, but I convinced them you would be safe with me." Maeve looked confused, but he continued, "I am staying here with you; I can sleep in the living room."
"Treyton, I-"
"Please, Maeve. Let me do this. I can't imagine being far from you, knowing that you are going through your mother's diagnosis. You have sometimes to admit that you need support through difficult times. Don't feel that you have to go through this difficult path alone."
Maeve knew herself to be stubborn; she didn't like to burden others with her problems. However, having support would make her stronger. "Y-You're right, Treyton. I have to stop thinking negatively. Ever since my dad died, I felt that I had to protect and take care of my mom. I remember all the times she cried alone after his passing. My mom always acted strong whenever she was before me."
"It's understandable; I'm a parent, and we tend to put up a front to be strong for our children." He scooted closer to his mate and put an arm around her. "Never hide what you truly feel and think. It will only destroy you. Now, keep on eating. I want you to regain your strength." Maeve nodded and continued eating until she was done. Treyton then suggested watching Home Alone to get into the Christmas spirit.
His actions were appreciated, and Maeve felt her anxiety lessen. The Alpha was sweet enough to order Starbucks so she could enjoy the vibe. While watching the movie, Maeve noticed that Treyton always had her in his arms. He would ensure she was comfortable and ask if she needed anything. She wouldn't have imagined that werewolves would be very affectionate.
The movie was about to end when Maeve's phone vibrated. Maeve immediately stilled and ran to her room to answer her phone. Treyton wanted to be the one to answer to ensure that it was the hospital. He wanted to be the one to take any phone call to lessen his mate's stress. However, Treyton knew Maeve would fight for her phone; he turned and watched her answer.
"Hello, is this Maeve Connor?"
"This is she!" Maeve stuttered. When she looked at the caller ID, it said it was from Kraiser Hospital. She tried not to stutter, but maintaining her worry was almost impossible. "Is this about my mom!?" The question came out without thought; Maeve didn't want time wasted.
It was silent momentarily, but the call continued, "I am a nurse from Kraiser and I had to call to inform you that your mother had a heart attack." Heart attack. The words echoed in Maeve's mind; she felt weak. "I cannot give more information through phone, but the doctor would like you to come to the hospital to give you more of the details. Will you be able to arrive?"
"Y-Yes," Maeve said weakly. Her hand trembled, and Treyton noticed that her mood had changed.
Something was wrong, so he immediately stood up and went to her. "What happened, love?"
"M-M-My mom had a heart attack. They want me to go to the hospital."
Treyton felt his stomach churn; he was getting Maeve into a cheerful mood, but it was short-lived. "Okay, I will drive you there, but please promise me that you will try to be calm. I know all of this is hard, but I don't want you to faint. Please."
The urge to scream and cry was strong, and she was scared of what the doctor was going to tell her. "Okay, please, drive me there."
The duo exited the house and immediately went into Treyton's car, which he drove off as fast as possible. Treyton had a couple of close calls, but seeing Maeve stressed him out, so he wanted to get to the hospital.
Moments later, they finally arrived, and once the car was parked, Maeve immediately ran toward the emergency room. Treyton got out and closed the door to his car. He ran toward her and called out to Maeve. She wouldn't stop; the Alpha looked at his surroundings, and there weren't people nearby, and cameras were not in his area. Treyton used his werewolf speed and stood before Maeve, surprising her. "Maeve!" His voice made her still; others from afar heard him and eyed him. Some people were concerned that they were in an argument. "Before going to the hospital, you cannot lose yourself no matter what happens! Whatever the doctor says, you will have to accept it! Try to be brave."
Then, Treyton hugged her and then kissed her on the head.
Maeve felt her anxiety lessen as she was in his embrace; she hugged him tightly. With a deep breath, Maeve looked up at Treyton. "Okay, let's go."
The couple separated and walked toward the ER, where the lines were getting smaller. They cut the line and went to the front desk. When Maeve told the nurse she was being called, she and Tryeton were led into the rooms. Maeve thought her mother would be in the room she was in the last time, but she wasn't. The nurse informed me that Laoise was moved to another room since the doctor and nurses had resuscitated her.
Eventually, the couple were led to their destination; Laoise lay beside her in bed with breathing machines. Small tubes were connected to her nose. The doctor was writing some notes when he noticed the couple. "Miss. Conner."
"D-D-Doctor, is my mom st-still alive?"
"Yes, Miss. Connor, we were able to bring her back." The doctor looked at Laoise and then at Maeve. The last time we spoke, we agreed upon you speaking with your mother about possible chemotherapy. However, after what happened, we got more blood tests, and it was found that the cancer had spread to the heart."
Maeve's eyes widened; Treyton held her in his arms, and he knew what would come was not good news. "Are you trying to say that...?"
"Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. All we can do is give his mate comfort as much as we can. Also, with the new blood test results, we can only extend her life until the beginning weeks of January. Your mother may wake since we gave her some medicine, and you may stay if you like. I'm so sorry; I will leave you two. Please call out if you need anything else."
The doctor left the couple alone.
Maeve didn't have the strength to stand, but Treyton held onto her and gently put her on one of the chairs. Maeve began to sob, and Treyton let her; he couldn't help but feel powerless.50Please respect copyright.PENANALi6gy7gtjg
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